Family Members Wanted

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Noemi Costello

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
So, there is a family that has just moved to New Zealand, well, technically two. Most of the Costello family are made or claimed already but not all of them and hardly any of the Whitlock side are. In this topic are the family members that are available for keeps. So, here we go:

Mary Louanne Reynolds-Costello
Mary is fifty years old, she is happily married to her high school sweet heart and has six children as well as two grandchildren. She owns Costello Kennels, a boarding place for pets who's owners are going away for a while and need a place to put them. She is very maternal and likes to take people under her wing and bring them into the family, helping them along their path. She gets very protective of her family, whether biological or chosen, and is capable of causing serious harm to anyone who threatens them.

David Eli Costello
David is fourty six years old and is married to Mary. He is happily married as well. David is a leading deception expert. He doesn't usually have work that requires him to leave the house so he stays home and home schools his children in magical and muggle subjects. He isn't as protective of his children as his wife and he doesn't take people in like MAry does but if someone threatens Mary herself he will go mad and if someone hurts her he will actually kill them.

Chloe Mary Whitlock
Chloe is seven years old and has a twin brother. She is close to him but they are not insanely close and they don't go everywhere together. She is a bit of a girly girl and she is daddies little princess, apart from that you are welcome to develop her how you like.

Joey David Whitlock
Joeyis seven years old and has a twin sister. He is close to her but they aren't joined at the hip. He is more of a sporty guy but is still a mummy's boy. Like with his sister, you can develop him in any direction you like.

Markus Sven Whitlock
Markus is fourty four years old. He has four children; Sven, Rickee, Kari and Freya. His two sons (Sven and Kari) are from his first wife, Anastacia. His youngest daughter (Freya) is from his second wife, Daphne and his oldest daughter (Rickee) is from his affair during his first marriage. He is not faithful and his oldest daughter was born during his first marriage and a result of an affair. He likes his wife to be a younger age, between 20 and 30, and when they grow older he ditches them for 'younger meat'.

Daphne Selene Shepard-Whitlock
Daphne is twenty eight years old. She is married to Markus Whitlock, for now, and has one child; Freya. She is a sweet woman, nice and accepting. She knows that Markus isn't faithful, having been the affair he had while with his first daughters mother. She knows she'll be left soon enough.

Freya Love Whitlock
Freya is eight years old. She really isn't developed at all, you can choose pretty much everything about her. The only thing that is definite is that she adores Kari, her half brother. She gets on okay with her half sister and her other brother but not as much as Kari.

So, apart from the things put up there you can develop the character as much as you like and do pretty much whatever you want with them as long as it goes with their attitude, eg, Markus will always get a new wife or woman every few years and he will always cheat. Also if it affects the rest of the family or is pretty major you'll have to run it by the rest of the family members first.
You know, whoever plays Freya, should most definitely hate Angela, because Angela is going to be Kari's Final! It would be the fact that Freya doesn't think Angela is good enough? What do you think, Summer?
ooooooh wait.. we can have one of these characters? :D If so, may i perhaps play Chloe Mary Whitlock? :)
Allayah: There is someone else who is also wanting Chloe and she did reply first but she isn't sure about it yet. If she doesn't want her you can claim Chloe :)

Alyss: Freya is not made yet but you can make her and claim her all you like. Do you want to go with Coles suggestion? We thought it might create some tension with them.

Brayden: The situation with Joey is the same as the one with Chloe, there is someone interested in him but they aren't sure. If they don't want him you can have him. :)

For both Braydon and Allayah I'll know within about a week and I'll PM you whether or not you get the character. If you want another character instead/as well feel free :)
Okay, I'll make her hopefully later today, or tomorrow at the latest. And I'll go with the suggestion. Thanks. :D Do you play Kari?
That's right, Summer...
I was hoping that you could PM me a list of possible playby's and a family list that i'll need for the character developement... I almost forgot!
Are you definitely taking Chloe then? And do you know if Annie will be taking Joey or not?
I don't know yet. we didn't really discuss it. I will talk to her though..
Yes, I'm taking Chole
Okay, Brayden can have Joey, You can make him whenever really.
I forgot to cross her out.
Silly me !
Okay, there is another Costello up for grabs as well

Kayne Andrew Costello

Kayne is fourteen years old. He is a bit violent but not majorly. He doesn't fight physically, it is just a sign of affection like a punch on the shoulder. He is generally a good kid but he can get in a few verbal fights. If someone insults him his immediate reaction is "You're a....". He's pretty good with trusting people but he expects people to betray him if they aren't that close. Like Noemi, he is close with his oldest brother Mitchell.
ill claim Kayne if you want summer?
Sorry Alex, someone claimed him just before you said that :/
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