Fifth Years: Lesson Six

It was hard to believe that another year had gone by already, but the lingering chill in the greenhouse each morning was enough to show the passage of time, not to mention the lingering threat of exams across the whole school. Angel swore he could physically feel the stress coming off of some the upper level students especially.

“Just a review class today,” Angel said passively as the class got settled. He figured the students were probably as relieved for a study break as he was for a teaching break. “If you wanna go study out on the lawn or something, feel free, just try to pretend to be working if anyone sees you,” he said, waving a hand dismissively. “I’ll be around as well if you need something,” he finished, grabbing his book and reclining back in his chair in the front, happy to let the class do what they needed well he got some time himself to relax.

Post attendance. All lessons will be open until exams end
Cassius Styx strolled into the greenhouse with his usual air of confidence, noting the slight chill in the air with a furrowed brow. The year had flown by, and now the looming OWLs were a constant reminder of the pressure that everyone was under. Cass, of course, had no intention of showing any signs of stress. He was a Styx, after all, and he prided himself on his composure and excellence. As Professor Castillo announced the review class, Cassius allowed himself a small, satisfied smirk. A review meant he could focus on what he needed to without the interruption of a formal lesson. He was already ahead in his studies, but a bit of extra time to refine his knowledge wouldn't hurt. Besides, it was always entertaining to see the other students scramble to catch up. He stood up with deliberate ease and collected his notes, books, and quill. He made his way out to the lawn, selecting a spot under a large oak tree where he could study without worrying about supervision.
Roo was glad that it was the last week of classes. Classes had definitely held her back from exploring this semester, so she was excited to just get them out of the way so she had the next couple of weeks to just explore. The teen made her way to her Herbology class, looking forward to this class being over. She took her seat and listened as the professor simply was giving them time to study. The girl tried her best to go over her notes until the end of the lesson. She was happy to head to her next class when dismissed
Savannah was feeling the pressure of her exams. She just had to do well. She didn’t need O’s but she needed to still do well. There wasn’t any pressure from her parents, but she doubted her parents would even realise how old she was now. They were useless and she wanted to do well for her, not for them. The ravenclaw was studying more than anything, with only occasional quidditch. She didn’t feel the need to play quidditch when the season was over and what she needed to be doing was revision. The Ravenclaw continued to revise right up until she had to leave for class, and she went straight to class when she needed to.

Savannah walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved to the professor at the front of the room, and nodded. A revision class. She could do that. Savannah opened her books and worked away for the hour, eagerly trying to make sure that she was revising well for the whole time.
Gregory knew he was going to fail his exams, there was no way he’d ever do well at all. His exams were just going to go terribly. He was going to do so terribly, and that would end up with him just getting kicked out of the school, and then it would just be terrible and he’d have no prospects and just fail miserably at every turn. He was trying to stay positive, but it had been hard enough before, it was pretty impossible currently with all the stress he was feeling. The teen gathered what he needed and headed to class.

Gregory walked into the herbology classroom and took his usual spot in the class. He nodded at the professor telling them to study. He tried his best to use the hour well, but it wasn’t very good, his notes from the semester wasn’t very good. The teen tried to work but was glad when it was eventually wrapped up.
Leah had a knot in the pit of her stomach as the last week of classes rolled around. She didn’t feel ready for anything that awaited her in the next few weeks but she was helpless to stop any of it. She felt heavy as she walked to class and took her seat. She was at least relieved they had some time to review during class and she got out her notes to study. She decided to stay in the classroom because she didn’t trust herself if she tried to study outside. She got to work and hoped filling her head with plant facts would push some of the bad stuff out.

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