🌹 Rose Giving Familiar Yellow

Delilah Thorne

ollivander's asst. | middlest | '58 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 13 Inch Unyielding Hazel Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
01/2040 (23)
Delilah smiled when she saw the last name on her list. It took some wandering around but she finally found Theia in the courtyard. She walked up to the Slytherin girl and was nearly out of breath. "Hi!" she said brightly and held out a yellow rose. "Happy Valentine's day, you have a rose." she announced proudly. It had been a while since they had had a chance to hang out but Delilah was happy to see her all the same.

@Theia Carnahan
Theia hadn’t expected anything to happen for her on Valentine’s day. She was antisocial and secluded herself from such things, and even if she could admit there was a part of her that felt jealous seeing other people receive roses she didn’t expect to be one of those people. Thus she sat on a bench in the courtyard and kept to herself, reading a book and trying to focus on the words on each page as opposed to the commotion around her. She only looked up when she noticed someone walking up to her, and felt surprised to see that person was Delilah and that Delilah had a rose to deliver to her. “Oh, okay.” Theia responded, dog earing the page of her book she was reading and placing it on the bench as he reached out to accept the rose. “Thanks, I guess.” Theia responded, looking over the rose for the moment. “Who’s it from?” She then asked, expecting for it to be from Sawyer.​
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"You're welcome." Delilah replied automatically and started to reach for the note that went with it. She laughed a little when Theia asked who it was from. "I don't know." she said as she finally found the right one and handed it over. "I've been sworn to secrecy and to not read any of the notes so you'll just have to see for yourself." she teased lightly.

Happy Valentine's!
Don't forget to each chocolate and pine after pretty people and all that good stuff tonight. I know I will.
Love, Sawyer
Theia accepted the note as it was handed to her before looking over the words. It was Sawyer, exactly who she expected, and she couldn’t help but smile slightly at her brother’s reminder to eat chocolate and try to enjoy herself even if it meant pining after people from afar. She shook her head gently and folded up the note, adding it to where she had closed her book so she wouldn’t lose it. “It’s from Sawyer.” Theia said, keeping her eyes on her book before she looked up to Delilah after a moment. “Have you got any roses today?” She asked, wondering if Delilah had received the rose she had sent.​

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