Fifth Years, Lesson One

"Good morning fifth year, and welcome back, I'm Professor Misha Haden and I'll be your Charms professor from now until the end of your school careers. Feel free to call me Misha or Professor or Haden, whichever feels most comfortable for you" He said brightly with a smile at his students, "This is fifth year charms, as you know, and I'm sure that you all know what that means." He paused, glancing around at the room, "Trust in me, what I'm telling you and know I'm always happy to help, and I'm sure you'll have no problems getting an O in this class." Misha took the chalk sitting behind him on the table and walked over to the board, he quickly in his own writing, wrote out the spells that they would be covering that year. The spells were slightly more complex, but he was sure that all of the students in front of him would have no problems with them at all.


"These spells are the ones we will be learning during this term, as well as doing a bit of recaping of all the previous spells you've learned. That way you will be very prepared for the exam." Misha put the chalk down on the table once more and then rubbed his hands on his trousers. "It would be in your best interest Fifth years to create a study guide or something of that sort of the previous spells you have learned during the previous years. However, I went to the liberty of creating a very simple one for you," He took his wand from his pocket gave it a slight wave and then, sheets of paper flew out to all the students, on it, was the list of all the spells they had previous learned. In the order that they had learned them in.

Wingardium Leviosa
Banishing Charm
Alohomora Charm
Repairing Charm
Repelling Charm
Homenum Revelio
Cheering Charm
Locomotor Charm
Drought Charm
Bubblehead Charm

"Add to it, put your own notes. Spells are different for everyone, so if two sheets are the same, then one is lying." He took his cup of tea from the table and gave it a small sip, "Right everyone, that's all we have time for today, Enjoy the rest of this first week back," and with that, Misha finished the lesson.

Attendance post is just fine
Callie walked into the charms classroom and was disappointed to be reminded that they wouldn’t be spending any more time with the previous professor. She took a spot and then looked to the board, noting down the spells they’d be doing in this semester. It seemed both like a lot and pretty interesting too. Callie then looked to the second list and was glad when the professor gave them a sheet with all the spells on it. The lesson was then wrapped up and callie packed up her things and headed out of the room.
Enoch walked into the charms classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced towards the professor as the man got started and then looked to the spells they’d be covering within this semester. He took them down and then looked to the second list, and wasn’t about to write all of that down so it was a good things perhaps that the professor then gave them the list written out. With that it seemed that the professor was wrapping things up and he packed up his things and headed out of the room.
Friday walked into the charms classroom and took a seat near the back of the room. She was pretty eager to get this over with. She looked to the front and then to the board but didn’t bother writing them down, she’d learn them as they went along. Friday looked to the second list and there was even less reason for her to get that down. Especially when she really didn’t need to. The lesson was pretty short and Friday was then able to pack up and head out of the room.
Millie made her way into the classroom for her first fifth year charms lesson, Professor Haden was a new professor for her but she had seen him around the school a lot and felt like she had heard a lot about him. She settled into a seat in his classroom and listened as he introduced himself and began to talk about the spells they would be learning during the coming semester. She made a list on a sheet of parchment along with the spells from previous years that he suggested they brush up on in preparation for their exams. The lesson was a quick one so when it was over she packed up her things and made her way out of the classroom.
Aura made her way into the Charms classroom, comparing it to the classrooms back in Scotland. There were definitely similarities, but not enough that she could consider them the same. She skimmed over the list of spells they were given and made notes about the ones she probably needed to brush up on, because she wasn't really sure after so long. Charms had always been one of her favourite subjects, not her most favourite of course, but it was certainly up there in terms of enjoyment. And this professor seemed competent enough too. Soon they were dismissed, and Aura thought about all the ways in which she needed to prove herself this year, there was certainly a lot riding on her OWLs.​
Veronica didn’t know much about Professor Haden other than the man’s reputation, which was mixed at best, Bailey didn’t seem to have an opinion on him at least not one she had shared with her. Veronica took her seat in the classroom at a desk just behind Millie and listened to Professor Haden introduce himself, then draw their attention to the list of spells they would be learning to cast during the semester. Nothing particularly stood out, but there were a couple that would prove useful in duelling. She made a note of those spells along with the ones they were advised to study during the year that they had already learned. Once the lesson was over she packed up her things and made her way out of the classroom.
Teddy loved Charms and he was looking forward to meeting their new professor and getting started with OWL level study. He listened to the introduction then read over the spells they would be covering this year which made him excited at what was to come. He could see that the study guide would be helpful too and Teddy planned to add to it just as Professor Haden suggested. At the end of the lesson, he packed everything up and headed out of the classroom.
Lucy liked charms but she knew this would be a step up from usual. She was prepared for them to immediately jump into learning new spells, but it looked like it'd be a different sort of lesson. Lucy was a little disappointed but she also understood the importance of revising and looking over old lists of spells. She remembered them mostly, as she looked over them, with a few she hadn't really used for a while. That was okay. She could get some practice in. With the lesson ending, Lucy finished up and packed away her things before going on her way.

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