Open Find out your future

Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)
Perhaps the day after Valentines was the wrong time to do a public tarot card reading, because everyone would be so distracted by either their new admirers or delivering of roses to notice that a second year Ravenclaw was sat at one of the tables, a deck of cards spread out in front of him. That was however precisely why Eoghan had chosen today of all days to hold it. It meant that he was unlikely or at least less likely, to come up against students that didn't want to be there, or were only there because they were trying to track down those to deliver a rose to. No one would bother coming up to the Student Lounge when they had a day off recovering from the dance last night, which meant Eoghan didn't need to worry about those that were around him not taking him seriously.

"Who wants to go first?" he was asking, hoping that someone would volunteer themselves first. It was different, to do a reading with yourself versus one for other people. When he was reading for himself it was easy to fit the cards into his own life and interept them how he wanted, but with other people he had to be both vague enough that it would be suitable for the person he was reading for, but specific enough that they felt as though it could help them. At the end of the day that was why Eoghan liked reading tarot cards at all; it was a chance for him to help others through the powers of divination and give others an insight to something they might otherwise have not noticed. It was easier to see a way forward when all the blinds of the windows were drawn.
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And breathe.

Teddy had been so busy sorting roses, delivering roses, receiving roses and checking deliveries were going smoothly that he hadn't had time to do much else. Valentines was over now and he could relax and forget all about roses for a little while. He wondered into the student lounge to hang out for a bit where Eoghan was offering tarot readings. Ever one to get involved, Teddy immediately went over to him with a grin. "Oh go on then, as you're offering." Teddy replied, "I'll go first."
Eoghan was in truth, glad that anyone had shown up at all. He didn't want a crowd this was true, but it would have been embarrassing if no one had approached him too. The Ravenclaw's head snapped toward an older boy who volunteered himself, and in an effort to get to know some of the students outside his social circle he was glad again that he'd put himself forward to do this. "You're.. Teddy, aren't you?" Eoghan asked although he was quite sure. Not only had he spoken to Teddy at the Brotherhood events, he also recognized him from Quidditch. The second year gestured in front of him to the seat opposite. "Do you have a question you'd like to find answers to? he asked the prefect. He didn't need a question, but it would certainly help to direct the interpretation.
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Teddy nodded, pleased he was recognised as he rather enjoyed how well known he'd become even amongst people who weren't in the Brotherhood, especially this year with Quidditch and the whole being a prefect thing. Audrey would probably say his ego didn’t need any more encouragement, but Teddy disagreed. "And you're Eoghan," he said pointing at him and pronouncing his name like someone who had only ever seen it written down. "Thanks for volunteering for roses yesterday. How’d you find it?" He dropped into the seat Eoghan had gestured to and thought about what had been on his mind. Well, all that had been on his mind was roses but now that was behind him, he didn't need a tarot reading for it. It was time to focus on something else like Quidditch. The Championship game was coming up and Teddy would literally sell a kidney to win. "Alright, I’ve got a question. Do I tell you or what?" He wasn't sure if this was also a mind reading exercise as well as a fortune telling one.
Eoghan winced as the prefect butchered his name, although he didn't correct him. Maybe he ought to, but he didn't want to make the situation any more awkward than it already was. "It wasn't so bad," the Ravenclaw shrugged. "It was easier than I thought to find those I was delivering to, I mean," his cheeks turning a little pink at the reminder of those he'd met. June had been the most lovely person to chat to, and someone who had genuinely seemed to want to get to know him. He also didn't really want to discuss his love life with Teddy, because as much as he didn't dislike the Gryffindor, he wasn't exactly the type to hand out information without reason. He gave the boy a moment to think of a question, "You can tell me. You don't have to, but it certainly helps with the interpretation if you want a more accurate reading," he explained. He'd done it before without knowing the question when he'd offered this up to Ondine, but it was always harder to work out what exactly the cards were trying to tell him.
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Eurydice had heard that there was someone who was doing a card reading in the Student Lounge. She'd honestly been hesitant to get out of the Common Room after all the commotion yesterday, but she was interested enough to check out what was going on. She'd thought that maybe it would be a couple of older Divination students, and maybe she could ask for tips from them, but she was surprised to see none other than her yearmate, Eoghan Blythe. She'd sort of heard about his last Hogwarts Monthly article from her cousin and something about how Eury would understand, but she'd never really picked up the newspaper, not really having the interest to do so. She'd sort of watched from the sidelines before she tried to shuffle closer to hear the reading because she'd like to know how he would do it. Mum always said one had their own style but she'd never really met anyone practicing Divination before aside from Mum, and well she just knew about Uncle Bryce which she wished she could meet. She'd never really met anyone her own age before, but she was wary to come near, especially since Eoghan and her weren't exactly friends. He was Tori's friend and Eury just didn't have a good track record for making friends, so she'd just watch for a little while.
Teddy listened to Eoghan’s experience of rose deliveries and took it as a positive that he didn’t have any complaints and seemed to have had a good experience delivering. But they weren’t really here to talk about Eoghan and Teddy wanted his reading, especially now a queue was forming. He crossed his arms and hummed, behaving as if he'd given the question some serious thought even though he'd decided what he'd wanted to ask almost immediately. “What if I asked if Gryffindor are going to win the Quidditch Championship this year?” Teddy was co-captain and it was important to him.
Eoghan was used to doing three card readings per question, since he felt like it gave him good insight into a situation as a whole as opposed to just reading from one card, but by the time he read from five there was too much information for any real focus. He nodded thoughtfully at Teddy's question, it was a valid one, he was the captain so it made sense he wanted to know how things would play out. "Last semester I did a reading for your game against Slytherin," he said, unsure whether or not the prefect was already aware. He'd mentioned it in the Hogwarts Monthly, but so far no one had brought up that fact. "I drew the Four of Wands, a card that is supposed to bring victory, and well we know how that worked out for you," he continued, shuffling the cards between his long fingers. He glanced to the side to see Eurydice observing from afar, a small nod in her direction before looking back at Teddy. He didn't know her that well, only that she was friends with William, who was friends with Demi, which in turn didn't necessarily spell out anything positive for Eoghan. Then again this was supposed to be something he wanted to be known for, so even if her goal was to tell others about what he'd done with Teddy then he'd see it as a success.

"The Four of Wands wasn't about Gryffindor," he explained, "It was about Santiago." The Ravenclaw wanted to make it clear that it hadn't been an easy interpretation. "The card represents victory but you struggled last time," Eoghan wasn't being rude, merely stating the truth that Santiago had been the only person throughout the match to actually achieve anything. Sure, Milo had caught the snitch but only because their beater had taken out most of the opposing team.

Eoghan laid out three more cards in front of him, looking between the trio to create a narrative digested from both logic and science. The Pope, Justice, and The World. "Okay," Eoghan took a moment to put the three together into one, instead of trying to explain them individually as he would have done before. "There's something wrong with the team as it currently stands," it probably wasn't what Teddy wanted to hear, but it was what he was reading, "Look, there's been an injustice," he pointed to the card in the middle. "Somewhere along the line someone has felt wronged, but when you bring the pope and world into the equation, both of which signal commitment and something meaningful coming your way.." Eoghan paused, the cogs in his brain ticking away. He didn't know the team well enough to know what the problem was, but that was for Teddy to handle. "It will take time and, forcing it to work will only reveal the cracks. But if you right the wrong and collect the scattered fragments, you'll come out on top."

OOCOut of Character:
Once again, I have literally drawn these cards out at random and tried to fit their meanings together =))
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Teddy had read the Hogwarts Monthly article but had forgotten the specifics of it although accepted the comment about Santiago. He listened to Eoghan and it was interesting, but Teddy had three years of Ancient Runes and Divinations lessons under his belt and could interpret cards too. He studied the cards Eoghan had laid out. He knew the reading was hinting at Veronica. It wasn’t exactly subtle. But Teddy wasn’t about to entertain that idea. "Nah, I don’t see that,” he disputed, tapping the Justice card. “I think this is about strategy. Like we've been trying to force a playstyle that doesn’t work for us instead of letting the game come to us.” He tapped the Pope and World cards next. “These could mean patience and maybe discipline. I think this reading is saying we need to take a step back, trust our training, and let things fall into place instead of forcing it.” That reading was more along the lines of what Teddy wanted to hear even if it was pure deflection. He wasn’t about to get dragged into discussing Veronica being the problem with the team. He smirked, “Either way, guess we’ll see how it plays out. Thanks for the reading." Teddy felt he had kept the other student present waiting long enough for her reading.

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