Fifth Years: Lesson 4

Professor Killian Borisyuk looked over the lesson plan for the day, and there was a fair bit within it. It was one that the fifth years might find interesting, so he looked forward to seeing how they would react to it. Once the fifth years were accounted for, Killian gestured toward the door to close it. They were in for a lengthy lecture, and even had the homework already planned in his mind. "Good afternoon fifth years. Just like what I said before, I will be going over the Triwizard Tournament. Next lesson will be this school's involvement, but for now, I will be going over the history of the tournament, the laws that had to be in place, and the one that occurred that ultimately was used to bring back Voldemort." Killian sat down behind his desk and folded his arms behind his head. Killian was ultimately relaxed while talking about this subject because it was sporty, and he enjoyed it.

"The Triwizard Tournament is a tournament that brought together the three major schools in Europe: Hogwarts Scotland, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. It is held every five years, and was established sometime in the thirteenth century. Each school takes turns hosting the tournament, and the judges for the tournament which are comprised as the headmasters or headmistresses of the schools. The tournament tasks are highly risking, and since there were an increasing number of deaths, the tournament was discontinued after the 1790s. The reason being was because the tournament in 1792, a task involved catching a cockatrice. The beast rampaged and injured three of the judges and others. The tournament was cancelled after this. There have been attempts to resurrect the tournament but they were largely unsuccessful." Killian wondered why a death was not involved in the cancellation of the tournament, but instead, a beast caused it.

He cleared his throat to continue the lesson, "Each tournament has three tasks that were designed to test the champions extremely. They tested magical ability, intelligent, courage, and resourcefulness. They were extremely dangerous and differ each year. The champions were chosen by the Goblet of Fire, which is a wooden cup that has blue flames. The students would walk up, with their name and school on a sheet of parchment, and drop it into the goblet. Then the goblet returned the names of the three it judged the most worthy participate. However, the tournament was nothing but a mystery until it returned in 1994, when Harry Potter was in school. There were new restrictions as no one under the age of seventeen could compete. They put this in place to attempt to bring the death toll down."

Killian thought that was funny considering what happened during that tournament. "Strangely enough, cheating was so common in the tournament that it could be considered even traditional with it. I'll go over how dangerous these tasks can be, and they all happened during the 1994 tournament. The first task involved dragons, and the champions had to fetch a golden egg it protected. The second task involved taking people that the champion cared about, took them to the bottom of a lake, and the champions had to rescue them. The last task involved a maze with several creatures to overcome."

The part-giant moved some of his hair from his face as he started to finish up the lesson, "The tournament ended after Cedric Diggory's death. Harry Potter was recorded as the winner and given the prize money of 1,000 galleons. Ultimately, with the new safety regulations, the champion's death made the tournament become discontinued again for a long time." Killian knew that it was not permanent since the school here had two and then no more. "Homework is on the board. Class is dismissed." Killian tapped the chalk board and the assignment was written and with a snap of his fingers, the door opened to free the fifth years.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
Extra credit: Write a small essay over what tasks you would implement if you ran a Triwizard Tournament.
Savannah was really focusing, now that the quidditch season was over, and there were no more school events that she had to decide about, the Ravenclaw knew that she had to knuckle down and just work. Revise, revise, revise. She couldn’t come out with this, with anything less than EEs, and she didn’t want to consider the possibility of it. Savannah was getting herself together, getting her notes and books, making sure that she had everything she could need for the day ahead, with the idea that immediately after class she would go revise. The ravenclaw was getting herself together. Making sure that she had everything before heading to class.

Savannah walked into the history classroom, and was keen to get started. History wasn’t her favourite subject but this professor just got straight to work and that was all she wanted. She didn’t need platitudes, stories or theories, just information. She was eager to learn about the tri-wizard tournament and began getting down what the professor said about it. Making sure that she wans’t missing anything that had been said about it, and the history. The teen was getting down what the man was saying, being sure to get down all of the important bits and trying her best to not miss anything. She was very keen for something to happen again, and when she’d be of age, thinking it would be a good was to test all she’d learnt, to test her magic. But she got the impression that even though it did come back at one point more recently than the time of Harry Potter that it wouldn’t. The lesson was wrapped up and Savannah packed up her things and headed out of the room.
Cassius Styx pinned his prefect badge to his chest and felt that he had a lot of power now and he enjoyed every single bit of it. Cass also felt that he looked rather good too, mainly because he was just a good looking teenager. Luckily, he felt that he was definitely in Snow’s league, and no one else could be in his, or hers for that matter. He knew that his Head of House made the right choice in picking him. He deserved it and more. His head was a large one for sure, but it was not unjustified with his grades and skills. He wondered if anyone else in the school could compare to him. He doubted it sincerely. Not with his grades, his looks, and more importantly, his pure blood. He smirked as he finished his hair and left to head on to the next class.

Cass walked into Professor Borisyuk's classroom, his demeanor brimming with confidence as he settled into his seat, ready to absorb the lecture. As the professor began, Cassius reclined slightly in his chair, crossing one leg over the other, his expression one of mild interest. He listened as Professor Borisyuk laid out the history of the tournament, the rules, and the dangerous tasks involved. Cass raised an eyebrow at the mention of deaths and the subsequent discontinuation of the tournament in the 1790s due to a rampaging cockatrice. As the topic moved on to recount the infamous 1994 tournament, Cass leaned forward slightly, his interest piqued by the dangerous tasks faced by the champions.

When Borisyuk concluded with the tragic death of Cedric Diggory and the subsequent discontinuation of the tournament due to safety concerns, Cass shook his head
'Typical bureaucracy ruining the fun,' he thought with a slight roll of his eyes, though he couldn't deny the seriousness of the situation. As the lesson wrapped up and Borisyuk dismissed the class, Cass rose smoothly from his seat and left with all of his notes.
Terror Zhefarovich sat poised at his desk, pen in hand, ready to take notes over Professor Borisyuk's lecture on the Triwizard Tournament. As the professor began, Terror listened, his gaze fixed on the front of the classroom where the towering figure of Professor Borisyuk sat. As the professor detailed the history of the tournament, Terror's pen moved neatly across his parchment, capturing the key points: the origins of the tournament in the thirteenth century, its structure involving three tasks designed to test magical ability and courage, and the tragic cancellation after the 1792 tournament due to a rampaging cockatrice.

When Professor Borisyuk mentioned the Goblet of Fire and its role in selecting champions, Terror nodded thoughtfully. He recalled the chaos that ensued during the 1994 tournament, particularly the controversy surrounding Harry Potter's unexpected entry as a fourth champion. The examples of the dangerous tasks - the dragons, the lake with hostages, and the maze filled with creatures - stirred a mix of fascination and curiosity within him. When the professor concluded the lecture and dismissed the class, Terror packed away his notes with a sense of lingering contemplation. The complexities of the Triwizard Tournament, its allure and its dangers, lingered in his thoughts as he filed out of the classroom with his peers. It would be nice to have one again.

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