Felix Felicis Potion in effect...

Cyndi looked at Isabella spoke about the floor change. She hadn't noticed until that moment. She saw the steps that were in their way now, and knew that they would have to climb them. As she did, Cyndi began to hear a noise. She listened closer, and whispered "It sounds like voices are up ahead. Is someone else in here?" Cyndi looked at Asher and Isabella to see if they heard the noise too.
Bella stopped climbing the stairs as soon as Cyndi mentioned the voices. She had thought she had heard something but wasn't sure. Listening intently now she knew Cyndi was right, there were definitely voices ahead. Turning to the others she looked at them with no fear or anxiousness. She knew the potion would not necessarily lead them into a situation they couldn't handle, there was two lucky students here after all. A thought flicked across her mind, something the professor said about someones good luck being someone elses bad luck or something like that. Why didn't she have the 'luck' now to remember word for word.

"Do you think we should go on? We can't really go back, maybe we keep our wands really close just incase"
it wasn't that she was scared but she really hadn't a clue where they were and it was her fault they had come down here in the first place.
"Do you see anyone up ahead?" Cyndi asked Isabella who was in front of both Cyndi and Asher. Cyndi smiled back at Asher, hoping she wasn't frightened. She was the only one of the three to not be under the influence of felix felicis. "Yea. I think we should go on? What's the worst that could happen?" Even as Cyndi said this, she made sure she was ready to use her wand if and when she needed to.
Raising her wand hand so the light of her wand could shine out a little bit further, Bella attempted to see ahead as far as she could. Unfortunately, the blackness that surrounded them seemed to be completely blinding except for the small light that their wands emitted.
"No, I can't see anything unless of course the voices are coming from the other side of this wall"
she touched the stone wall once more as she continued taking tentative steps forward up the steep stairway, at least it was a straight stairs and not winding. Not much of a help she knew but somehow it felt part of her lucky streak right then.

Her foot suddenly found leveled ground again, they had obviously come to the top of wherever the steps had been leading them. Yet she could neither see to her right nor to her left, it was still so very dark.
"I think we should each try a wall here to see if there's a door or something"
she turned to the others, waiting for them to join her in the dark room.
Cyndi reached the level ground right after Isabella did. She held her wand up high, the light emitting from her wand. She still could hardly see anything. Isabella was right. It was hard to see anything. "So, you think there's a hidden door somewhere?" Cyndi asked and then added "That wouldn't surprise me." She began touching the wall around her. "Do you think we need to touch it with our wand?" she asked as she tried just that.
[sorry Cyndi was giving Asher a chance to reply too, don't know if she's still in this or not]

Isabella became thoughtful for a moment, it seemed a logical thing to do alright and it definitely felt as if it were the right thing to do so she too used her wand still lit to guide her way first along the wall. Rapping on the wall she had chosen with her hand first to determine whether it was hollow or not, Bella ascertained if it was worth her using the 'alohomora' spell or the reducto, it seemed a waste to use both as it seemed solid enough on the other side.

"I suppose we keep trying each wall Cyndi, I could have sworn I heard voices too" she touched another wall, which someone seemed warmer than the other one, a quick knock on it revealed that it was hollow on the other side.
"I think I got something."
she raised her wand and said the incantation for opening a magically locked door or lock but nothing happened, quickly she turned to Cyndi.
"Perhaps we should do it with our efforts combined. Strengthen our magic".
[ I figured that's what you were doing.]

Cyndi continued touching the wall with the tip of her wand, but nothing was happening. Suddenly, Cyndi heard Isabella say that she had something. Cyndi swung around and pointed her wand tip toward Isabella and saw that she was pointing at a piece of the wall. "Maybe" Cyndi said with a shrug. "Ok...on 3. 1...2...3... Alohomora" Cyndi said clearly.

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