Fifth Year, Lesson Four

"Good morning fifth years," He greeted with the usual smile at his students. Like all the previous classes this term in front of them sat a test. He hoped that they had all studied. Because this would be more difficult than the last one. They were stepping it up, slightly. "Now class, in front you sits another quiz, this is a closed book test, so I don't want to see any books open. Get started," He took a sip of his tea as the class got started on the test.

1. What charm causes things to swell/become larger?
2. What does Incendio do?
3. What does Locomotor do?

"Right, today, fifth years we will be learning the Reductor Curse." He paused, stepping to the board, and writing upon it the word, Reducto, he looked back to the class, "Reducto, as it is incanted, causes the caster to blasts objects out of their path. You may find this to be quite useful if there is something in your way. When in a cluttered room and trying not to trip, Reducto would be the more convenient solution to moving everything by hand or with a summoning or locomotor charm, but can also be immensely destructive. Which makes it a lot more fun" Smiling to the class, Misha turned to the side of the room, and from their conjured a spare desk.

He stood back, and cast the Reducto spell at the desk with a very small flick of his wand. The desk was obliterated in its place, the pieces of wood splintering and crumbling into a pile of dust. Using Scourgify the Professor cleaned up the mess, facing his students once more. That was the best way of showing the spell. "This spell can be a little dangerous, so we will be heading outside to practice so that no one gets hurt." With that he ushered the class out, and down to the lawn outside. Taking them to a row of hedges that he had created for exactly this purpose. "Reducto might take you a while to get right, but, I know all of you are capable, so just practice. Once you feel confident in the spell, you may leave." Misha helped the odd student, but was mostly there to be sure no one got hurt.

RP the lesson (attendance post is fine)
Quiz is once again, just extra credit!
Savannah was really focusing, now that the quidditch season was over, and there were no more school events that she had to decide about, the Ravenclaw knew that she had to knuckle down and just work. Revise, revise, revise. She couldn’t come out with this, with anything less than EEs, and she didn’t want to consider the possibility of it. Savannah was getting herself together, getting her notes and books, making sure that she had everything she could need for the day ahead, with the idea that immediately after class she would go revise. The ravenclaw was getting herself together. Making sure that she had everything before heading to class.

Savannah walked into the charms classroom and took her spot in the room. She took out her quill and then took the quiz the professor gave them. It was a short one and took her not time at all to complete. It seemed it didn’t take most people long to complete it. The teen then took a few notes as the professor demonstrated and talked over the spell. She headed outside with the rest of the class and got about casting it. ”Reducto,” the spell worked immediately but she did have to practice it for it to work well. Which it did eventually do. The teen practiced and practiced until the lesson was wrapped up and she was able to head back into the school.
Cassius Styx entered in the Charms class a little bit tired this week, though today he was slightly more alert. Professor Haden's mention of a closed book test meant he needed to rely on his memory rather than his usual ability to quickly look up answers - even if he did not need before. He took his seat and eyed the quiz in front of him, mentally preparing himself for the challenge. Satisfied with his answers, Cass leaned back in his chair, folding his arms confidently as he waited for the others to finish. He glanced around the room, noting the varying levels of concentration and confidence among his classmates. None could really match him though.

When Professor Haden began the lesson on the Reductor Curse, Cass perked up with interest. This was the type of spell he enjoyed - practical, powerful, and with a touch of destructive capability. He listened eagerly as Professor Haden explained how Reducto blasted objects out of the way, emphasizing its usefulness in clearing obstacles or dealing with clutter. Professor Haden soon demonstrated for the students, and then they were taken outside to a row of hedges. Cass worked on practicing the spell on the hedge, and thanks to his method of channeling his anger, he managed to get the spell done. He grabbed his belongings and left since he was done here. He did look forward to the next lesson.
Terror entered Professor Haden's Charms class with the usual Slytherin demeanor, composed and focused with a subtle smirk on his face. As he took his seat, he noticed the quiz awaiting them on the desk. It seemed Professor Haden was continuing the trend of challenging his students with closed-book tests. Without hesitation, Terror picked up his quill and began answering the questions. Once he finished, Terror set his quill down and awaited Professor Haden's instructions for the practical lesson. He listened as the professor introduced the Reductor Curse, known as Reducto. The idea of blasting objects out of the way intrigued him, it sounded both practical and potentially thrilling. Professor Haden's demonstration of Reducto on the spare desk was impressive. Terror noted how important it was to handle such spells with caution, especially given their potential for harm.

As the class moved outside to practice, Terror followed along with his classmates. They gathered near a row of hedges set up for this purpose. Terror took a deep breath and raised his wand, focusing on one of the hedges in front of him. And he got to work. A surge of magic erupted from his wand, and this time, a section of the hedge exploded outward, leaving a sizable hole, which happened on the second try. Satisfied with his progress, Terror continued to practice, refining his technique with each attempt. Feeling confident in his grasp of the spell, Terror heard the dismissal, and left the grounds to head out.
Roo was glad that she was halfway through the semester. It was getting a little tiring, and the Ravenclaw just couldn't wait for the classes to be over. It also meant that the big exams were slowly creeping up on everyone, but Roo did not feel the pressure at all. She actually felt quite content and confident that she could pass her upcoming OWL exams.

Roo made her to her charms class and took her usual seat within the room. The professor had yet another quiz for them to fill out, and Roo did this before listening to the new spell that they would be learning. This spell was exhilarating, but could also be dangerous, and so the class had to follow the professor outside for it. He lead them to some hedges which they were going to make explode. Roo didn't feel too comfortable about destroying nature and she pursed her lips at the idea of this. Not even educational purposes could be such an excuse. When they were told to start practicing the spell, Roo took out her wand, pretending to try the spell out. She purposely kept mispronouncing it and pointing her wand away from it as she really did not want to do this to the poor hedge. At the completion of the lesson, Roo was quick to head straight to her next class.

1. What charm causes things to swell/become larger?

2. What does Incendio do?
Lights things on fire

3. What does Locomotor do?
It brings things to life
The semester was over half way over now and Leah didn’t want to think about it. Not her OWLs and not going home. But at least her exams she could properly prepare for. She took her seat for class and got to work right away on the quiz. She had been trying to do a lot of studying lately and it seemed to be paying off. As they moved on to the practical part of the lesson she did her best to pay attention but her mind was elsewhere. But the loud burst of the desk did bring her back down to Earth. She was glad to be practicing outside since she could only imagine the chaos if they all started exploding desks. With wand in hand Leah faced the hedges they were meant to practice on. She cast the spell and as expected there was a burst of leaves and all that was left were some twigs. She practiced a few more times before she felt confident enough to call it a day.

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