Open Flying Rose

Tiziano Edogawa

tengu chaser; klepto
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Whippy Birch Wand with Fairy Wing Core
18 July 2039
Tizi loved Quidditch in all it's forms so of course he knew Jasper Night was one of the Slytherin Chasers, he'd talked about it with Jai a couple of times when he went to see the games. He looked around for Jasper, knowing they had practice on today and immediately spotted him. "Jasper! I have a rose for you!"

Yellow rose @Jasper Night
Jasper had been enjoying the Slytherin practice, landing after a few laps to take a break for some water. He looked up as someone called his name, and grinned at the young boy heading over to him. "Hey, really?" He asked eagerly. "Awesome."
OOC: Imma join in!

Jai was hoping that the frenzy of Valentine's Day would end soon. He had already gotten four roses today. Two pink ones from the twins, a yellow from Corey and another yellow from someone that left no note - which he was assuming was Tizi. Thankfully, Quidditch practice offered a reprieve from all the chaos well, that is until Tizi showed up with a rose. At least it's just Tizi, he thought and no one else had the idea to show up to Quidditch practice for the roses. He approached his brother right behind his teammate. "Enjoying deliveries Tizi?"
Tizi was happy that Jasper didn't seem annoyed to have some random first year on the pitch whilst he was practicing and he took a quick look around, not seeing anyone to object. He was about to speak again when he noticed his brother behind Jasper and waved. "Hi Jai!" He hadn't sent any roses this year, but he'd received a couple in return. He hadn't realised people did it so he wasn't going to send any, at least he would know for next time. "Yeah, I've been lucky to run into people pretty easily," he told his brother, feeling that maybe bringing up the incident at the Slytherin table with that stupid seventh year wasn't in his best interests. "I have a yellow rose for you. I didn't read it, so I don't know who it's from, but I don't think I'm supposed to read them..." he said, holding the rose to Jasper with the note. He'd read a couple of the others, but he admired everyone on the Quidditch teams so he would never do anything that would make the Quidditch players not like him.​
To Jasper, From Jasper
Jasper glanced over his shoulder as Jai followed him. He clearly knew the other boy, and Jasper looked between them. "Uh, acquaintance of yours?" He asked Jai. "Thanks for the rose." He said to the younger boy, he grinned at him. "No, you're not supposed to read them... but that doesn't mean no one does it." He said with a grin. He took the rose from him and read the note. He sighed, feeling a bit bad now because he hadn't sent one to Jasper himself. It was nice of the Gryffindor, and he would have to thank him later. "Do you have a lot of deliveries left?" He asked the boy, had Jai called him Tizzy?
"Jai is my brother, I'm going to join th Hufflepuff Quidditch team next year and I'm going to beat you both!" He said, excitedly giving out too much information and completely giving up his strategy. "Oh... forget I said that!" He stepped back a little and grinned. "I have a couple of them, not many though, this is really fun, but I'm so tired," he said drooping a little. But he was an athlete! He was fit! He could do this!
Jasper couldn't help a laugh at the boy's enthusiasm and excitement, even as he said they would defeat them. "Alright, I believe you." He told the boy. "Listen, Hufflepuff needs all the help it can get, so I bet you're right." He gave the boy a grin, then glanced back at the air where his teammates were. "Alright, I should go now. Good luck with the rest!"

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