Closed Familiar Study Buddy

Penelope Marshall

💜Responsible | Burdened | Selfless | 6th year 💜
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Swishy Poplar Wand with Fairy Wing Core
9/2044 (15)
Penelope wasn't sure what she had expected to find in the library, but she hadn't thought it would be this busy at the start of the year. Most of the usual tables were full of students, and she guessed a few of them were study groups trying to get ahead of the homework rush that would happen later in the semester. Though she was also fairly sure a few groups of friends were just quietly chatting while pretending to study. Her usual favorite spots were all full, or at least occupied with one or two students, and she hesitated. She had just wanted to get some reading done for her classes, but now she felt a bit awkward. Did she dare to sit at a table with complete strangers? What if they were waiting for someone? That would make it awkward. Penelope bit her lip, uncertain about what to do. Then, she spotted a table that was mostly empty, it just had one person sitting at it, and Penelope knew him. At least, she hoped she had it right, as the boy in question did have a twin. It was her best shot, anyhow. Penelope took a deep breath, then walked over to him. "Seamus?" She asked in a whisper, feeling bad about disturbing him. "Do you mind if I sit here too?"
Seamus was really sure why he was trying, but Seamus wasn't very good at homework, and studying was difficult, but he'd said to Hamish that he would be there to help him study. But Hamish had left for a while to go do something else. It just left Seamus staring at books and struggling to focus. He glanced up as someone approached, and his look of relief was not just because he knew who she was, but because this could just be an out. "No, go ahead," he moved some of his twin's books and notes, to allow Penelope the place to sit with him. "How are you?" he whispered, obviously keeping his voice down because this was a library.
Quietly, Penelope was relieved Seamus seemed to recognize her. Their conversation last year had been nice, but she could imagine a cool older student like him having better things to worry about. She gave him a grateful smile before sitting down. She tucked some of her hair behind her ear before starting to take her notebook and pens out of her bag. She glanced up at him, smiling slightly. "I'm doing well, thanks." She whispered back. "You?"
Seamus watched as Penelope took the seat and then began taking things out of her bag. He welcomed having someone else join him, he welcomed not having to think too hard about his won work, or pretending that he was. Revision just sucked and he was just bad at it. He gave a little nod. "Yeah good," he replied. "I heard you made the quidditch team?" he asked, he was sure he'd spotted her on the hufflepuff team, whether or not as an alternate, it didn't matter to him. He kept his voice quiet, but was really just eager to distract himself from his work.
Penelope was vaguely aware that chatting in the library probably wasn't allowed, or at least frowned upon. But they were whispering really softly, and it was kind of nice to talk to someone, especially someone older and from another house. Penelope blushed when he unexpectedly mentioned he knew she had made the Quidditch team. How had that news spread so fast? She hadn't thought about other people noticing. She hesitated, then nodded. "Yes." She whispered. "Alternate seeker. I'm not sure if it was a mistake." She admitted, the words escaping her before she could think better of it.
Seamus frowned a little at her words. He wasn't sure why someone would think it, a mistake, and he wondered if she meant the captain putting her on the team or her trying out in the first place. "Why would it be a mistake?" he asked. Seamus wasn't entirely sure it was his place to ask or his to know, but he was bored, he liked Penelope enough that he was willing to at the very least ask her. Seamus was sure it wasn't a mistake, but he also hadn't seen her play. Maybe she was awful at the game, but he didn't think Hufflepuff would do that, would bring on people who were terrible at the game.
Penelope wished she hadn't just aired her insecurities, but at least Seamus seemed nice. She hesitated for a moment, playing with her hair. "I don't know, maybe I'm horrible at it." She said quietly. "Between you and me, I don't think there were that many people at tryouts." She said, then winced. Was that something she should say to someone from a different team? Probably not. She hoped Tilly wouldn't find out.
Seamus was curious as to why she would think it was a mistake, and then frowned a little at her words. Of course, he had never seen her play, he hadn't bothered looking at the other team's try-outs, it was pointless. But he really doubted that she was just added to the team because of a lack of other people. ”No,” he replied simply, ”I think the quidditch team would rather have a smaller team than add someone who couldn't play,” he was keeping up the whisper, but his voice was very plain as if it were obvious. ”Maybe you're not the best, but…you were likely picked because the captain thought you had the biggest potential,”
While Penelope wasn’t entirely convinced, she was comforted a bit by Seamus’ words. She smiled at him, then ducked her head a bit. “Thank you.” She said softly. “It just feels like a lot of pressure, you know? I wonder if another position would’ve been better.” She admitted, fidgeting with a piece of paper on the table.
Seamus could admit that he would never do the seeker position, the feeling of the whole game partly riding upon him…that was just a lot. He preferred a beater position, enough thrill and fun but with a little less of the pressure. ”Maybe, being an alternate does mean you can more easily change your mind,” he told her. ”See how the year goes and if you want to switch at least they'll know that you can fly at least,”

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