Fancy seeing you here

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was in a good mood. It was getting closer to exam time and so the man had been busy getting revision work prepared for his students. He had gone to the library to return a large pile of textbooks and was now on his way back down to his office for some last minute touches. The man wanted to ensure that his students did their best and he hoped they appreciated the extra work he was doing for them. He smiled at the sun as he made his way back down, admiring how nice the summer day was. As he walked through the Great Lawn he spotted a student taking pictures and Landon beamed at him before recognizing who he was. It was Matthew Harper and Landon quickly made his way over to him, excited to be meeting one of his former students again. "Mr Harper!" he exclaimed. "Sorry if I'm disturbing you, but do you remember me? Professor Carter? I like your camera! Where did you get it from?"
Matthew liked the Hogwarts castle, but he still preferred to spend his time outside. The grounds were amazing and he kept finding new things to capture with his camera. Today was a sunny day and Matthew was taking pictures on the great lawn, bending down to capture some flowers growing in the grass. He adjusted the settings on his camera before snapping the shot. He was interrupted when a vaguely familiar voice called his name. He looked up to see a professor head his way. It took him a moment to place the man, but once he did he couldn't stop a small gasp of surprise. He knew him! He remembered his old Muggle Studies teacher from Ilvermorny very well, as he had helped awaken Matthew's interest in the non-magical community. He had no idea what the man was doing here, but Matthew was glad to see him. "Hello!" He said, a smile spreading over his face. "I do remember you, you taught me at Ilvermorny. I didn't expect to see you here, professor." He glanced down at his camera as his old professor complimented it, feeling pleased. "Thank you. I bought it in a muggle second hand store." He told him. "It's quite old, but the newer models won't work around magic, too much electricity I think." He hoped that was correct, Professor Carter would obviously know better than him. "Do you teach here?" It was perhaps a stupid question, but Matthew wanted to be sure.

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