Open Final Delivery

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
((Pink, open after Taerin Kendall-Wu))

One solitary rose lay at the bottom of Kauri's basket, and it was hard to push down the lump in his throat. Kauri had been delivering roses since his arrival at Hogwarts, and this would be the last one he would ever deliver. His time at Hogwarts was racing to a close in front of him, and it was painful to think about. Still, Kauri was going to do his best on this final delivery, and to his relief, he knew who it was for, recognising the girl's name from Quidditch games. He caught up with Taerin in the courtyard, smiling as he hurried over to her. "Hey!" Kauri said cheerfully, picking the rose up from his basket as he approached. "I've got a rose delivery for you!"
Taerin had only come outside for a breath of fresh air, when she heard someone shouting, their voice getting closer to her. She turned to see the Head Boy and for a split second she thought she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t have. Then again she was minding her own business. She glanced down to see the rose in the boys hand. She’d never received a rose the entire time she’d been at the school. “Are you sure?” She asked, doubtfully.
"Totally sure!" Kauri said cheerfully, picking up the lone pink rose from his basket and handing it to the Ravenclaw. "There's no note, but this is for you." He smiled. "Happy Valentines day!" Kauri smiled brightly, trying not to let his sorrow show. That was it. His final rose delivery. The end of his time at school was impossibly close, and this would be one of Kauri's final events as a Hogwarts student. It was painful to think about, but Kauri kept his feelings off his face, not wanting to let on to Taerin how he felt.
Taerin was confused, why would anyone send a rose without a note? "And your certain you didn't just lose it?" she questioned suspiciously, unaware that Kauri was actually one of the boys who'd organised the deliveries. As far as she knew, there may well have been a note and this boy had just left it somewhere carelessly. That's what Gryffindors were usually like anyway.
Kauri was surprised at the accusation, but kept his cheerful smile in place. "I'm absolutely positive. Wouldn't be setting a very good example if I went around losing things, would I?" He said warmly. "We get red and pink roses without notes all the time, from people who are a bit too shy to sign their name to their feelings. It seems like you have a secret admirer!"

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