First Years Lesson Six

Mallory couldn’t believe that the year had flown by so quickly. She smiled warmly as her students came into the classroom, and once everyone was seated, Mallory stood. “Hello again, everyone. This is our final lesson of the semester before the exams. Today I would just like you to review what we’ve learned, and come to me if you have any questions about anything. Before we begin, however,” she tucked her hair behind her ear. “I would like to tell you that it has been an absolute pleasure teaching all of you this year. I have seen such remarkable improvements in all of your work. You are all growing into remarkable young witches and wizards.” Mallory smiled and moved back to her desk. “Go on, I’m here if you need anything.” She set about working on some assignments as the students studied or left the room.​
He had been expecting some kind of review session for their last Charms lesson of the semester, so Miles wasn't really surprised when he arrived to just that. It sounded boring, the boy grumbling slightly as he rummaged for this things. Sure, he knew that studying was important if he didn't want to flunk out of school, but it was still as dull as ever. The lesson seemed to drag on, so he was more than relieved when it was finally over, wasting no time as he gathered his things and rushed from the classroom to find something more interesting to do.
Carolina had enjoyed charms, and loved the different charms she had learned that semester that would be useful in her exploration in nature. She had wanted to learn more charms and spend more time in one of her favorite subjects, and was of course sad as she arrived to her final charms lesson of that semester but she tried not to let her feelings bother her as she sat down in her usual spot near the front of the class. The professor said that day would be one they could use for revision and Carolina was thankful, and spent the lesson practicing Lumos as much as she could, wanting to master it as she thought it would be one of the most useful charms she could learn. When the lesson was dismissed Carolina left the room, and headed to the library so she could continue studying.​
Henri walked into the charms classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He was immediately regretting arriving when the professor told them to revise. He opened his books but got quickly distracted by his own personal reading, doing that instead of the reading that he was supposed to be doing until the lesson wrapped up and he headed out of the room.
As the last week of the semester came around, Tess was not in the mood to participate in school anymore. Her grandfather, whom she had only met a couple of times before, was now gone, and she wasn’t sure how to feel about it. She knew her father was devastated and didn’t understand how he was going back to teaching for the last week. He really was a very brave man. As Tess entered the charms classroom for her last lesson for the semester, she didn’t even look at the professor as she entered the room. She was glad when the professor announced that this would just be their study time. She didn’t think she had it in her to listen to a lecture or try and perform a new spell. She was happy to exit the classroom once dismissed.
Finley was kind of excited that the last week of classes was upon them. It felt like it had taken forever for things to get to this point, but now that they had, he was feeling a lot better about the whole thing. His dad had said that getting to this point was as muhc of an achievement as anything else because it meant he was keeping his head down, now only if he could manage to not be late, that would be a great thing. This time, he managed to get to the class slightly late, but not to the point of walking in half way through, by the time he got there everyone was there, but nothing had technically started yet. “Sorry Professor,” he said quietly, as he moved to his desk to sit down. When she mentioned they just needed to review, he pulled his books out and went over them, which was probably a good thing since he had missed some things early on in the semester because of all the times he was late.​
Rowan Chase heard from others that this week would be the easiest week because most of the classes would just end up reviewing. Easy. Rowan had everything he needed in his bag though, so he was off from his dorm to head to the next class. He was a fast walker too because he had a fair bit of energy. Rowan made his way in the Charms classroom and sat down in his seat. Professor Grayveson greeted the first years, and then they were given the instructions for the day. Rowan opened his notes up and studied for the remainder of the time. It was an easy class though.

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