Open Feeling Lost

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Santiago Torres

rebel without a cause 🛹sensitive 🛹difficult
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11/2046 (16)
Santiago didn't know what he was doing here. He had spent his whole day in a foul mood with the castle full of roses and friends and crushes. But he felt so far removed from everyone and his homesickness and loneliness was at an all time high. He didn't feel like he belonged and today proved it. But still he found himself trying. Trying to reach out trying to make connections even when they ultimately failed. He wished he could be content to be a loner but it was lonely and it was Valentine's day and he wasn't sure if anyone at this dumb school noticed him.
June was not as excited for this as the Yule Ball but it was better than Halloween. And she could dress up nicely. So had gotten an red dress for the occasion. As she made her way in she had to hold in her insults to people being too romantically together. That was gross and she didn't figured someone would like an boy for that. Boys were stupid mostly and very childish. When June made her way she noticed an familliar Gryffindor who she and Eloise spoken to at the Yule Ball. He didn't seemed to enjoy himself. June figured it would not hurt to walk towards him and grinned as she got there. '' You came, wow! '' June said playfull. '' But you look like you would prefer to be in your pajamas in the common room.'' June figured she could say since he didn't seemed to be all insulted but take an joke, since they spoken last time about it. And June could read people well.
Santiago stood up a bit straighter when a girl he recognized from the ball approached him. He was kind of surprised that out of everyone here she would bother with him. But of course it wasn't like she had come over to say anything nice and he rolled his eyes. "Why so shocked, am I not allowed?" he asked sarcastically but he could understand her surprise. It didn't make sense to him either. "Maybe if they were more fun I'd be more excited." he said, crossing his arms in front of him.
i'm sorry but the opportunity of them meeting up at all of the parties this year was too funny to pass up

Eloise was excited for the dance. Excited for another opportunity to dress up. Even if the whole rose deliveries thing had made her realize that she desperately needed to expand her social circle. Having just one other kid sending her a rose probably wasn't good enough for her parents. Which sounded.. hypocritical. A little odd really, how they expected her to have a large social circle yet wanted to make sure whoever she hung out with was acceptable. It certainly meant she would need to put in more effort. Eloise had been glancing around as she made her way through the hall, looking for anyone to chat with. Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long before she spotted June which made things a little easier. "Hi!" She beamed at both June and Santiago when she reached them, before realizing her coming in when they were clearly talking might have been a little rude. "And apologies, hope I didn't interrupt your conversation too much."
June didn't saw most of the people as worthy, and thought of herself as way better. But she didn't spoke that out to others, she needed people to like her. But Santiago was just an Gryffindor boy who she runned into again, not something special. But she wasn't annoyed by him last time, not that she agreed with him but he was not like the two weirdo's at least. June smirked at his comment. '' So what is fun to you?'' June than asked and put her arms over eachother, just interested to hear. But she could already figure it would be something stupid and childish what he would prefer. Waiting on the answer they got joined by the person to make the full circle from the Yule Ball. June smiled as she noticed Eloise. Ofcourse she came there for her, not Santiago. '' Hey Eloise.'' June said friendly with an smile. '' How funny. I have an flashback to the Yule Ball.'' June than replied to the both of them.
Santiago got the sense this girl didn't really want anything to do with him, at least not really. Maybe she thought he was an oddity to gawk at and he could feel his shoulders tensing when she asked what he thought was fun. He almost scoffed in her face. Like she really cared. "Nothing you would think is fun." he said dryly. He doubted she'd ever get on a skateboard and would freak if she got within ten feet of a horse. "I like music." he blurted out since that seemed like the only thing she couldn't turn her nose up at too much. "But not this....kind." he said and gestured to the dance floor where a slow instrumental number was playing. He had wanted to use a worse word to describe it but he wasn't sure if there were any professors lurking around. But of course his luck only got worse when the other girl form the ball joined them. Eloise, he was pretty sure. Who's name alone made him certain she didn't actually what to get to know him either. Was this some kind of cosmic torture? He turned to her when she joined and asked if she was interrupting. "No. You're not." he said quickly.
Eloise was glad she hadn't too rudely interrupted whatever conversation June and Santiago were having. Although the subject of their conversation did intrigue her and she wonder what it had been about. Especially since they hadn't entirely seen eye to eye during the last time she was talking to them both. "Right." She let out a soft giggle when June mentioned the yule ball, before turning to Santiago. "Nice to see last time didn't make you write off these dances completely." Eloise said genuinely. If anything, the idea of anyone skipping all of the school's dances was disappointing. Even if she knew it wasn't everybody's scene. "So did you guys have a good day? Any interesting roses?" She added in a way of making conversation, not entirely sure what else she could talk about since she had a feeling none of them had much in common. Although perhaps she'd be surprised.
June watched as the boy was again already doing like he knew what she was and what she liked. June hated it when people filled things in for her. But it had been handy in a way too, let people believe she liked rainbows and unicorns and all. But if they knew, they would look different. Instead she looked at him and he said something which was not that specific like music. She figured since Eloise had been so about not judging before you knew, she would agree with her on this. '' And you know me so well, to judge about that?'' June said with an grin on her face. Not saying it so mean as she thought about it, she didn't even let that shown. She grinned as he said not this music. June thought it was ok, suiting to this. '' But I'm not really into dancing in this setting as well.'' June agreed. She didn't even want to look at those romantic stuff.

She than looked at Eloise glad the girl was smiling. It was interesting to her than in a way she and Eloise had the same thought. And she didn't seemed as boring as she thought she would be. Also she didn't got ugly clothes, she had some style.
'' I just said the same.''
She added to it. About the roses it was an good way of thanking her to make her feel better. '' For sure I've recieved some. Thanks for your rose, that's sweet.'' June than replied to the girl with an smile. She wondered if the Gryffindor got some, he didn't seemed like an social type.

sorry i'm long for an dance, but lot to say xd
Santiago shifted uncomfortably. "I think I know you well enough to know you'd never get your hands dirty if you could help it." he said to June and was sure what he said was true about a variety of things when it came to her. But when she said she didn't want to dance it was the first thing she had ever said that surprised him. "Shocking." he said sarcastically. "I'd figure you'd be waiting to dance with any guy that turned your way." he said then chuckled. "Or maybe you just want to turn them down?" he said. That seemed more her style after all. He shrugged at Eloise's question. "No but you've haven't made a good argument for them either." he said tensely and and after today he might have to weight the pros and cons before going to anything next year. Especially if he was going to get cornered by these two every time. When Eloise asked about roses he stiffened. "No." he said bluntly and refused to elaborate. He didn't need to explain to them how he didn't get any roses.
Eloise wasn't sure what June and Santiago had been talking about before she interrupted but June didn't seem to be done with the conversation yet. What she did know was that it would be ill-mannered to involve herself in a conversation that she wasn't a part of so instead, she just listened to what the other two had to say to each other. Especially since there seemed to be some tension in their conversation. "That's true," She nodded in response to Santiago, wondering whether June had genuinely meant it when she had apparently said the same before Eloise had arrived. At least she did. "I don't think I'd have any solid argument for why you shouldn't write them off either. I simply like these parties because I enjoy the possibility to dress up, whether you do or don't like them is up to you." She added with a small shrug, almost immediately wondering what her mother would've responded. Surely, she would've listed each and every reason why attending the school's parties was a good thing. Especially since they were at their core social gatherings. "You're welcome. And thanks for yours." Eloise smiled when June thanked her for the rose she had send, slightly turning to look at Santiago. "I just got one, so it's not like there's much difference there." She offered.
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