First Years, Lesson Three

Landon walked into the Herbology greenhouse rather early for his third lesson of the semester with the first years. Last lesson had been quite fun and he was surprised with how successful each of his students were with the treasure hunt. Lucky for them, they would be going outside today and he was very excited to see how well they would do with their first harvest. They seemed like a trusty bunch and so he was confident that today's lesson was going to be yet another success.

"Morning first years!" Professor Carter exclaimed when he was sure everyone had taken their seat. "We are going to jump right into it today so there is plenty of time for the fun stuff. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Halloween?" Landon pointed to a student near the back of the room. "Pumpkins!" they said excitedly, already beginning to get an idea of what they were going to be doing. "Yes, exactly right! 3 points to your house. We will be planting some pumpkins today. As I said before, I would like to get right into it, so..." With a flick of his wand, Landon watched as the board began writing notes by itself. "Once you've finished copying down these notes, come with me outside."

Notes said:
* The Pumpkin is believed to have originated in North America, where the Native Americans dried strips of Pumpkin and wove them into mats.

* The original name for the pumpkin was Pepon, which was Greek for large melon.

* The Pumpkin is widely known for being served at feasts as Pumpkin Pie, but its notoriety comes from its established tradition at Halloween.

* Pumpkins can also be used to celebrate good harvest, and at Christmas and thanksgiving where it is typically roasted.

After everyone was finally done copying down the notes, the professor slipped on his leather black gloves and walked outside with them. His tools, a spade, a watering can, and a rake were waiting for him at his section. The dirt looked ripe and eager for planting which Landon smiled at as he observed where his students would be working. Each station was in the shape of a huge rectangle. Landon pulled a bag of Pumpkins seeds from the inside of his robes and gave each of his students a seed for their own use. "Be sure your soil is tilled, or rather soft. I have tilled the soil already so that shouldn't really be a problem. Your pumpkins are to be in the ground and ready to grow by the end of today's lesson."

Landon flicked out his wand, "Watch what I do. You will be doing this in regular labour." A smile formed on his face. His spade hovered in the air. "Get down on your knees, since it's easier to reach the dirt. Take your spade and dig a small hole in the ground and drop the seed into the hole." His spade did exactly that, and Landon dropped the seed into the hole. "Refill the hole and then pat the soil lightly and don't compact it." Landon's spade gently patted the ground like he instructed. "Now, give it a generous amount of water." His watering can poured water over the dirt. "And now do exactly as I did."

After everyone was finished, Landon smiled. As much as he wanted to teach them the muggle way of planting, he knew that they couldn't wait too long until harvest, so he took out his wand once again and spoke to his students. "Now, in order for the pumpkins to grow a bit faster, a spell will need to be involved. Please take out your wands and repeat after me." Landon waited until all of his students had retrieved their wands and stated clearly, "Sementis medicates." He then waved his wand in a loop over his planted pumpkin seed. The sprout emerged from the ground, thickened into a vine, twining and extending its vine, waiting for the others to grow. A small bud flowered, then bloomed yellow before the petals fell away and a small, light coloured melon was clinging to the vine. "Great job guys!" the man exclaimed when he looked around to see that everyone had successfully practiced the spell. "Once you are all packed up, you may leave. Have a good week!"


Assignment: RP the lesson. First poster please answer the question. For extra credit you may write a paragraph about the pumpkin.
Elijah entered the greenhouse with his classmates, ready for their third Herbology lesson. He was excited about what they'd be doing today, especially after the fun treasure hunt from the last lesson. He took his seat and listened attentively as Professor Carter began the class. When the professor asked what came to mind when thinking of Halloween, Elijah immediately thought of pumpkins and he shot his hand up into the sky. "Pumpkins." It was rather American, but he'd done quite a bit of reading on Halloween since he knew they celebrated it here from Hina's letters. He copied down the notes about pumpkins, intrigued by their history and uses, before following the professor outside to the planting area. Elijah put on his gloves and took a seed from Professor Carter. Kneeling by his station, he carefully followed the professor's instructions, digging a small hole, placing the seed inside, refilling the hole, and patting the soil lightly. He then watered the soil generously, just as the professor had shown.

After everyone was done planting their seeds, Elijah took out his wand, ready for the spell to accelerate the pumpkins' growth. He watched as Professor Carter demonstrated, then followed suit, waving his wand in a loop over the planted seed and saying clearly, "Sementis medicates." He was amazed as the sprout emerged, growing into a vine, blooming, and finally forming a small pumpkin. "Great job guys!" Professor Carter exclaimed, and Elijah felt a sense of accomplishment as he looked around at the growing plants. He packed up his things, feeling pleased with the day's work and looking forward to seeing the pumpkins grow in the coming weeks. He thanked the professor and left the greenhouse, excited to tell his friends about the lesson.
Pumpkins come from North America and were used by Native Americans to make mats. The name 'pumpkin' comes from the Greek word 'pepon,' which means 'large melon.' Pumpkins are important for Halloween and Thanksgiving because they are used to make pumpkin pie and decorations. They symbolise a good harvest and are celebrated in autumn. Pumpkins can grow in many places and have been useful for many different things throughout history.

source - wikipedia
Eurydice walked into the greenhouse, already sort of dreading what would be happening in class today. When it became that they would be planting, she contemplated just walking out of class right then. But she didn't want her parents to see her get low grades when they've always said that she was smart. She just really hated the classes. When the professor handed out the pumpkin seeds, she accepted hers without a word, rolling it between her fingers.

While the other students knelt and began digging into the soil, she remained standing, glancing at the tools but making no move to use them. Instead, she simply crouched down and dropped her seed on top of the soil, not bothering to dig a hole. She at least used the watering can and poured a bit of water over the seed just sitting on the soil. She then pulled out her wand and repeated the incantation with a firm voice, "Sementis medicates." She didn't really expect anything to happen considering she skipped a few steps but surprisingly, the seed changed shape slowly until a vine was growing out of it. And well. That was it. No flower. And no melon. That was fine. Probably. She decided it was best to sneak out with the rest of the class before the professor noticed her ... classwork?
Jonah entered the Herbology greenhouse, not really looking forward to the class since it was one with Professor Carter. He'd taken to picking a spot in class that would be a bit out of sight from the professor. While he was slowly getting used to accepting that he would be a Hufflepuff, he still couldn't help but dislike the professors for it, especially after the whole thing where he met Felix. As soon as they were told what they were going to do, Jonah tried to be thrilled about the whole thing but just wasn't. He didn't mind the activity though, he just wasn't excited about it.

As Jonah did the activity after receiving his pumpkin seed, he realized that he did not like Herbology. Or at least the work that went with it. Unlike his cousin, apparently. Jonah had no problems kneeling on the ground and doing some digging. He planted the seed and watered it without any fuss. The problem came a little when trying to cast the spell. His first try did nothing. His second try, too. His third and most frustrated attempt had at least done something. "Sementis medicates," he insisted, and the sprout emerged very slowly from the soil. The whole thing happened so slowly that Jonah was losing his patience, but eventually a tiny, tiny pumpkin emerged. Jonah gladly left as soon as they were dismissed.
Vikram was enjoying his time at school. Winnie was a delightful girl. He was generally impressed by her. She was clever, intelligent, and fiercely stubborn. Still, he tried not to revolve his life around her. She was definitely a part of it, and one he enjoyed. He hoped she found his company pleasant as well. But he knew that wouldn't happen if he didn't stay on top of his own studies, stayed disciplined in caring for himself. He'd always been of the belief that no one was responsible for anyone's happiness but their own.

So he woke early, showered, watched the sunrise, spent some time reading a book of poetry and journalled before the day began. Eventually it was time for classes, so he gathered his bag and walked down to Herbology. It wasn't his favorite lesson, but he enjoyed it well enough.

He was happy to have a bit of a lecture, scribbling down his notes. He bit back a sigh as they were instructed to go outside. He could do without this part. He liked looking at nature, not actually getting dirty with it. Still, spellwork was spellwork. He followed the others, being a bit slower as he actually planted the seed. Once he'd finished though, he could cast the spell. It was easy enough, and thankfully he could just head back to the castle once he'd finished.
Nox arrived at the Herbology greenhouse, feeling a bit more confident with each lesson. He enjoyed the practical aspects of the subject, and today’s lesson sounded like it would be no exception. As Professor Carter began the class, Nox eagerly copied down the notes, already thinking about the pumpkins they would be planting.

Once outside, Nox listened carefully as Professor Carter demonstrated the planting process. He appreciated the step-by-step instructions, even if they were doing it the Muggle way first. Nox got down on his knees, using his spade to dig a small hole in the soil. He carefully dropped the pumpkin seed into the hole, refilled it, and patted the soil gently, just as they were shown. He then gave the spot a good watering, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he completed the task.

When it was time to use the spell to speed up the growth, Nox was ready. He retrieved his wand and focused on the incantation, "Sementis medicates," while mimicking Professor Carter's wand movement. To his delight, the seedling sprouted quickly, growing into a healthy vine with a small pumpkin starting to form. Nox grinned as he looked around at his classmates' successes, feeling proud of his own work.

As the lesson wrapped up, Nox packed up his tools and gloves, giving his pumpkin plant one last look before heading back to the castle. He was excited to see how the pumpkins would continue to grow throughout the semester. Herbology was quickly becoming one of his favourite subjects.
Lilith entered the third lesson of Herbology, happy to see the professor that seemed to be very similar to sun. He radiated warm and over all happy energy, so these lessons were always fun. She took her place and out her note supplies and waited for him to begin. As the last of her fellow students came in the lesson began with a bunch of notes. Lilith made sure to write each one down before casting her eyes back to the professor for further instructions.

As they went outside Lilith was happy to get right into the thick of it. She had often planted things with her grandmother, or well more like she helped. By sitting next to her with a book in hand and handing out tools, but you know helped anyways. She listened to the instructions then looked at her soil before huffing a little as she planted the seed. Proud of her work she watered it generously.

After they got the green light she took out her wand and cast the spell, a little unsure still. "Sementis Medicates." Even though she had been a bit nervous the spell seemed to work just fine and in no time her pumpkin seemed to be thriving. As the lesson came to an end the Ravenclaw left feeling extremely proud of her achievement today.
Eoghan was having a hard time understanding how Herbology was a magical subject. They were growing plants just like no-majs' would, so how was this deemed to be a subject they needed to learn about? Eoghan followed the students into the greenhouse where they were introduced to their pumpkins, and taking out some parchment the Ravenclaw began to make some notes on the history of the centerpiece of many Halloween events.

Today they would be planting their own pumpkin seeds, and as Eoghan followed the instructions given by the professor, he again wondered how this would be magical at all. It was only when they were given the spell in order to make pumpkins grow faster, that it started to make sense. "Sementis Medicates" he copied, pointing his wand at his own seed. As it happened, the seed began to grow quickly in front of their very eyes, but then it confused Eoghan because why couldn't they do that on more things too? Why did they constantly have to wait for time to grow anything if magic could solve their problems?

At the end of the class, the first year packed up his belongings and headed back to the castle with the other students, almost with more questions than he'd started the lesson with.
Forrest eagerly followed Professor Carter outside for the day's Herbology lesson, excited about planting pumpkins. After copying the notes and heading to the planting stations, he carefully dug a small hole, placed his seed in the ground, covered it with soil, and watered it, mimicking the professor's precise instructions.

When it was time to cast the spell, Forrest focused, repeating "Sementis medicates" while waving his wand over the soil. He watched in awe as the seed sprouted into a vine, a small pumpkin already forming. Proud of his work, Forrest packed up his tools, feeling accomplished and eager to see his pumpkin grow further.
With the Halloween feast coming up, the last thing on Susie's mind was lessons, and it was with some reluctance that she made her way into the Herbology greenhouse. Luckily, Professor Carter had something a bit more interesting planned for them today. She hopped up and followed him out to the plots, where they were to be growing pumpkins. Pretty fitting. Maybe they'd even be allowed to carve them afterwards and display them in the great hall - that would be the icing on the cake. Susie knelt down and got to work. Sowing seeds was second nature to her by now, though it was, of course, the first time she'd been allowed to use a growing spell. Now she really felt like her Auntie Thalia. A proper farmer. Well, maybe. She was going to be an author one day, probably, but at least now she had options.
Professor Watson looked at the children with the planting, but then went on with his expectations.
It wasn't just October, but Halloween was one of Rhea's favorite holidays. Because they came to the herbology lesson, they were happy that they would have to plant pumpkins. It was mighty. At first she answered a few questions about pumpkins, then she put her notes aside and followed the professor out of the greenhouse. She did everything the professor said and tried very hard. Until finally it was time for them to finish, then they went into the greenhouse, took their bag, then went back to the palace.

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