First Day

Kayden Hayashi

Well-Known Member
Kayden walked through the halls until she found a door that lead outside. It was her first day at Durmstrang and so far it was better than it had been at Hogwarts. A few kids had said hi to her and one had show her all her classes. It was a good sigh people were actually acknowledging her here. It made her feel better to be outside though. It was freezing sure and she only had on her red leather jacket. She didn't mind though she barely felt it even though a few people gave her a funny look.
Mark was walking through the school. He couldnt walk too fast as his ribs still hurt from the beating he had just had a few days earlyier. Although he diddnt really mind anymore. As he walked he saw a girl that he had never seen before. She was probably new so Mark stopped to help. He smield kindly at her. " Hello you look new are you ok?"
Kayden smiled as a boy walked up to her. He looked to be about her age, people were so much more considerate here than at Hogwarts. "Yes, i'm new, it's my first day here. But I was just looking around out here, it's nice." She smiled it was amazing how to schools could be so totally different. Plus on top of it all she would get to see Izumi.
Mark nodded his head. " Yeah it is a nice place to be, and dont worry the first day is always the hardest." He smiled then looked around. " So do you want me to show you around or are you ok just on your own?" Mark had nothing better to do so a distraction from his troubled little life was more than welcome, Especially when a pretty girl is involved
Kayden smiled brightly. "I would love that." She looked at the boy. "I'm Kayden by the way." She bowed slightly as in traditon when meeting someone new. She was happy people were being so nice to her here, it made her feel better about herself. She looked over the boy. He was cute, but she shook the thought, she didn't even know if he was seeing someone. But on the other hand it wasn't a crime to think about it so, she thought about it anyway.
Mark smiled widely. " Cool well i will juust start from here and work my way around." He began to walk slowly around the school. " Oh and my name is Mark." He looked over to her with a grin on his face. He pointed to his left. " The potions rooms are, do you want to go in and take a look in them or do you just want to wait until your lesson?" Mark looked at her as he waited for an answer
Kayden followed Mark as he worked his way around. "I can see it later." She smiled, it wasn't all too important to see the classrooms to her just yet. She couldn't help but fell lucky to be making a friend already. She thought about her strict rich family and her fighting. The so called dishonor she took with her were ever she went and couldn't help but giggle a little. She decited that could be her dirty little secret for a while.
Kayden smiled and shook her head. her now shoulder length hair falling in her face. She pulled it back behind her ears. "I'm not sure you would understand. I was just thinking about something..." She stopped another giggle. she just couldn't help herself. Her mom was so spaztic sometimes over her little mistakes. She liked to fight so what? It was manly just to make her mother mad anyway. How could it be shameful. She thought about the old ways and the lessions she got as a young child. But those rules were so silly, like they were written to be broken.
Mark nodded. " Ok if you say so." He smiled. This girl seemed a little mysterious to him but then again thats how he found most girls, impossilbe to understand. He sighed then pointed across the grounds. " Thats where we play quidditch. I would take you there but i carnt be bothered to walk across the wet mud. He chuckled then turned to her. " Ok left or strait on." He wnated to let her decided where to go now
Kayden was glad when he didn't press her to try and explain. She nodded when he pointed to the quidditch feild. SHe liked to watch but had never been a very good flyer so it didn't interest her too much anyway. He asked which way to go next. "HOw about..." She mentally did a choosing game. "Left." She looked at Mark, he seemed nicer then most boys. She wondered why but kept it to herself.
Mark smiled then turned on his heels and went the way that she choos. " Ok you got it." He began his slow walk again giving them time to talk. " What school did you come from then?" It was a simple question and a simple way to start a new conversation
Kayden slowed to his pace. "Hogwarts New Zealand. I was supposed to be transfering with two of my friends their but I was the only one that got in. So I came here to be with Izumi." She smiled he would probably know who she was since they were in the same class. "How lond have you been here?" She smiled and looked up at him.
Mark shrugged passively. " Since the start of my first year. I never really liked the sound of Hogwarts when i was younger." He laughed at a personal joke that him and his best mate had come up with. " I like it here too and i want to stay until my last year. Personally i think its better than Hogwarts, the lesson are better and so much more fun. Although they are said to be harder though but i find them easy enough." He smiled kindly at her after he finished speaking.
Kayden smiled, and it made her feel better to know she wasn't the only one who wasn't happy at Hogwarts. "I like a good challenge." She was talking about the school work of course and she did do well in most classes so it shouldn't be to hard. And from what she had done today she figured it wouldn't be to bad. She really liked the idea of staying at Durmstrang to her final year and hoped she would.
Mark laughed as he walked along side her. " Yeah i suppose i like a challenge too, although i seem to be getting more and more of them. Its really quite tiring you know." He sighed then ran his hand through his hair. " So do you have any family that go to school?" Mark had only just really found out about his family, first he thought it was just him and his dad but now he had a mum and a vig brother. Things were confusing for Mark right now
Kayden smiled not quite understanding but wasn't going to push it further. "I don't think so I have a pretty small family." Her family was really just her mum, dad an aunt and a few cousins. She really didn't care now that she had moved out. She was a 'dishonor' to her family anyway. She continued to walk by him. She looked around at all the scenery it was nice here.
Mark nodded. " I used to think that my family was kind of big. I had my dad my uncle, my aunty and 4 cousins. Now i have my mum, dad, brother, uncle and 3 cousins." He sighed. " It seems like when one family member leaves another replaces them. Its very confusing." He sighed again then ruffled his hair up. " So Kay, are you single." He looked over his should at her. "Its not a chat up line, im just curious."
Kayden listened and nodded. She envied people who had large family's. she looked down and what he said next surprised her, she even blushed a little. She looked over at him, "Yeah I am, are you?" She looked at him wondering what he would say. She hadn't had a boyfriend in a long time. She could never find someone who would stay with her over a month and she ended up being left heartsick.
Mark nodded at her question. " Yeah i am, just recently though. My ex just stopped talking to me and stopped sending letters. I couldnt go see her as she goes to HNZ so you know." He rolled his eyes and scratched the back of his neck. " Im good with girls, i mean i can flirt perfectly but this girl was my first proper girl friend and then she just stopped. Its left me a little unsure if i can keep a relationship going." Mark frowned at the thought.
Kayden nodded. "I've had that problem before." She frowned, "Except after a while he sent me a letter saying he had found someone else and to move on." She looked at him and smiled again. He seemed do nice, she didn't know why someone would let him go. She wouldn't have. It wasn't right what the other girl had done. Kayden had always broken up in person if she did at all.
Mark nodded with a sigh. " At least he actually sent you a letter. I just got the compleate edition of the cold shoulder." He shrugged passively to change subject. " Oh well whats done is done, carnt change the past. So where to now then pretty lady?" He smiled charmingly at her as he spoke, making his normal self shine through again
Kayden smiled because he changed the subject. She didn't even have to tell him and thewn on top of that he complemented her. She looked around and shut her eyes and pointed in a random dirextion, "That way." She looked at him and nodded.
Mark laughed when she closed her eyes and pointed, it seemed like a good way to do things. He began in the direction which she had pointed in and started up a new conversation. " So whre abouts in the world do you live. I live in New Zealand so its a long way for my owl to fly." He laughed
Kayden wasn't sure how to answer his question. Since she had been living on her own she had been renting a pent house in a hotel but stopped when she came to school here. "Well," She wondered if she should go wit hthe truth and decided to go for it. "Really just here until summer, then I'll find a apartment or something close by." She looked at her feet wondering what he would say to that.

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