Old School Week finir avec un grand éclat

Simone Moreau-Chen

beuxs grad ⚡ bonsquad ⚡ sports photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 Inch Swishy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
12/2033 (29)
Simone was nearly out of breath after rushing from her dorm room down to the lawn. She had completely forgotten about the fireworks she had bought last summer with the intention of some kind of forgotten senior prank. That was until she found them under her bed after she went searching for her skateboard. There weren't a whole lot left but there were a few bottle rockets and some whizz-bangs, just enough to potentially get her in trouble.
There weren't a lot of things in this world that made Simone hustle like that, and the second Orélie had spotted her going past, she knew Simone was up to something. Never one to be left out, she followed her out onto the lawn, giving her friend a dubious once over when came to a stop. "Hey Simone... What you up to?"
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Simone skidded to a stop when she heard Orelie call after her. She debated if she could just keep going and pretend she didn't hear or if she should stop and risk being talked out of her current hi-jinx. With a sigh she turned around, looking sheepishly knowing she couldn't hide the fireworks in her arms. "Going for a walk?" she tried to say seriously, as if her friend would ever believe that.
Orélie looked at Simone, then at the fireworks in her hands, then back at Simone, just to be sure, before shrugging. "Okay then, mind if I join you on your. Walk?"
Simone nodded slowly before continuing out to the lawn. She dropped her bounty on the grass and glanced at her friend. "So if anyone asks...we just found these." she said with an eyebrow raised, making sure Orelie was cool before they started to set any of them off.
Orélie smirked as Simone spoke, nodding slowly. "We just found them and they just happened to set themselves off on their own," She recited clearly to an imaginary teacher.
"That's the spirit." she said and gave her friend a mischievous wink. She bent down to where she had unceremoniously placed the fireworks on the grass and picked up an pretty average looking bottle rocket it. "Incendio." she whispered and the fuse caught. Simone took a quick step back before it shot off, flying for a few seconds before popping into a shower of sparks. She giggled, and gestured for Orelie to have the next pick.
Orélie glanced over her shoulder, quickly checking for any staff before letting out a somewhat involuntary whoop as Simone's bottlerocket went off, unable to help the grin on her face. It would be harder to claim innocence if she set off one herself, but she couldn't help it, scooping up a long thin one and lighting it with her wand. She quickly stabbed it back into the ground and let out another cheer as it shot up a chain of green and pink sparks, grinning upwards as they popped into a cascade of colored lights.
Simone let out a big full body laugh as Orelie let out a cheer as the firework exploded. She watched fondly as her friend picked out one and set it off. She braced for the explosion and clapped as the pink and green filled the sky. It was probably only a matter of time before they got busted so she had to make the most of it, so she grabbed another one quickly and set it off. She held her breath and waited but as it reached its peak the spark went out and was followed by silence. "Aww...was it-" Simone started but was cut off by a delayed bang and her own surprised scream as she was rewarded with a sky full of blue sparks.
Orélie glanced over at Simone, feeling giddy and breathless as the firework crackled above them. She was hit with a sudden pang of how much she was going to miss this. There was no way that the BONSquad would lose touch, but they also couldn't pretend this wouldn't be an end of an era either. The moment was broken as Simone's next firework sputtered to life and Orélie snorted at her friend's squawk. Orélie was about to grab another one when she heard a shout from over their shoulders, towards the school. "Oh sh*t, I think it's a teacher. Run!" She said, giggling and grabbing Simone's hand to pull her away.
"Don't laugh at me!" Simone said indignantly before dissolving into her own fit of laughter. She watched as Orelie went to grab the next one and drop it as someone shouted behind them. Simone whipped her head around so fast it made her dizzy for a moment and she felt her stomach drop at the sight of a teacher. There wasn't much they could do to her now so close to graduation but the fear seemed to be instinctual. "Lemme just grab-" she tried to say but was cut off by her friend's firm grip pulling her away.

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