Five Years

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
It has been five long years since old Potions professor passed away. Kalif remembered him fondly, if one could say that. Kalif and Nicolas had a lot of ups and downs, but in the end, saw through it and did what was best for their families. He could not imagine what his kids were going through, and then there was the fact that he was never alive to see his grandchild, Corvus. Kalif led his wife over to the tombstone that read his name, and loving words that his wife spelled out for them, with Nicolette of course. Then, next to him, rested that wife. Dead by a broken heart. If that side of the family wasn't exiled or whatever, they would have endured nothing more than to be separated. Since this was the fifth year anniversary of Nicolas' death, Kalif expected more to show up to honor his death. Kalif was not a big fan of Nicolette's family but then again, he was not a fan of anyone's family but his own. Placing his hand upon his wife's shoulder, he uttered, "Take all the time you need today, Nicolette." He just hoped that one of her cousins didn't arrive drunk, or disorderly.
Ever since the death of a cousin, Mikhail Mattias had been working nonstop to try to control the fact that another member of their ever growing family was dead. Mikhail excused himself from work to go visit the grave of his cousin, with flowers in his hand. Unlike the others, he had no one to accompany him. He approached the grave as he looked toward Nicolette and her husband, giving them a slight nod as he walked to the grave and set flowers next to it. He stood up straight, and felt really strange to be around his family again, after years of being off the map, working with Aurors and being a private healer. It was something that he and Nicolette had in common, sans the Auror part. He was hunting down the Scitorari and vowed to get them all locked up one way or another. But it was getting harder because of his age. So, he was going to have to settle for what he had right now. Mikhail forced a smile, "Five years. Time passes too quickly, you know?" It was forced, and it was not something that he was used to. This was family, but how was he supposed to talk to the ones he did not know as much?
Leaving his now pregnant wife at the house, Metrophanes Matthias apparated to the appropriate graveyard with roses, conjured and gold, to represent the accursed eyes that they all shared. It was a little ridiculous. His children were unable to come because they didn't know Nicolas, and there were too many to just drop everything and arrive. He walked to the grave to see three people already. Mikhail, his younger brother, Nicolette and her freakishly scary husband. He caught wind of what Mikhail was saying, before Metrophanes started to come in, "Can you really talk, Mikhail? You spent most of your time in Europe." Metrophanes rested his roses on the grave before folding his arms across his chest. He looked toward Mikhail, who gave him a dirty look. Ever since he became Deputy Minister, all Metrophanes could see was this shell of what could have been a good brother, replaced for an arrogant prick (which was not true about Mikhail at all). Metrophanes had issues with those in the Ministry, which was why he was in the Scitorari. And Mikhail's stance was to banish all like him. If he knew what Metrophanes was, there would be no mercy in turning him in.
Arman Hensel, who recently changed his name back to his birth name and his daughter's as well, made his way through the graveyard with a bottle of Nicolas' favorite drink in his hand, and a small bottle of beer on him as well. He was getting sober, but one step at a time. He could not remember the last time he got drunk. His girlfriend, Aurora, didn't really give him much choice after she told him that she was pregnant with his daughter. Leah was being raised with Victoria, which really helped the two girls get along. Arman had other things on his mind. Today was the day that they were going to visit the grave of his fallen cousin. Already as he arrived, he saw his brothers just fighting as always. Rolling his golden eyes, he approached the two, setting his beer in the air where it hovered next to him, and placed his hand onto Metrophanes' shoulder. "Play nice, you two. Today is not about your idiot tension. Today, we honor Nicolas." Immediately, the two ceased their glares, and turned to face the grave. He set the bottle of wine next to the grave, and took his bottle of beer and sipped it. If anyone could control his brothers, that would be Arman, even though two of them made deputy ministers. Well, one was the former and the other was current.
Despite Mikhail being the deputy minister, Thomas still felt himself to be the most diplomatic of the group. He was here less to honor Nicolas than he was to try and talk Nicolette into finally settling the account of the family and its wealth. In Thomas' eyes, Nicolas was a liar and dirty traitor who was headed down the same road of those that had destroyed their family in the past. Nicolette refused to acknowledge any of it so far, losing her brother and her daughter so close together was likely very hard on her. However, they couldn't keep waiting around for her to come back down to reality and make a decision. Unfortunately for those that actually wanted the family to move forward, Nicolette was the next in line and thus, everything now belonged to her. "Nicolette-" Thomas was quickly cut off by a hand flying up, telling him that she wasn't in the mood to hear it as per the usual. Rolling his eyes, he pressed on. "Since the rest of you are too chicken to say it. You've spend more than enough time grieving. We need to get to the matters at hand. What are you going to do about the will?" He knew she was going to get mad, but someone had to bring it up.
The bickering was giving her a headache between her cousins was enough to give Nicolette a headache. "Will you all just shut the hell up." All she wanted was one damn moment of silence. A moment so she think about what the hell she was going to do. All she knew was that she missed her brother, even if all he did was piss her off. Losing her daughter and then her brother was too much, and lately Nicolette had been not only very irritable, but also very unpredictable. Thomas kept on though. He wanted to push her to the edge it seemed. "Do you want to get hexed Thomas? Leave me alone." Nicolette hissed. They sure knew how to aggravate a girl. Arman seemed the most understanding, but he often was. They used to be close when they younger. Lately the relationships between the remaining family members had become very strained though. Thus why Nicolette often just stayed beside Kalif, he had done a fantastic job as keeping people at bay when she wasn't in the mood to deal with others. He couldn't keep her cousins at bay forever though. Something needed to be done and she knew this.
Kalif sighed when one of the men tried to start something, before the older one that Kalif actually liked stepped in and shut the men up. Arman was someone that Kalif could work with, and thought of him as an unofficial ally. However, then Thomas showed up, and started talking to his wife in a manner that he did not appreciate. Kalif heard the distress in Nicolette's voice, before he stepped in, almost between Nicolette and Thomas, and stared down at him. "You need to silence yourself." Kalif faded off, when his gaze landed on the deputy Minister. He almost threatened to kill Thomas with the man standing there. Mikhail was understanding, almost like a doormat but there was a fire within him that was a force to be reckoned with. "There is another time to discuss something like that. Not in a bloody graveyard." Kalif was wanting to hex this man so much. He was not exactly on his nice list. Kalif narrowed his eyes to see if he was going to continue this.
Mikhail sighed when Metrophanes opened his big mouth and was about to silence him, when Arman stepped forward. Mikhail nodded toward Arman, and turned his eyes to see the grave before he sighed. Nicolas seemed like a nice guy but he tried to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Except Zannon. That man was just annoying as hell. He sighed when Nicolette wanted them to be silent, which Mikhail normally was. Then, Thomas brought up the will. Mikhail was curious about it, because he heard all about it, but never bothered with seeking Nicolette out for it. He heard about the death of her daughter, and his deepest condolences for her. He appeared for the funeral for Kailie Styx, and that was about it. He never had a child to grieve, and he didn't know what to say about it. Mikhail finally said, tiredly, "Thomas, please don't. This isn't the time." Mikhail figured that his words would go on deaf ears, before he shook his head. Why the will now? On the anniversary?
Metrophanes hated Arman at times. He could somehow control the lot of them, and didn't even have the effort. Metrophanes turned his head when Thomas arrived, and wondered if he was here to honor Nicolas, or something else. However, when Thomas bought up the will, Metrophanes did have to know what was going on. He perked up, "I agree with Thomas. We need to know, Nicolette. Something has to be done, and come on, it has been five years since your brother died, and a year since the girl passed." Metrophanes suddenly caught the glare from Kalif, and Metrophanes knew that he said the wrong thing, but it was something that had to be done. Nicolette had the will, and there was a whole family at stake. He wanted to know who was leading it. Where did all the belongings go to? Who did they belong to?
Arman felt bad for Nicolette. She lost so much, and when Thomas and Metrophanes ganged up on Nicolette, with the only one at her side, nicely which impressed him, was her husband. Mikhail wanted the fighting to stop, and Arman knew that he would have to take matters into his own hands. 'This had to be brought up sometime, but now is not it!' thought Arman before he rubbed one of his temples with his free hand, and he finished off the beer with one gulp. The empty bottle was very nice, before he smirked and brought it down on Metrophanes' shoulder, shattering the thing. He turned to Thomas and pulled out his wand. He decided to speak up now, "We all know what it is like losing a relative. However, you owe your lives to me, and I suggest that you not bring up that blasted will." Arman smirked a bit, before he turned to see Nicolette and her husband, "Take your time with your grieving. Set up a meeting for this will when you are ready and in the right state of mind. These two are just idiots and don't know when to keep their mouth shut." Arman was close to Nicolette, and both fought in the war before, back with Voldemort. He saved her as much as she saved him a while back. Arman was on Nicolette's side, currently.
"Okay then Kalif, you talk some sense into her. She listens to you." Thomas wasn't going to back down this time. "Or how about you Arman? Since you two are so close." He felt like they were putting themselves in a bad position by not deciding anything. All it would take was someone who could take Nicolette head on and then their entire history could be wiped out by someone who barely deserved to be the head of their growing family. "We are putting ourselves in a dangerous position. Anyone could walk in and take control and we're already struggling to keep what living relatives alive enough as it is. Unless you're keeping it for yourself because you think you can do it, which probably isn't a good idea because-" Thomas paused when Nicolette also pointed her wand at him. Once again her temper was proving that she couldn't be trusted to take control of anything, let alone a group of people who were trying to take back their lives from many years of being kicked back down as soon as they had the chance to rise again."
At least Kalif and Arman weren't breathing down her back about the will. Nicolette may have a hard time showing it she appreciated them being here with her today. Pulling out her wand, Nicolette pointed it right at Thomas', a deep frown marring her face. "Because I'm a girl? I'm sure Danielle would love to hear how you think a woman can't lead as well as a man could. Or maybe Seraphine." Both were women who had power over him in some way, shape, or form. Both were fairly aggressive when it came to women being treated fairly when it came to power. Nicolette lowered her wand and turned away from Thomas. "Keep it up and I'll rip the damn thing up before anyone can read it." It sucked that this was put on her shoulders. Nicolette was never good at making decisions, she often relied on instinct, and most of the time she didn't think things through completely.
It was getting obvious that Kalif had enough, and since he was likely the most formidable of them all here, he knew that he would not have anyone really stand up to him, though there could be Metrophanes that did not know anything really. Metrophanes and Thomas seemed to be teamed up, versus Nicolette and Arman, and then there was the outside forces, Mikhail and Kalif. He sighed before he stepped forward and held his hand over Nicolette's wand, and forced it to lower. He sighed, "From one head of the family to another potential family, you do need to decide on what to do. Perhaps not now." Kalif cast his eyes to the others, before he said, "In two weeks from now. Nicolette, if you don't have the mindset, I can help, I guess. Last thing I want to see if the Hensel family crumble to nothing, or that idiot Zannon to take over." Kalif narrowed his eyes to the others that could oppose his decision, "And there's no changing my mind. It will not be discussed here."
Mikhail saw everything unfold, and took a step forward to end it, but it seemed as Nicolette’s husband was doing that himself. He sighed in relief, and knew that his cousin managed to marry a good man, but there was still the family to consider, and he wanted to have everything set. The family needed a leader, and Mikhail felt that the best for the position would be a tossup between Nicolette and Arman. Both had really good leader qualities. He could do it too, but he was helping on a nation and had no time for affairs. He nodded to Kalif, “I think that would work. I think it could be done at your house, so that Nicolette feels the safest. With you around, of course.” Mikhail smiled somewhat, before he looked to the others to see if they agreed on the terms. Mikhail could step up if needed, and become someone that one would not want to mess with, but this was not the time.
Metrophanes could not believe that Kalif, of all people, had to play referee, along with Arman, the former drunk or something like that. Metrophanes did not talk about what he felt should happen, and he folded his arms across his chest. He snorted, “If she agrees to it, that is. Just because you say it will happen, does not really mean anything, Kalif.” His amber eyes could not look at the man in the eyes though. That man was the Patriarch of the Zhefarovich family, he could not just underestimate his abilities. But his commanding and leadership was rather admirable. If he was not leading his own family, perhaps he would have made a good head for the Hensel family. But that was not the case. For now, he could fight for his own leadership.
Arman could not believe what he was seeing. His family, turning on each other! And then Kalif stepped in and took charge of the entire thing. While Arman was thankful, he knew just how much trouble that they were all in if this happened and required a third party assistance. He sighed and he stepped up, making sure that Metrophanes and Thomas were not going to go after Nicolette. Not for her safety, but for theirs against that brute of a husband of hers. “Look! We needed Kalif to settle everything and that just shows how messed up we are! We had to get someone from the outside to fix it. But right, I agree with him. This needs to happen, Nicolette. Not now, and not like this. But we are a sad sorry group if we just turn on each other, with so few of us left! We are family, not enemies, and certainly not bullies.” He said the last part to Thomas and Metrophanes. It was like working with five year olds! He was just glad that they could possibly leave out Zannon.
Nicolette glanced at Kalif briefly. For a brief moment she was somewhat shocked by the fact that he agreed with any of them. Normally he disagreed with any and everything her cousins said and did. Then again, it wasn’t like she wholeheartedly disagreed with them either, she just wanted them all to leave her alone for five damn minutes so she could think. "The rest of you can go. I don't need your inputs any more than I need as nail to the skull. Arman and Kalif, you two can stay." Shooting her cousins a look, she could hear grumbling at they all began to walk off. Once they were out of earshot Nicolette grumbled underneath her breath about the lack of brains. The only reason they chose to bother her about the entire issue was because they assumed she would get tired enough and hand it off to one of them. "I suppose I should just hand it all over it to you, Arman. I really don't care by this point. As long as it doesn't end up in the hands of Zannon, I'm okay. I’ll deal with him later." Zannon was on his way to getting a good punch in the face if he kept it up. He was the troublemaker of the family, and she was sure no one wanted to see him in the seat of power, including Arman. Glancing towards him, she waited to see what he would say. Kalif probably wouldn't like the idea, but Nicolette had a bone to pick with Zannon. He needed to be put into his place before he got himself locked up again.
Kalif watched as the three cousins stomped off, grumbling to themselves. They all three had women, and ferocious ones to get to. Two of them were Snows, and the other was enamored with one of the Romanes sisters. Mikhail did not seem to be angry about being dismissed. In fact, he seemed a little relieved by it. 'It was obvious that he didn't want the title to begin with. He just wanted to pay his respects,' thought Kalif as he turned his attention to Arman. Nicolette agreed to just hand everything over to the oldest of the set of brothers. Arman and Nicolette were close to the same age, and they all had history together. But the two of them against Kalif were always a nightmare. He placed his hand to his head, and sighed. Anything to keep that idiot, Zannon, from gaining power. That man was doomed from the start. He often wondered why Arman didn't just let him hang so long ago.
Arman scoffed as the three retreated. Served them right. He was about to speak when Nicolette said that she was giving him the position, and everything. Arman's mouth opened a little bit from shock, before he quickly recovered. He then smirked and said, "Under one condition. You are my right hand woman. My partner in crime. As long as it is away from your Ranee duties. After all, being Kalif's wife must be exhausting." Arman knew that those terms would be easy to agree with. He bowed, showing the respect that he had, before he raised back up. He folded his arms across his chest before he looked around. His golden eyes spotted no one in particular. He concluded, "Let's leave this place, and go celebrate. Be it the fact that Zannon will never have his hands on our family, or even just rejoicing about the good ol' days of the dark lord." Arman decided that it was time to go, so he moved along, bringing the couple with him.


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