Closed First Morning: Meeting You

Winnie Calida

Queen Bee
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
05/2051 (12)
Winnie had the name and house of the boy her parents had told her about. She had decided to not waste any time and did immediately once she'd spoken with her head of house, go to meet with him. It was important that she do so. She knew that her choices were limited but, she wanted to get to know him a little bit, and without the pressure of either of their parents. It was possible he would be horrible and she might have time to make him more what she wanted, or he'd be perfect and she could the worries around that aside. Though at least she'd never have to worry about the stresses of dating. She walked into the great hall and immediately spotted him at the ravenclaw table. She smoothed down the already perfectly straight skirt and walked over to him, shoes squeaking upon the stones. "Vikram," she said. "I'm Winnie," she introduced extending a hand out to him.
Vikram had taken the night to settle in, and had been planning on searching out one Miss Winnie Calida after breakfast. He was impeccably dressed, and was arranging a nice plate- toast, porridge, a bit of juice, when he heard someone say his name. He looked up and recognized her immediately. Internally he cursed, but externally he just turned, getting up. One hand behind his back, he took her hand in his and bent down a bit, raising it pressing a kiss to the soft skin. "Miss Calida, a pleasure," He straightened, releasing her hand gently. "Would you care to join me for breakfast?"
Winnie appreciated that he was polite immediately. She gave a slight curt nod as he kissed the back of her hand. "Winnie, please," she offered with a polite expression. "I would love to," she then said, taking a seat with him at the Ravenclaw table. "It's nice to formally meet you, Vikram. My family are very eager for us," Winnie said, continuing with the polite tone and expression. Wanting to keep this cordial in a first meeting and perhaps get to know him and his view on everything.
Vikram took his seat beside her. "Please, the pleasure is all mine." He replied, nodding at her words. "Yes, and mine as well." He sipped his drink. "I would hate to impose, however. Would there be a schedule that would work for you? Just meals, perhaps, or we could sit together in class, pair for projects?" He questioned. "I would like to get to know you, but I'd much rather it were on your own terms."
Winnie had had a lot of doubts about whether this boy would be as her parents claimed, but he was polite and cordial and that was all she needed. He just had to accept everything that she actually was, all the parts of herself that she was holding back. She nodded, and took out her schedule, she had classes marked out with specific houses, then there was time for morning runs, breakfast at the same time every day, lunch was always at around the same time, and usually much shorter to allow for revision. Dinner varied depending on her astronomy class and how much revision and homework she had. "here is my schedule, it's very thorough, so hopefully we can work around it," she replied.
Vikram nodded, taking out the copy of his schedule he'd made out for her from his jacket. "I brought a copy of mine, as well." He set it down and produced a pencil, comparing their time. He scribbled in a few thoughts- some varying meals, and even combining one study night a week. "Here, how is this?" He asked, looking up to her with a gentle smile. "It should be a fair amount of time, without being overbearing."
Winnie looked at his schedule, but did just let him take hers and then make adjustments. She looked at the adjustments he made and then took a pencil and made a few of her own, just changing some timings but keeping it not too different from what he had suggested. "That should suit," she agreed. "Congratulations on ravenclaw," she said after, thinking it right to give a little congratulations and try to get to know him a little better, given everything.
Feeling pleased that some things were sorted, he smiled and tucked the schedule back into his cloak. He turned his attention to her, giving her another smile. "Thank you, Miss Calida," He nodded slightly. "And to you, as well. Slytherin is a house full of noble blood. I believe it speaks to a strength of character in its inhabitants." He offered, choosing to believe in the more idealistic side of things.
Winnie gave a little smile, "Please, Winnie," she said, thinking that it would be too formal, and be a little odd for those around them. The slytherin could appreciate that he complimented slytherin. She knew the house had a reputation, but it was nice that he didn't necessarily ascribe to it, though she was sure he was going to learn a little of what it was like. "I believe so too," she said in response. "What sort of things do you do?" she asked, mostly asking about hobbies.
Vikram smiled. "Alright, Winnie," He offered. He turned, starting to eat his breakfast in the most gentlemanly manner he could manage. "I enjoy reading, and long walks. I like to observe nature- stargazing in particular, or sitting by a lake or stream and watching the water. I enjoy walks in the rain as well." He gave her another smile. "What about you? What do you enjoy, Miss Winnie?" He asked.
Winnie began to eat her breakfast, trying to be as polite as possible as she ate it. Not wanting to make a mess, though Winnie was usually the last sort of person who did do that sort of thing. She listened to what he liked to do, though she couldn't think any of that was a good use of time. The reading maybe and stargazing if that interested you, but not really anything else. 'I enjoy reading, and I enjoy working," she said, before pausing, trying to think of what she liked. "I like running. I'm planning on starting a run club,"
Vikram ate his breakfast slowly, finding that Winnie was easy company to keep. He'd been a bit nervous, he'd admit to that, but she was someone he could see himself liking. He offered her a gentle smile. "What do you like to read?" He asked. She seemed like a very practical girl. He was intrigued when she mentioned a running club. "Perhaps I could join you," He offered. "I could see that being something I'd enjoy. It could be a nice way to share interests."
Winnie gave a little tight smile at the question. "I'll read anything really, but I do focus on things which will help my studies, I just want to do well, you know, and whatever helps that, helps that," she reasoned to him with a little shrug. The slytherin then nodded, "Well, it'll be free for anyone to join, so you'd be welcome to," she told him, since she wouldn't say no to the company, but didn't want him to feel like he had to come to it, just because she was the one organising it.
Vikram nodded. "Have you decided what you're studying for?" He asked. A driven girl like Winnie, well, he had a feeling she had her whole life planned out. "I'm still going over a few options myself but I'm considering medical research," He admitted. He enjoyed studying, and thought he could be helpful in that sort of regard. He nodded as she said he could join. He probably would. He picked up his drink and took a sip. This was pleasant. He gave Winnie a gentle smile.
Winnie gave a little shake of her head. "Mother wants me to work with her, so I'll do whatever I need to to be able to get that, but I want to achieve highly regardless," she said with a smile, opting to not mention that she knew she needed to get O's, that she needed to do all the classes. Her mother expected nothing less than perfection. Winnie nodded at what he was thinking. "Why medical research?" asked.
Vikram nodded at her words. "Remind me what your mother does?" He asked, wanting to be sure he had all of his information correct. He was sure she was the type that could accomplish anything she set her mind to. He smiled at her question. "It all just fascinates me, honestly," He chuckled. "I don't want to be an actual doctor... I couldn't stand to lose patients, really, I think it would do me in. And I hate the sight of blood, so that wouldn't work either. But I feel like I could be a medical researcher and help, still."
Winnie gave a little nod, "She runs and owns a property development company," Winnie replied with a little pride in her voice. She was pretty happy that this was what her mother did, it wasn't the most interesting job in the world but she had managed to be pretty successful at it and the family had plenty money because of it. "What do your parents do?" this seemed like the moment to ask about what they did. She nodded along as he spoke and put away the information for later. "I think you'll be great at that," she said, though she did have little to base that on.
Vikram smiled at the obvious pride in her answer. He hoped things went well for her, all things considered. He didn't doubt she'd make good things happen. As she turned the question back, it was his turn to feel proud. "Oh, my mother is a family lawyer and my father is the chief of medicine at a muggle hospital," He offered, smiling warmly. "They're both dedicated to helping people as best they can, it's rather sweet really."
Winnie thought it pretty interesting that his family seemed to be about helping people, that their roles and jobs were about helping and she knew hers were not. Her mother was more focused on success, on financial gain than anything else. "That is very sweet," she agreed, mostly genuinely, but she would've said it likely regardless of what he had really said. "I'm glad too, that it seems you're keen to also, somewhat follow that family path of helping people,"
Vikram chuckled. "That is the idea," He teased gently. "They've been very open to encourage me to do my own thing." He smiled at her softly. "I know our parents wanted us to meet, but I don't want you to feel pressured. If we don't get on well, then we don't, and it's as simple as that." He reassured her gently, before giving her an impish grin. "Though I must admit, I think you're absolutely lovely."
Winnie gave a little smile, ignoring the little amount of teasing. She wasn't really used to that, people didn't tend to tease with her. She wasn't someone who teased, but if that was what he was like then she would. She didn't share his sentiment about them getting on being part of it, she would listen to her parents, regardless, so she felt pressured for this to work, but also optimistic that like him this would work. "I think you're lovely too," she said, echoing his words.
Vikram chuckled, and having finished his food, he shifted to get up. "I think I'd like to take a walk, get a look at the school grounds. Would you like to come with me?" He asked, offering out his hand to her. He thought it could be nice, to walk with her while he looked over their new home.
Winnie didn't really have the time to go for a walk, but she figured if she rearranged her day a little she could, and it would make sense for her to spend more time with Vikram. "I would like that," she agreed, and she took the offered out hand.
Vikram smiled, pilling Winnie up and leading her out, trying to tuck her hand in the crook of his elbow. This was already going very well, he thought, and he was optimistic about how this was sure to go. He could see it now- a good school career with Winnie by his side. He gave her a smile, his thoughts racing with plans and possibilities.

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