Female characters in their 20s

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Shane Stark

Well-Known Member
All right, Shane needs some action. Whether it be just one date, random play, or a relationship, he needs something. He won't go younger than 18 though, because it's just weird to date someone younger than his sister. Any personality is welcome.

And I know I said 20s, but Shane has no problem in having a cougar. ^_^ So yeah... :D
I was thinking of introducing Vicky Christena Barselona to the site who is connected to the Bones family. If you don't mind someone conneted to the Ministry of Magic then she's avalable.
Aurora maybe? ;o ^_^

EDIT: I'm sure Alexis won't mind :r: Wait. Ignore me. xD I need to confirm something first.
:blink: Well, let me know when you get everything situated. Because I've always found the idea of Shane dating one of Sophia's professors EXTREMELY amusing. XD
I will get Vicky and the person she is escorting made then. That should be fun since I will make Vicky a sort of shy fan of Shane's

I've been neglecting Kira a bit too much and I made her a nice new banner and haven't been able to show it off :( :p

I'm honestly up for anything, she just needs to get out :lol:
I have Noelle Viera! :D

She's 23 and really does not get out much
She has a five year old son and is Abbey Lurken's aunt & adoptive mother.. so if you think Shane might be weirded out by this let me know because I'm certain we can work something out so he doesn't find out until later and it can be all dramatic :p

She works at the Ministry of Magic.. umm she's really nice and loves basically everyone :)

And Aurora.. Alexis definately would mind! <_<
I fail for forgetting to log in as Shane. Sorry guys.

Kira's pretty. -nods- Shane can conveniently walk in her shop, no problem. :D

Shane would probably be weirded out by all of that. But as long as he doesn't know upfront he'll be trying to get with her and stuff. It would just break his poor little heart if he started to fall, or at least thought he was falling, for someone and then found out she had kids and all that. Yuck. Shane is too young and carefree for kids. :p
Yes I am pretty ^_^ And Gambol and Japes sounds great to me. Whenever you want, let me know and I'll be there :D
There is always Nastasia.

I am Italian, a pureblood but alas also a squib.
As beautiful as I may be, I am acutely aware of my shortcomings and as such have shied away from relationships both muggle and wizardry.

I am a grey area but not completely devoid of life...
I have various tattoos and consider it a beautiful art form almost like embroidery for the human body.

Nastasia is over due some fun -- could Shane guarantee her this?
I figured.. No problemo :)
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