Fiery Red Personality

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Unyielding 10" Fir wand and containing Ragarou hair as its core.

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A fresh new character that is desperate to have some development, perhaps even get some bonds and relationships out of it. Desdemona is a mysterious black swan; suited to attend Hogwarts but never allowed by her grandmother who preferred to teach her granddaughter magic herself. A firm believer that all that is taught at Hogwarts does not truly signifies the magic that can be taught. Probably because she had a different experience when she studied at Durmstrang herself, similar to her parents.. who unfortunately are not able to have a say in whether Desdemona was allowed to Hogwarts because before they could see their daughter receive her letter, they tragically died.

Most of the information will be put in the biography that I promise, will be posted soon as well; I'm strungling with some plot points and how her parents have died. Desdemona's grandmother is a conservative woman, who believes that everything is out there to get them (including dessie) that she, their blood, has some power that is unexplainable and it inevitably ended with the woman paranoid and thus causing her to not allow Desdemona to set foot into Hogwarts. Within the safe walls of their home, she is taught the subjects by her grandmother and through self-study (further development and an accepted ooc-apply, might result in an eventual tutor) and is most of the time not allowed outside her grandmother's sight.

The latter, I would like to change. For Desdemona to go out into the world, to Brightstone village.. to the Obsidian Harbour where she meets people, develops her own opinion (even though, they will be influenced largely by the things her grandmother has put into her mouth and made her believe in); she might come across as prejudiced, arrogant and mostly anti-social since there has been a lack of social interaction ever since her parents' death.

Before I will get into any of the wanted connections, opposites; I would like to give you all the freedom to ask question about Desdemona, either through a reply on this topic or through a PM/skype (kiejunmac446).


» STUDENTS: since Desdemona is not experiencing the student life herself, she would like to meet some; perhaps have a relationship (friendship, romance: mind that, she is demiromantic and sexual.. meaning that it will take a long time for her to get romantically involved with someone unless there is deep trust). Through this connection, there could always be some tension, some presumption and her frowning at their joy because she has always been taught and told that Hogwarts is not a school that is right for you. This connection is extremely broad and can go from acquaintances, to friends, frenemies, enemies and even people she will learn to despise and vice versa;
» FELLOW OUTSIDERS: while she can be considered a bit of a weirdo, an odd little duckling wandered around various magical places.. it would be nice, for her to find people that are similar to her. That were never put on Hogwarts New Zealand (or unable to, if there is a squib, creature etc. throw them at me). Another broad connection that could be explored in various manners, depending the development or the plotting that we may do;
» SCITORARI (enthusiasts): the presumption that her grandmother has that Hogwarts teaches the wrong kind of magic, comes from the beliefs of the Scitorari that her grandmother is an enthusiast of. Her grandmother could be considered obsessed with them, a hooligan or fangirl of the various tribes that rule the Scitorari. Either a member of them, or even an enthusiast would be great to connect with for her; either to influence her even more, or cause her opinion and stance to shift on them. Since most of what she knows about her, are the bend and distorted words from her grandmother. She does not know who they truly are, or really what they want to.. all she knows, is that her grandmother thinks they truly serve magic and are not trying to blur its secrets and unlimited powers;
» OTHER: whether your character does not fall into any of the above stated wanted connections, we can still roleplay together and have something going with Desdemona. She is still fresh and I am still trying to truly find her character beyond the basic concept of her being home-schooled, scitoraris beliefs put in her head and an prejudice on schools that teach education.
Hey Cian!

I really want to RP with you, so I had a look at all of my characters and I think my character Cadell Owens-Lee might be the best fit for Desdemona out of them all. He attends Hogwarts Scotland but feels like an outsider because his original parents adopted him out of their family thinking that he was a squib as he didn't have any magical powers until he was older. He's not very good with magic and so doesn't really use it that much to stop himself getting embarrassed if it doesn't work. Like Desdemona, he isn't really that developed yet but I do wish to develop him through RPing him more!

Let me know what you think :D
I have a Scit, pretty new to being a Scit as well. I haven't done much with her for a few years, she's living in New Zealand currently. A bit older, 25 I believe. Josefina San Buenaventura is you ever want to do something with her. I figured I'd offer her since you were specifically looking! She's a bit of a....well not nice gal, but she can be pleasanter to people who don't appear weak in front of her and have a similar interest.
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