Closed First Impressions Need To Be Perfect

Blake Lodge

1/4 Veela| Fashionable| Intuitive| Kooky
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Blake was in the stands with Skylar watching the Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin. This wasn't really her thing but Skylar could be very persistent so Blake gave in to her and let Skylar drag her there. Even that she wasn't particularly enjoying the fact that she was there she couldn't help but dress up for the occasion. She was wearing a dark red off shoulder blouse with a golden glittery skirt and matching red and gold heels. She had her hair loose and a red cap with a Gryffindor emblem and two stripes, one gold and one red, on each side of her face, of facial painting.
"I still don't get it how you find this enjoyable" she said almost screaming so the other girl, who was right next to her, could hear her between the screams, shouts and cheers "How do you know when someone's the winner?" she asked not really sure if the game would ever end. Blake would never guess that Quidditch games were such a big deal, it seemed like she was on Super Bowl or something. The only thing she was actually enjoying was that most guys on the Quidditch team seemed to be kind of handsome.

@Skylar Anderson
Skylar had been excited for the final game between Slytherin and Gryffindor for a while now. She was beyond happy that her house was playing, and she couldn't wait to go watch the match! But since she didn't want to go alone, she decided to drag one of her friends along. It turned out she'd somehow managed to convince Blake to come, and she was now grinning in delight as she sat with her in the stands, watching the game play out.

"How do you not find this fun?!" she yelled in response to Blake's question, and as for her question of how it worked, she replied, "a team wins either if they're the first to catch the snitch, which is the little golden flying ball thing, or if they get the most points overall, which they can get either by scoring in the hoops, or by catching the golden snitch." she was fairly certain Blake hadn't heard much of that, but what did it matter, it was mostly the thrill of simply watching the game that mattered. Skylar pulled her Gryffindor scarf closer around her even though it wasn't too cold, but she wanted to show her support for her house in any way possible. She was also sporting a Gyrffindor cap, a Gryffindor hoodie, black leggings, and red and gold sneakers which she'd bought specifically to support her house.

She cheered as she saw Lysander hit a bludger straight at the seeker, "YAY, GO GRYFFINDOR!!!" she yelled, turning to look at Blake and see what she thought of that move.
Blake looked at Skylar and nodded, she had no idea what a golden snitch was but she wasn't about to tel her, she guess that she would understand once she saw a golden thing. She looked at the pitch and she saw no golden things, there were red and yellow balls but no golden ones and the yellow ones were certainly not for catching as some of the players used a bat to hit on them. It seemed like every player in there was playing a different game, there were people trying to score the red balls through hoops and people defending the hoops, a bit like basketball, people hitting the yellow balls with bats, a bit like baseball but with bigger balls and there were two of the players that weren't doing anything, just observing and from time to time they flew a bit faster but stopped right after like they were chasing something, maybe playing catch.

She suddenly gave a little jump when Skylar got up and startedcheering for the team, she had no idea why Skylar was cheering when a guy hit another with a ball, there was clearly too much violence going on "Why are you cheering? Shouldn't that guy be disqualified for hitting the other?" she asked, wasn't that how all sports worked?

After Skylar answered her question Blake kind of understood things better so when the Gryffindor guy hit the Slytherin one again it was Blake's turn to get up and cheer "GO GRYFFINDOR!" she looked back at Skylar "Wow, who knew that screaming out loud felt so good" she said with a smile.
She had to stifle a laugh as Blake asked why Lysander wasn’t disqualified after hitting the Slytherin seeker with a bludger, it was pretty funny how her friend was so clueless about the wizarding world’s most popular sport! “It’s his job, he’s supposed to try to prevent the other players from doing their job by hitting Bludgers at them, either forcing them to stop what they’re doing and dodge, or even injure them a bit.” As Gryffindor hit the Slytherin seeker again, she cheered, this time noticing that Blake was cheering too. She smiled, pleased to see her friend enjoying the game. As she said that screaming felt good Skylar laughed, it was after all true! “Haha yep it most certainly does feel good! Feel free to scream all you want here!” She said with a grin, adding in her own scream for good measure.

As the game progressed, she kept cheering for Gryffindor, and occasionally booing for Slytherin when they either scored a goal or hit a bludger at Gryffindor. Suddenly she saw the Slytherin Seeker get hit again and a time out being called. She had never seen this happen before, so she turned to Blake, curious what she thought of it. “What’s happening? Why have they stopped? Has Gryffindor won??” She asked the last question with a hint of hopefulness in her voice, but she was pretty sure there’d be more cheering happening in the Gryffindor side of the stands if that was the case.
Blake was learning the ropes of Quidditch, she did not knew a single bit of it but now she had another information, the baseball players where supposed to hit the basketball players with the yellow balls, which were named Bludgers. She did not knew how the other players enjoyed Quidditch if they could be injured but she guessed they must really love Quidditch in order to put themselves theough that.
She was excited by so much screaming, she did not knew a single bit of Quidditch but she did knew one thing or two about cheering, she wondered if Quidditch had some sort of cheerleaders, if it they had then she would want in.

Blake did not understood why the game had stopped but she took a wild guess "Maybe it was because Mr. Pretty Boy over there hit the other one AGAIN. That Gryffindor beater kept on targeting him, he was barely doing anything but I feel like somewhat it was strategy. That Slytherin guy was always observing the game, I feel like he was up to know good." she said suspicious "Who's that guy anyway?" she said pointing at the Gryffindor's beater that had hit the seeker, he seemed kind of cute but she couldn't exactly have a clear view of him.
Skylar watched with a look of concern on her face as she saw the Slytherin Seeker be carried off. She was of course glad since it meant that Gryffindor had a better chance of winning, but she was equally worried and hoped the Slytherin boy would feel better soon. Even though she wanted to definitely play Quidditch when she got older, she was sure now she didn't want to be a Beater, she couldn't imagine hurting someone on purpose like that!

As Blake asked who the Gryffindor Beater who'd just hit the Slytherin Seeker was, Skylar snapped out of her daydreaming and instead felt a small smile grow on her face. "What? Oh, you mean Lysander? He's a Gryffindor, obviously, and I'm pretty sure he's a Year 3, or maybe a year 4, I'm not so sure." she added, hoping she wasn't giving Blake the wrong information. Then she added, "why, what do you think of him?" with a playful smile on her face.
Lysander, so that was his name. "Oh nothing, just curious" she said hopefully not blushing. In her mind there was only one word that she said to herself, LIAR.
She couldn't help but look at the boy, more than she looked at the other players. She couldn't help but blush a little when she thought or looked at Lysander but hopefully Skylar wasn't noticing that. She had a crush, she could not lie to herself, Blake barely knew the guy but as a first impression he liked quiditch, he was handsome and was clearly strategic since he took out the other team's seeker.
Blake looked at Skylar wondering if she should ask her what was on her mind or if the girl was going to get suspicious. She eventually decided to, if she got suspicious then Blake would tell her. She had no problem on doing so...maybe just a little, but Skylar was her friend. Who is a girl supposed to trust if not on her girl friends? " think that after the game we could...I don't know, meet the players? Get autographs?" she said trying to stop the growing smile in her face. She was ratting herself out, Skylar would totally connect the dots.
Skylar grinned as she heard Blake talk about Lysander. It was clear that her friend had developed a bit of a crush, and Skylar smiled, pleased for her friend. "Yeah, I'm sure we'll be able to find him after the game." she reassured Blake, but then thought of another thing, "and even if we can't get to him straight after the game, he is a Gryffindor after all so we should be able to find him in the common room sometime anyway." she added, smiling at her friend. She looked back towards the game and was a bit shocked to see it had already restarted in the few seconds they'd spent talking to one another! She noticed there was another girl playing Seeker for Slytherin but Skylar didn't think much of her at first, she was sure Willow would beat her anyway. Nudging her friend, she pointed back towards the game, "Hey, the game's started again!" she said, and then with a joking grin she added, "now you can get back to admiring a certain someone!" a mischievous smile spreading across her face.
Blake rolled her eyes and gave the other girl a smile "Find the team, not him. I'm interested in the team." she said. Liar. Of course she would be looking for him, but she wasn't going to give Skypar the satisfaction of being right and another opportunity to tease her, at least not yet. "Don't you wanna join the team? It would be a great opportunity to learn some more things." she said trying to change the subject and trying to come up with a solid motive to see the team after the game "I know I will be trying out next year" she said trying to convince Skylar that meeting the tem was only for business. Liar liar liar. She hated flying! The last thing she was going to do was joining the Quidditch team. Her face was worth millions, she had bewn the cover of several magazines, she was not going to risk her money maker.
The girl rolled her eyes again "What even makes you think I'm into him?! He's older. Gross!" she said with her best disgusted face "Besides, he practices a sport I've only just started to know the rules of, he probably has a lot of muscles and he his kinda handsome" she added with a pause "I don't know what could make me possibly like him" she said readjusting her cap and giving Skular her most fake serious expression.
Skylar cheered as Gryffindor seemed to get better in the game, but she turned to look at Blake when she started talking to her again. She grinned as her friend said she wasn't interested in Lysander but instead interested in the team. Skylar shook her head, laughing to herself. She knew her friend well enough to know that she hated flying, and couldn't afford to damage her perfect look. Skylar on the other hand, really couldn't care less about how her hair or face looked, so as long as it didn't look like she'd just crawled out of a dumpster, she was fine with it. "Oh yeah, I'll definitely be trying out for the team next year! Hopefully I'd be able to become a Chaser, it looks like the best position." she said, surveying the game which was still in progress with a new sense of curiosity.

She chuckled some more as Blake rambled on about how she could never like him anyway, how he was older, played a sport she hardly knew about and many other things. "Yeah yeah, I'm sureeee you don't have even the teensiest crush on him..." she smiled at her friend, enjoying the prospect of teasing her even more.

She suddenly heard a commotion in the stands, and her head turned back to the game, just in time to see Slytherin catch the snitch and win the game! "Nooooooo!!!!" she yelled, booing Slytherin for winning. She couldn't believe Gryffindor had lost, especially after it had looked so hopeful once Gryffindor got rid of Slytherin's initial seeker. She looked over at Blake to see what she thought of it, but she was sure her friend's expression must match her own.
Blake rolled her eyes. She had been discovered. She knew the best way to run away from the talk about her crush was denial and then change of topic "Pft, I don't but you think whatever you want." she said referring to Skylar's accusations about her having a crush "But that's great! I know you'll be great at chasing whatever Chasers chase...they do chase something right?" she said looking at Skylar with a puzzled look. It was easier to guess the designer of a shoe than to understand how Quidditch worked.
When Blake heard the other girl's 'no' she tried to understand what was going on and saw a girl with a tiny golden ball in her hand. Skylar had mention that the team who caught a golden tiny ball would win and that girl had caught it, but she was a Slytherin. "
I'm sorry" she said trying to comfort the other girl, this was not really a big deal to Blake. She was obviously sad that her house lost but she didn't care as much as Skylar did so she tried to cheer her up "Let's go and meet the team. With my diplomatic skills I bet I can make them save you a spot in the team for next year and then thanks to you star player, we'll start winning this whole thing" she said with a smile. She would obviously would try to recommend Skylar for the team but that was not why she wanted to go meet the team but maybe Skylar would fall for that. "Come on" the girl said already a few steps ahead of Skylar ready to make her way to wherever the team was after the game.
Skylar grinned as she listened to Blake's denial of her small crush. She found it pretty cute, but incredibly amusing at the same time, so she found herself involuntarily grinning as Blake carried on denying it. The conversation briefly changed to her playing Quidditch and Skylar couldn't help but smile at her friend's cluelessness about Quidditch. "Yeah, the chaser's job is to score goals using the quaffle." and then adding, "which is the large, red-coloured ball, just in case you didn't know what that was either." she said with a cheeky grin on her face.

Though Skylar was still bummed that her team had lost, Blake comforting her was actually strangely helpful, maybe since it was something that she hadn't really expected of her friend, since she didn't know much about Quidditch, or maybe it was just the fact that it had been a nice gesture in general, and something that Skylar definitely missed since leaving her family to come to Hogwarts.

As Blake suggested they go meet the team though, Skylar immediately cheered up. "Ok sure, let's go meet them!" before chaning her mind and adding "or actually, let's go meet a certain someone should I say instead." she smiled, glad to have taken her mind off the Quidditch loss by teasing her friend. "But thanks for the recommendation for having me on their team anyway, I'll hold you to it now!" she grinned at her friend, knowing that she had probably just been joking, but also secretely hoping that she actually hadn't, and that she might actually make them save her a spot on the team for next year. "Well, lead the way I guess!" she chuckled, wondering how this 'meet-up' would end.

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