first love, last love, only love, It's Only Love.

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Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle


lookingfor; A girlfriend for Sam. It doesn't have to be his final but I would like him to be in a relationship at some point in the IC year, so if you could help me out, that would be freakin' awesome!

sam; 15 (going on 16), Hufflepuff 5th Year, Quidditch Obsessed, Musically Talented.

Sam is pretty much an easy going person. He has a great sesne of humour and is very loyal to his friends. However, that being said, he often does stupid things. Things that he doesn't necessarily think are stupid at the time or that he doesn't really think much of even though they may even hurt someone he cares about. On that note Sam is also diabolical at reading girls. But he's not a complete disaster! He's very protective of the people he loves and will go to the end of the earth for them. He is very honest and loves to be around people who are grounded and just themselves. People who aren't all the time trying to prove themselves. Sam isn't very academic mainly because he doesn't really have much interest in most of the subjects that he is currently studying. However he is extraordinary at Quidditch and loves playing guitar. (if you have any further questions about sam let me know!)

requirements; The girl needs to be presently in fifth year or fourth year. No specific house but I think I would prefer if the girl attended Hogwarts (just because RPing at Brightstone Weekends can be awkward sometimes) but if not, we can work something out I'm sure. If the girl and Sam have already met- well and good! But if she hasn't I think it would be really cute if they had some sort of crush on each other when they first meet! :wub: I'm just cheesy like that :r That's all I can think of at the moment, but if I think of any more I'll post them here.

So yeah I think that's all. Please please post if you have any ideas!! :woot: I'm really looking forward to this. Thanks a lot!
I will be having exams from June 8th until the 18th so I will probably be absent a lot from the site at that time, so I'd like if we could start the decided plot after my exams just because I'll be more active on the site then!
Hilde could be interested. She is quidditch obsessed as well, and co-captain for Slytherin after all. She kinda needs to have an at school boyfriend for a while. It would not be a final thing because that is set up already for her, but she could be into things for a semester or a school year.
Rhi is a close of friend of Sam eversince..Rhi plays Chaser of the team and cheers for Sam when he plays..Rhi also has a crush on Sam back when they first met on their first year..How about playing the why-didn't-i-notice-you-before plot??
I'd offer Arianna if you'd be interested. I think her and Sam would get along famously. They would definitely bond over their love of music. She had a boyfriend right now but they'll probably break up before the next semesters up seeing as he's gonna wind up with Hilde. I want her to have a few relationships before she graduates so this could last however long you please.
I have Steph here. She's a 4th year Ravenclaw and a transferee. She loves quidditch but hadn't have the opportunity to play. she was home schooled before she attended Hogwarts. She didn't had a boyfriend before and I think it will be nice for her to have someone.
Wow, shame I didn't see this earlier as you already have so many offers! But I'll still offer up Riley.. She seems to have everything in common with him and I've always thought it would be awesome to plot them together, but its up to you ^_^ so sad that Leia is gone :( both Sam and Riley are gonna miss her
Okay so I was thinking quite a bit about all of this!
First of all thank you so much for all of your offers but to be honest, for IC reasons, I think I'll go with Riley. Mainly because I also thought they'd be cute together :r and they actually RP real well together also! ^_^

But thank you all for your offers! :wub:
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