Closed First Morning: Meeting You

Winnie Calida

Queen Bee
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
05/2051 (11)
Winnie had the name and house of the boy her parents had told her about. She had decided to not waste any time and did immediately once she'd spoken with her head of house, go to meet with him. It was important that she do so. She knew that her choices were limited but, she wanted to get to know him a little bit, and without the pressure of either of their parents. It was possible he would be horrible and she might have time to make him more what she wanted, or he'd be perfect and she could the worries around that aside. Though at least she'd never have to worry about the stresses of dating. She walked into the great hall and immediately spotted him at the ravenclaw table. She smoothed down the already perfectly straight skirt and walked over to him, shoes squeaking upon the stones. "Vikram," she said. "I'm Winnie," she introduced extending a hand out to him.
Vikram had taken the night to settle in, and had been planning on searching out one Miss Winnie Calida after breakfast. He was impeccably dressed, and was arranging a nice plate- toast, porridge, a bit of juice, when he heard someone say his name. He looked up and recognized her immediately. Internally he cursed, but externally he just turned, getting up. One hand behind his back, he took her hand in his and bent down a bit, raising it pressing a kiss to the soft skin. "Miss Calida, a pleasure," He straightened, releasing her hand gently. "Would you care to join me for breakfast?"
Winnie appreciated that he was polite immediately. She gave a slight curt nod as he kissed the back of her hand. "Winnie, please," she offered with a polite expression. "I would love to," she then said, taking a seat with him at the Ravenclaw table. "It's nice to formally meet you, Vikram. My family are very eager for us," Winnie said, continuing with the polite tone and expression. Wanting to keep this cordial in a first meeting and perhaps get to know him and his view on everything.

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