First Years, Lesson One

“Good morning, everyone,” Gabrielle greeted as the first years finally settled into their seats after a couple of minutes of rabble at the start of the lesson. She looked around the room, taking in the faces of the students. “Welcome to History of Magic. I'm Professor Moncrieffe, I was born in Bermuda, and I’ll be your teacher until fifth year. So, I’m going to go through the roll. When I call your name, if you could please just raise your hand, tell me if you have something you’d prefer me to call you, like a nickname or if you go by your middle name or something like that, and tell me where you’re from." She paused for a second. "Yes, I know you all hate these exercises, I do too, but it’ll help me put faces to names.”

She went through the list, making a couple of notes as she went before finally reaching the end. “Thank heavens that won’t take nearly as long next time. Alright, so this year we’ll go over some beginner topics - Merlin, witch trials, and so on. For some of you, this will all be completely new, for others, don’t discount it, you may actually still learn something if you bother to listen.” She gave a wry smirk, knowing some students from wizarding families would probably think they knew everything already. “Sure, we may not be doing any spells, but you won’t be doing yourself any favours if you tune out just because of that. If you come into any of your classes expecting to be bored from the outset, you're setting yourself up for failure. Besides, there’s more to magic than just wand waving and incantations, or huddling over cauldrons. You may find that understanding where we come from and knowing more about the world around you is far more useful than being able to turn a beetle into a button, just quietly.”

"But for now, since we've got a bit of time left...why don't you take the opportunity to chat amongst yourselves for a bit? Talk to people not in your house, get to know each other. You know, socialize and what not."
With that, she left the students to it, wandering around the classroom to keep an eye on things and talk to any students who had any questions or asking them a little more about themselves, before they were eventually dismissed.

RP the lesson. Feel free to tag me if you want me to interact being nosy about your character! You are also welcome to godmod Gabrielle asking more about where you’re from. Don't forget to read over the Classroom Policy!
History of Magic was on the first floor, which made it the closest class after potions. Timing it right, Lumos didn't have to roll out of bed until ten minutes before class started, because he could race up the stairs in that amount of time and he only needed three minutes to get dressed and then he had Dakrey bring him a piece of toast which only took a minute and a half so he could then get out the door and had 5 and a half minutes to get to the classroom for the beginning of the lesson. As he settled into his seat, glancing at his fellow first years, he took a deep breath and prepared to settle in for what he could only assume was going to be a boring lesson on history stuff. He wasn't sure how he felt about history to be honest, he didn't see how it was going to help him in any way, but it was a lesson he didn't have to pay particular attention to, so it was fine really. The room seemed to be buzzing at first with the usual chatter of a first lesson, but Lumos was already bored with it really. As the Professor began, there was a hush over the class and Lumos looked around, offended almost, at the way his classmates just ceased being their own independent selves. Wow, that's power. He kind of liked that.

He appreciated the authority she seemed to carry, even if he didn't particularly like it pointed in his direction. As the roll call began, Lumos waited for his name. When Professor Moncrieffe called him, he didn't answer, waiting until she called Nox's name instead. "Nox is fine, it's hard to sort of shorten that really, and I'm from Virgina." he said with a shrug. Obviously everyone knew where Virginia is so he felt no need to clarify beyond that point. The roll continued and he paid particularly attention to the others of his house in Slytherin. There were people on his list that he wanted to get to know and some of them were in this class with him now.

Lumos slouched in his seat as she began the talking part of the lesson, and gave her advice about staying engaged in the class. Lumos had to stifle a yawn he was already so bored. He had no intentions of tuning out completely, but he doubted the class would hold his attention for very long at all. When she asked them to socialise, her frowned, and he felt a flicker of irritation. The last thing he wanted to deal with was forced small talk. He turned to the person sitting next to him and feigned interest as they talked about whatever happened to come up until the rest of the lesson at which time he quickly and eagerly packed up and left without another word. He had plans to scheme and schemes to plan.
Winnie was newly sorted and ready to get to it. She had her first class and was up, bright and early for it. She’d gone for a run first thing, making sure that she was keeping in shape and knowing that an active body was good for the mind. She had the new versions of all the books she would need and the best parchment. Winnie had plans to speak to each of her professors within this first week, she needed to be able to do so. To make sure she could get any extra credit necessary and put herself on good terms with each of her professors. The girl then packed up the last of what she needed, checked her uniform was on perfectly and then headed out of the room.

Winnie walked into the history of magic classroom, and after a moment of thinking sat down in the third row. Though she was determined to do well in these classes, she was not about to sit up front. She knew she had to at least, to appear cool, sit a little behind it. She looked to the woman, whom she’d met already now. She seemed nice, but not a particularly strict teacher. The woman introduced herself to them and then they were to introduce themselves. Winnie watched as others went and then she went. ”Winnie Calida, I go by Winnie. And I’m from New Zealand,” Winnie said. The rest of the class went and then the professor moved on. She nodded and took notes as the professor went over the different things they’d be learning in the semester, but that was it. Winnie was a little surprised with how short it was and that they were to socialise. She didn’t immediately, instead took the time to tidy up the little notes she had.
Jonah had not been loving his Hogwarts stay thus far. First, he'd been sorted into the wrong house, and then next, the classes weren't very interesting so far. Granted that this was only his second class, opinions may change, but he severely doubted it. Who even wanted to learn about dead people? Certainly not Jonah. If he had his way, he would have been skipping this class, but Eurydice had already threatened him that she would be cross with him if he left her to deal with any of the classes alone on the first week. At least she only said the first week. Anything after that should be a free game. And so now, here he was sitting in class next to his cousin once again. There were Slytherins around, so he thought that Yuri would be there but apparently, she was not going to be sitting beside him, which was not new and he didn't mind either. Yuri could be mean when disturbed.

Jonah waited for his name to be called before raising his hand.
"I think you can call me Jonah," he said. He wasn't really used to being called Seiichi. Only Kaa-chan used that when she was really, really mad. And he didn't like this professor nearly enough to ask to be called Jo either. So Jonah it was. "Oh, and from Nippon." Jonah knew that the professor had already warned the class about tuning out, but he couldn't help it; he was just so bored. Finally, though, the professor was done talking, but Jonah couldn't believe that they were still being made to stay in class. Why couldn't they socialize outside? Like after she releases them from prison? But no, they had to stay apparently. Jonah groaned and just dropped his head on the desk.
Eurydice wasn't really looking forward to History of Magic that much. Sure there was some interest, but it wasn't utter excitement. To be fair, the only class she was vaguely looking forward to this semester was Charms. Apparently the classes that she was looking forward most to were electives and therefore out of her reach for another two years. Shame really. And so it was with much trepidation that she will be attending HoM. She did not want to attend alone though so she had threatened Jonah with bodily harm (not that she could do much damage against him in an actual physical altercation) should he ditch her in any of the classes this week. She would have to get creative in the following weeks but that was a problem not for today.

She supposed that the professor was sort of nice. Eurydice preferred her over Professor Carter. She liked her Head of House but not her Herbology professor. It was confusing. Once she was called for attendance, she raised her hand.
"I'm Eury, and I live in England," she said with a smile. The professor was right; the whole thing was boring. It was a shame, though, to not be discussing anything for today. She would have liked to hear about Merlin and the witch trials. While she was not all that familiar with either, Merlin was somewhat of a god and the witch trials - well, she may have snuck into the family library for that one. It was nice though that the professor was giving them free time, though Jonah didn't seem to share that idea. She had been trying to shake him after he had dropped his head on the desk but he refused to move even as @Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe was coming near them since she was checking on people. "I think my cousin died," she told the professor as she continued to poke the boy.
Gabrielle looked over at the boy as the girl, Eury if she remembered correctly, made a comment about him appearing to have perished. "How unfortunate," she drawled, raising an eyebrow. "Would you rather we bury him on the grounds or toss him in the lake?"

@Eurydice Nightray @Jonah Edogawa
Eurydice nodded solemnly at the professor as she continued to poke her cousin, though she thinks that he might have flinched when the professor addressed them. Serves him right for ignoring her. "Uncle Conan should probably decide on that. Or we can always send his body back to his mom."
Eury, Jonah decided, was very very mean and he never wanted to get on her bad side again. He couldn't believe she sicced @Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe on him! He tried to ignore the two of them but flinched when his tou-chan was mentioned and promptly sat up when they said they'd send him back to kaa-chan. "I'm alive!" he said, a lot louder than he intended. He grimaced, looking at the professor. Surely he shouldn't be in trouble. It was free time. "Hi sensei," he chuckled nervously, "How's your day been?" There he was socializing.
Sayuri had been looking forward to History of Magic class until she realized that she would be having this class with Hufflepuffs. Hufflepuffs meant Jonah. And Eurydice. The worst possible classmates. Which is why she entered the classroom amidst a crowd of Slytherins and settled herself in a corner away from her family. She was not going to have them distracting her in this class. Unfortunately, the teacher had decided to do an attendance check that included an introduction. She didn't get why they needed to tell her what name to call them. They already had a list of names obviously, so why not just use that? "Sayuri. Japan," she said in quick succession to that roll call. She was heavily disappointed that they were not going to be discussing any actual history today and were instead made to engage in idle chatter, which she had absolutely no interest in. She did glare at her brother though for the small commotion that he was causing. She couldn't wait for the class to be over.
Daiki felt like all was right in the world again. He had his best friend back, he was at school and he was going to learn magic. He was eager for it, eager to have her at his side, eager to just learn easily. It would fine, magic wouldn’t be too difficult for him and he would have a good time. Daiki was ready for the day, he hadn’t checked his bag, just assumed he had what he needed and then headed out of the dorm room and to find Kairi to see if they would have the same classes so they could sit together.

Daiki walked into the history of magic classroom and took a spot in the room. He saved the spot near to him for Kairi and waved her over to sit with him when she arrived. He glanced at the professor as the woman got started and then was telling them about her. She invited them one by one to introduce themselves. ”I’m Daiki Saito, and I was born in Japan,” he said, not offering any nicknames or changes to what he was called. Seeing no need to. The professor then went on, until all had gone and hen told them a little more about history, he took a couple of notes and then the professor was letting them just talk amongst themselves, so he leaned into Kairi and started talking to her.
Kanako entered the classroom, glad this class didn't have Gryffindors in it. She took a seat, and settled in to take notes. She was surprised to hear so many students had been born in Japan. Was this the new Mahoutokoro or something? When it was her turn, she offered up the necessary information - first in Japanese, then in English: "I'm Kanako. I was born in New Zealand, but I'm Japanese." She was firm in her belief in this. True, she'd been somewhat socialised to be a 'kiwi' as the locals put it, but in her heart she was Japanese and she had been raised by her father - her otousan - that way. She wanted to talk to the others, but wanted them to defer to her - not the other way around.
Gabrielle blinked, staring rather blankly at the boy as he raised his head and proclaimed that he was, in fact, alive and well. "Pity," she said, dryly. "I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity for us all to learn about burial rites." Her lips curved into a smirk as she gave a small nod to the two of them, and continued on her patrol of the classroom.

@Eurydice Nightray @Jonah Edogawa
Kairi was feeling a lot more confident with her prospects at the school now. Somehow, she just felt like everything would be alright if Daiki was around. She was feeling a lot more comfortable now that she wasn't going to be alone here, with something of a little bit of a support system. She hummed, getting her things together before walking down to the common room. It seemed like Daiki had already left, so instead she walked down to class.

She spotted him quickly, and with a bright smile she walked up and sat with her best friend. She turned to the Professor, smiling at them and pulling out her things to take notes. This class seemed easy- she liked listening. She nodded, taking a breath when they were asked to introduce themselves. "My name is Kairi Kennedy, I go by Kairi?" She offered, having never been given a nickname. "I'm from New Zealand." She felt a bit boring as she said it, but she tried not to let it get to her. She leant a little into Daiki, his warmth keeping her on track. She knew she should talk to others, but Daiki drew her attention, and she murmured a bit with him, keeping an eye on those around them and hoping for the chance to draw someone into their conversation.
Cal was actually excited to learn about the wizarding past, he loved learning about early uses of magic and hearing tales of wizards long past. Like in most classes he found himself tucked away and more observational than participatory, curious how he seemed to be more outgoing in a less formal setting such as the classroom. He waited for his name to be called and stood up, "My name is Cal Greenleaf, I'm from the United Kingdom." Cal sat down and tried to blend back into the background and waited for the class to end and thought about stopping at the library to pick up a book on Merlin.
History of magic didn’t seem all that interesting to Nox and that was before he had even stepped in the classroom. When he did make his way inside, Professor Moncrieffe seemed to be an interesting woman he just wasn’t all that interested in the subject she was going to teach them. Who cared about history? There were so many more interesting things happening right now, witch trials and ancient wizards etc, they didn’t do much for Nox and he suspected he would struggle to pay attention in the lessons to come. At least the first one was just an introduction.

Professor Moncrieffe went through the register and called the names of each student in the class. When it came to Lumos and his brother didn’t say anything Nox took it as a signal that he was to answer for him, and his brother would do so for him. “Lumos is fine, just maybe don’t say it with your wand nearby, and I’m from the U.S, Virginia to be specific,” Lumos then followed suit and answered to his name shortly after, Nox couldn’t help but grin with satisfaction wondering if the professor would even notice.

It felt like every word Professor Moncrieffe said made her subject sound more boring. Sure, there might have been more to magic than spells and potions but that didn’t mean Nox wanted to learn about it. He didn’t bother taking any notes as he didn’t feel the professor said anything that wouldn’t be repeated later down the line. When it was time to socialise for the rest of the lesson Nox turned to the student nearest them and chatted for a while. Once the lesson was over he grabbed his bag and made his way out of the classroom.
History of Magic was arguably one of those lessons Amory was actually looking forward to. Having lived his whole life amongst muggles and knowing nothing of this sort existing, it was nice to learn any tidbits he possibly could. However he was not entirely too pleased for the exercise they were having, certainly not feeling like telling much about himself. Once his name was called Amory rose with a bored expression, a defense mechanism if you will. "Name's Amory Raven, I go by Amory. Don't know much more than that they found me around an orphanage in Dublin and lived there until well I found a bird at my window carrying a weird looking letter." It was already more than he had planned to say, but nothing he could do about it now.

Amory was quick to sit down and he definitely was not planning on socializing much as the teacher had suggested. Instead as soon as the class ended he made his way out, entirely too happy to get out without any social interactions beyond what was necessary.
Cleo was fascinated by History of Magic. She'd found some history books before attending her first class, but hadn't wanted to read them and ruin the surprise of what kind of things they could be learning. Being from a muggle background, she thought she may have put herself at a disadvantage, but she wanted to take in the magical world slowly before she got overwhelmed and felt even more like an intruder. She groaned internally as the professor instructed everyone to introduce themselves. All her classmates seemed to be from interesting places, and Cleo felt a little envious. When it was her turn, she rose to her feet and smiled brightly, more a defense mechanism than an actual expression of joy. "My name is Cleo Huynh. I'm from the middle of nowhere." she said. Cleo liked being from a tiny nowhere town and wasn't really sure why she was being vague on purpose, but it had just slipped out and she didn't feel like elaborating.
Hufflepuff was not a bad house. Samael Styx did not mind it. He knew that his oldest brother was sorted in it, as was his son. Samael knew that no one would suspect a Hufflepuff from being mean or bad in general. It was the perfect cover. Did no one else realize that? Samael was told how to act, think, and behave. He worked hard to be obedient to his family. They would be proud of him one way or another. Hades and Anastasia might have had their favorites, but he knew that he might not be one of them. He would have to change that. Somehow. He glanced around at his dorm to see that some were heading out. Right, he had classes. He needed to do well. He hauled his bag over his shoulder and followed after his roommates, hoping that they would not lead him astray.

Samael made his way into the History of Magic classroom and sat down. He stared ahead at Professor Moncrieffe as she introduced herself to the first years, and then let them know where she was from. They would have her until their OWL year. Samael heard about that since several of his siblings attended school here. The turnover rate was a bit high. He heard what they would be doing, which he let out a sigh, but silent nonetheless. Before too long, he raised his hand and answered, "I am Samael Styx, and that's my preferred name. I was born here in New Zealand." Samael's family were not from New Zealand, but did that honestly matter? The instructions for the rest of the day were clear, but Samael did not feel like talking to anyone. He just read from his textbook until it was time to leave.
Being in Slytherin was not bad. Imogen did not like having to be away from her sister, but it was clear as day why they were away from each other. Imogen took after her mother's side of the family with her ambition. She would have been fine with Gryffindor. Ravenclaw, probably not as much. Ravenclaws did not have that much drama. And Imogen lived for some drama. She loved hearing about it. She would also love writing it if she could. She just did not know others around here enough. That could change. She hoped that today she would end up in the same class as Esme so that she could sit with her. At least she also had Adelaide if it was Ravenclaws. Hufflepuffs, well, she would have to look harder. She grabbed her belongings and headed out, looking perfect. She totally was not vain.

Imogen walked in the History of Magic classroom and found a seat in the middle. She sighed inwardly as Professor Moncrieffe introduced herself and began the roll call exercise.
'How tedious,' she thought, her fingers tapping lightly on the desk in front of her. When her name was called, she raised her hand with a slight wave and said in a clear, aristocratic tone, "Imogen Styx-Cade. You may call me Imogen. I was born in the United Kingdom." As the roll call continued, Imogen let her gaze wander around the room, sizing up her classmates. She noted the nervous expressions on some of the first years' faces, finding their anxiety amusing.

When Professor Moncrieffe mentioned the beginner topics they would cover, Imogen’s interest barely flickered. She had grown up with tales of Merlin and the witch trials, and this felt like old news. However, she decided to pay just enough attention to stay out of trouble. When Professor Moncrieffe encouraged them to socialize, Imogen felt a pang of annoyance. Socializing was hardly her favorite activity, especially with students from other houses. Nevertheless, she knew better than to outright disobey a professor on the first day. She socialized with others in the same house for the remainder of the time.
Ravage Zhefarovich heard all about these classes from his older brothers. He knew what to expect. He doubted that they would have changed the material since it was rare. He also was not a fan of his roommates. It was to be expected since most people were just dumb in his eyes. There was nothing that anyone could do about that. Legally anyway. He sighed as he finally managed to get up out of his bed. He already missed home. And having his own room. That was the biggest thing that he needed. His own space. And there was none here. How was he supposed to hide how he felt or thought when people could just see it out in the open? Ravage would just have to practice his poker face. He glanced at the schedule, grabbed his bag and wand. He was definitely ready to go.

Ravage Zhefarovich walked in the History of Magic classroom and sat quietly as Professor Moncrieffe introduced herself. His dark eyes observed her with a mixture of curiosity and indifference. When it came to his turn for the roll call, he raised his hand slightly and said in a low, almost bored tone,
“Ravage Zhefarovich. Slytherin. From New Zealand.” He didn't offer any nicknames or additional information, preferring to keep an air of mystery around himself. As Professor Moncrieffe spoke about the importance of History of Magic, Ravage's expression remained neutral. He didn't mind history; in fact, he found the darker aspects of magical history rather intriguing. When she suggested they socialize, Ravage leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. He wasn't particularly interested in making friends. His gaze wandered over the other students, sizing them up. Most of them seemed eager to chat and get to know each other, but Ravage remained aloof. As the lesson came to a close, Ravage stood up and gathered his things. He walked towards the door, his movements deliberate and unhurried. He exited the classroom, already looking forward to seeing how the rest of the term would unfold.

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