Finals for my Huberta girls

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Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Sooo... I need finals for my Huberta girls (a prejudiced pureblood and if possible a Scotirari)



29 y.o

Hayley is kind at heart, she protects her siblings from any kind of dangers. She has been in love with her cousin who is now married and have kids and this kind of love in prohibited. Hayley is an unhappy young woman, she formally wanted to work in the ministry of magic but she became a Scitorari instead in order to make her parents and extended family happy as well as avoiding unnecessary arguments. She looks tough but has a very soft heart, she's also a proud person. She avoids any kind of problems unless she has an assignment from her fellow scotiraris. She now enjoys being one and is used to the life of living in hiding. Hayley would really like to get married to a person who can take care of her and love her unconditionally. All these years no one has ever loved her except for her cousin and her younger sister hence she can't fully understand what it really mean to love someone with her whole heart for an eternity or a very long time.




23 y.o

Heather is a basic Scotirari, she's smart, witty, and cunning. She has an issue with loyalty unless it's with her fellow Scotirari. She gets all the attention from her family due to her excelling in entertaining and socializing with others people. Heather enjoys people's accompany and she definitely enjoys a good pureblood party. At times her decisions can be absurd as she does what she pleases to do. She doesn't mind flattering other people in order to get what she wants even though she doesn't mean what she says nor does she like the person.​
Okay so I don't know about finals, but Hayley and Koboshi should Rp!! They've not seen each other in agessss.
I probably can't guarantee anything but I can look into potential finals. I just need to be not traveling.
Yes I willllll!!! I'll let you know once it's started. Koboshi totally has a kid now D:
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