Fairytales .... do they really exist??

Alice Hills

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1 [Main]
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Alice smiled to herself as she walked down to the Lakefront. She had decided to go down and see what everything was about there. Many people claimed to have seen mermaids, but she wasn't quite sure whether to believe them or not yet. So far, everything that she thought was make-believe had turned out to be real, so what was stopping this now. Mermaids. I mean, mermaids though. She thought to herself, trying to balance the argument in her head telling her that they probably did exist.

She had never been one to believe fairy tales when she was younger. She had read them all lots of times before, and knew most of them off by heart, but she never believed them. But now, everything seemed to be happening. Well, princesses and princes existed, everyone knew that. Werewolves and vampires existed, so she heard. Wizards and witches existed. She laughed to herself at this latest thought, it was quite ironic really that she never believed in them, because she was a witch. Shuddering at the strange thought of this, she turned back to her thoughts on fairytale creatures. Its just mermaids and fairies im not sure about. She told herself, making up her mind to ask the next person she saw.

Thinking how stupid she would seem to just sit at the edge of the lake, staring into the water, she had come prepared. Earlier, she had packed up her bag with a few of her favourite books, including some new school ones, her favourite scripts from Shakespeare, and Pride and Prejudice. She hadn't been able to find it for a while, until she found her fluffy kitten, using it as a pillow. After prizing Milly off of it, she had had to find another one to replace it. After using the first book of hers that she could find, she had left the common room quickly, watching Milly suspiciously as she sniffed the edge of Weathering Heights.
Fayt was wondering how different it is to study in a magical school school rather than to study in a normal one. He did not really see any difference expect for the lessons being taught. Truth to be told, he doesn't really like to attend Hogwarts, he would prefer to be at his old school, he already had a place there, the one that he priced so much even though his position is that of an aloof and cold boy. Studying at Hogwarts was not really his choice, his sister was the one who had influenced him to attend it, he cannot really refuse, she's the most important person to him at the moment, everything she wants, he'll give. However, right at the time, his sister is no where to be found, this thing irked him the most. The place was so large, finding her is like looking for a needle in a haystack. With a rather irritated sigh, Fayt decided to just explore the school, see if the rumors that he had heard was true. Not that he mind it, actually, he had decided a long time ago to not believe in anything that he heard, anything that is just so out of ordinary, but being a wizard already changed that, he himself was out of the ordinary, so what thing could be impossible? Surely, the rumor about the giant squid in the lake was true as well, as true as the witches and the giants that he had already seen around the campus.

Making his way to the lake front, Fayt decided to ignore all those smiles and greetings that the other students were throwing at him, from their looks, they were first years as well, same age as him. However, Fayt was not one to socialized, he's not that friendly to start with. He4 had noticed how the students were separated into groups, they had already made new friends though the school year ha not started yet. After a few minutes of continuous walking and glaring at the other students, Fayt had already arrived at his destination. Only a few students were actually near the lake, probably because the others are wary that about the said giant quid in there. Approaching the lake to see what was on it, Fayt caught sight of a very familiar face. One that he had seen and talked with a few times before. One whom he owed a favor to. Smirking to himself, Fayt had found something that could amuse him, relinquish him of the irritation that he was feeling only a few moments ago. He approached the lone figure as stealthy as he could, careful to not alert her of his presence. Once he was already situated at her back, Fayt tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Quit staring at the water, the giant squid might get irritated you know.." He was already ready to see the reaction that she would show him.
Alice squealed as someone tapped her on the shoulder. Pulling out her wand, she whipped around, expecting to see Isobel. But no, it was Fayt. Hitting him on his leg lightly, she smiled. "Hey! You scared me. And i was just wondering what was in there, before i started to read." She explained, indicating to the pile of books next to her. Realising that she still had her wand in her hand, she quickly stuck it in her jeans pocket and smiled, letting him sit down. "Sorry, i thought you were Isobel." She explained, preparing herself for the teasing she just knew would come. "But thinking about it now, Isobel would probably push me in and let me drown." She stated clearly, more to herself than Fayt. Now wishing that she hadn't told herself to ask the first person about fairies and mermaids, she pushed the thought aside, knowing that she would receive eternal teasing for just mentioning the subject.

Turning back to him, she realised that they hadn't spoken since the ice-cream in the parlour. "So, how are you?" She asked, rather awkwardly, as she put her books back in her bag. "You're in Slytherin and Star's in Ravenclaw." She said, trying to remember from the sorting ceremony that seemed ages ago. She knew that Star was in Ravenclaw, because they shared the same dormitory. She was pretty sure that he was in Slytherin, now she came to think about it, so the question seemed stupid to ask. She sat there for a little, looking at the water again, wondering why she felt different. This had happened the last time she met him, and she had put it down to the ice-cream. But now, it was slightly disconcerting her.
fayt smirked at Alice's reaction to what he had done. Strangely enough, he had always found amusement whenever he would do something that would result to a very funny reaction from her. Usually, he would be emotionless regarding of how funny the situation is around him, only his sister could make him smile, it would actually take her a long time for her to make him do so. Yet, when it comes to Alice, Fayt cannot help but wonder how easily she can amuse him, how she can somehow dissipate all his irritations. She confuses him, make him smile whenever she would react weirdly and talk about things that he founds to be rather random, he din't knew whether that was a bad thing or a good thing, if it was actually crazy of him to do such thing. However, at the moment, Fayt decided to set all those thoughts aside, he doesn't want to think about it right now and get confused, and worst, irritated. "You shouldn't let your guard down you know.. not everyone here is as good as you think... what's worst, since everyone here is capable of doing what you can do, you need to be more aware of what's happening around you.." Fayt said nonchalantly, looking at the books that Alice was supposed to be reading. There was a huge pile of them, he wondered how she could read them all, well, now that he think about it, she's actually a bookworm and a ravenclaw at that, it's a cinch for her to read everything. "Books again huh.. no wonder that you are placed in ravenclaw.." He continued on.

Fayt showed a rather confused look as Alice talked about someone named Isobel, the name somehow rings a bell, he just cannot figure out why. However, when she said something about that Isobel girl pushing her into the lake, Fayt quickly remembered the conversation that they had at the ice cream parlour, Isobel was actually Alice's relative, someone who despises her so much. "If you don't want to drown, then be mindful.. quit going off into your own world.. you'r mind was already flying with weird thoughts I think...Do you even know how to swim?" Fayt said in a rather teasing tone, trying to hide the concern in his voice.

He then sat down, just next to her, looking at the lake. where's that giant squid that those students were talking about he muttered under his breath, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to see if he can see the bottom of the lake. He then turned to Alice when she asked how he had been. "I'm doing good.. except for the fact that someone had pointed her wand at me and almost hexed me.." Fayt said, smirking as he put emphasis on the words her and wand, reminding Alice about the situation that they were before.
Alice laughed lightly. "I know, but oh well. If they want to kill me, then what could i do?" She asked casually, not meaning anything behind the words, but then realising how serious they sounded. "Only joking." She added, not wanting to panic anyone. But he probably wouldn't care anyway. She thought to herself harshly. Quite surprised with what she just thought, she missed his next comment but picked up something about books and Ravenclaw. "Well, i see you haven't changed. No wonder your in Slytherin." She retorted sharply. She was surprised at herself. Fayt seemed to make her want to argue and be upset, a surprising reaction from someone she didn't have anything against. Not wanting to apologise to him, she bit her lip to stop the words automatically flying out of her mouth. He's been mean to me. Why can't it be the opposite way around? She thought to herself again, wondering what had come over her. "Do i know how to swim?" She repeated in mock horror. "Do you know how to actually be nice?" She replied quickly, not wanting to debate, but at the same time, not wanting him to use her as the mock of his jokes. "But thanks for the warning." She replied, slightly coldly although this wasn't how it was meant to come out. Shaking her head slightly, in an attempt to clear it from being horrible, she only just caught something about giant squids. "Did, did you say giant squid?" She asked, trying to keep her voice steady. It wasn't that she was frightened, more amused by the idea that EVERYTHING existed from fairytales. There were many things that she had fears of, but thankfully for her, squids wasn't one of them. She noticed that his attention was on the lake and was about to repeat his advice about keeping alert when she realised that he was talking again. "Mm, sorry about that." She mumbled, catching his eye and smirking as he thought that she could actually hex him. "Incase you forgot, im not evil and wouldn't hex people without good reason. I only know the basic spells as well." She said sadly, wondering how long it would be before she could actually hex people and do proper important spells.
Fayt frowned a little at Alice's response. He didn't know why he felt annoyed by that comment from hers, not that he mind it if she would be in danger, scratch that, he probably would, or not.. really, it was starting to annoy him, he was being confused. " It's not a good joke you know.. talking about life is not one to be made fun of.." He said firmly to her, feeling a little disturbed as he run a delicate hand through his golden locks. He wondered why he was feeling concerned if that was the right word, it was not right to feel that, she's no one to him after all, just someone that he had fun teasing and annoying.

He was suddenly brought out of his reverie when he heard Alice's sharp response to his comment about her being a ravenclaw and being too much into books. It amuses him how quickly she could change, one moment she's being nice, and another, she's being feisty. "Stereotyping aren't you? And besides.. there's nothing that needed to be changed about me.. I'm perfectly fine with the me right now.." Fayt retorted back with a rather annoying smile on his face, he was being egoistical and narcissistic, but it was just his personality. He is, after all, still a child no matter how mature he appears to be at first glance.

"Let me think about it.... well.. hate to burst you bubble and your ego, but yes, I can actually be NICE... " Fayt said, the familiar smirk appearing again on his face. It was true though, he can always portray himself as a cheerful and lenient individual whenever the situation ask for it, typically, when he is in the presence of his adoptive parents as well as his sister. He can actually be nice, it was just a choice of him to be the otherwise. "Warning? did I ever gave such a thing?" He continued on, playing innocent when Alice thanked him.

Fayt chuckled a little when Alice asked about the giant squid, she doesn't look afraid at all, but there was something in her voice that shows that she was not calm about the news either. "I did say that.. really, you really are not that observant are you?" He said to her, picking a tiny pebble and throwing it at the lake, wondering whether the giant squid would resurface if he did that. He was a little astound when Alice had apologized once again for pointing the wand at him, he let out a smile, a true one at that. "Basic spells? And here I thought that you know that advance ones already.. you are just too studious at that..but anyway, there's actually no need to worry.. we are in a school, we're here to learn I guess" He said to her, noticing that she was a little sad when she talked about how she knew the basics only, he doesn't know how to say something nice to actually comfort someone, but he figured that just him being annoying is enough to get Alice out of thinking about trivial things.

Alice laughed at his response. "What does my life matter to you?" She asked, wondering who he thought she was. From her point of view, all she was to him was someone to laugh at and tease. Noticing his firm voice, she stopped laughing and just went to wondering in her mind. "Me, stereotyping. Probably. But you have to realise, my only view of a Slytherin so far is the personality of Isobel." She said slowly, thinking how bad this was. "I must have to get to know some more Slytherins, so i can make an accurate view on them." She said, laughing again at the thought of it. Meeting more Slytherins was the last thing that she wanted to do, and so she pushed the thought away, laughing still. She raised her eyebrows when he said he could be nice. "Exactly my point. You can be nice, and i can swim." She said with a defiant edge and watched with irritation as his normal smirk appeared on his arrogant face. Deciding that one day she would create a spell to leave a constant smile on his face, a smile of her own appeared on her face. He thinks he is being so cool by smirking, doesn't he. She thought to herself, laughing again slightly. Today, well in that moment, it was almost as if she had taken a laughing potion and everything had just gone from being annoyed to be hilarious and light. Wondering what had come over her, she listened as he mocked her observance. Deciding that she couldn't be bothered to reply, she just sat there, looking into the lake absentmindedly. She shrugged as his rhetorical questions fired at her. She smiled at his attempt to comfort her but shrugged anyway. "I want to be able to use them, but we aren't allowed until a higher year." She explained, not wanting him to think that she was incapable to do the hard spells.
"Did I say that your life matters to me? Stop dreaming... I'm just worried that there would be a waste of tears and a waste of land where a person who was willing to die would be buried... There's a lot of dead souls out there who would do anything to get back to life, and here you are, saying that you cannot do anything if someone wanted to kill you..." Fayt said nonchalantly, massaging his temples to get rid of his irritation as well as his found confusion. Because he cannot quite put a finger to the reason why he felt as irritated for Alice's apathy about her life, Fayt just put it to be that he views her as some sort of a toy, something that gets rid of his stress and irritation, something that irritates him, he doesn't know whether that was good or bad, he still cannot understand it at that moment.

Fayt frowned as Alice told him how she view Slytherins, sure, he's not that loyal to his house, yet it's quite irritating when she said that. "I'm a Slytherin... does that mean that you are comparing me to that Isobel?" He said, more so as a statement rather than a question, though he hadn't really met the girl that Alice was talking about, he doesn't like to be compared to her, he doesn't even like to be compared to anyone.

Fayt scoffed at what Alice had said. "You can actually swim? I doubt it..." He said with a sneer, laughing a little as he saw the irritated face of hers. It was quite entertaining and amusing. "You're irritated face looks funny..." He commented randomly as he threw another pebble at the lake. "Why won't he come out?" He muttered, disappointed for not seeing the legendary giant squid in it.

"You follow those rules? If you want to learn to use it, then do it.. it's not like you're going to use it to harm others.. think of it as doing an advance study.." He said, shrugging as Alice talked about how they were not allowed to use hard spells at their current year. He didn't really believe that rule, well, if one wanted to expand his limits and learn thing, one doesn't need to be restricted by those rules and be walled in the norm.
Alice sighed at Fayt. He would always be rude, so it seemed. "Yes, well from my point of view, the only real Slytherin that i properly know goes out of her way to make my life a misery, and all my friends." She explained, starting to get irritated. "And stop smirking." She added, knowing that really it would make it all worse. But at that moment, she just didn't care. "You doubt my swimming?" She asked annoyed now. "I can swim just as well as the next person. I may not be world class, but i can swim." She finished, her voice angry now. "What the point of rules if they are just there to be broken?" She asked rhetorically. Stacking her books in alphabetical order unintentionally, she put them in her bag and swung it over her shoulder. "Now, if you are just going to sit there and be mean to me, you can leave because i was here first. But if you can be nice, then i suppose you can stay. Or I will go." She added, not bothering to cover up her annoyance in her tone.
"I'm not like her though..." Fayt said casually, lying on the grass and placing his hands under his head, He just stayed there, gaze locked at the azure and clear sky above them. He's not one to say it out loud but he does enjoy looking up at the sky, thinking about his days and not doing anything at all.Usually, he would just watch and let his consciousness drift away. "I don't enjoy brigning misery to people.. it's a waste of time, I prefer to not care about them at all..." He added, tuning his gaze to Alice. A smirk once again appeared on his face as Alice became more irritated, it really is quite funny, how he had that effect on people. "If you say that, I won't stop doing it..." He said, still smirking arrogantly at her. He didn't really know why he do it, why he annoys her to no end, he just did. It's illogical but it's the truth, there really is no real reason for him teasing, he just found it really entertaining.

Fayt shrugged as Alice insisted that she can swim, "If you say so.. suit yourself then..." He said to her, noticing how angry she was already becoming. "Rules are rules.. just that.. you see, life's like a game, there were rules, yet there were still those who break it so as to win.. Rules limits a person to do what he wants, that thing actually only makes him desire to do it, break the rule I mean..." He remarked, watching in amusement as Alice stacked her books away, in an alphabetical order at that. He then went into a sitting position as she threatened him to be nice or she or he would need to leave. Not that he mind if she would leave at all, but that would mean that he'll be alone and bored once again. "Do you really hate me that much?" He asked, unintentionally saying what was on his mind. He didn't really mean to say that to her, but since he had already did, he cannot take it back anymore.
Alice sighed again. Will he ever stop smirking? She asked herself, truly annoyed now. Shrugging at his retort about rules, she just brushed it away. She had always been told to not argue with immature people because they sink you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Not saying this out-loud, she rolled her eyes at his comment about her swimming.

Stopping for a moment and thinking about his question she shook her head. Closing her eyes, she answered quietly. "No. No, i don't hate you. I don't think you hate me either. I don't actually hate anyone. Not even Isobel." She stopped here, thinking that this was probably a twist of the truth. She didn't hate anyone, just hated people's attitude and actions. She hated both these things about Isobel but still loved her deep down. She hated her dad's actions and attitude towards work, but she didn't hate him. "I do hate attitudes, and actions though. And smirking." She added, wondering if she had pushed it too far. "But no, i don't hate you. Why?" Opening her eyes again, she looked straight at him, taking in his striking hair and entrancing eyes. Wondering what had come over her, she looked away, waiting for his reply.
Fayt didn't understand why, but he felt as if a thorn was taken from his heart, he can't quite get it. The heavy feeling that he felt as he waited for Alice's answer was gone. He didn't know whether it was because she said that she didn't hate him. Shaking his head to get rid of the confusing thoughts, Fayt stood up, placing his hand to his pockets and giving the lake one more glance. Wondering why on earth was it that the giant squid didn't appear at all despite of him continually throwing pebbles at it. "Rumors are fake I guess..."He said under his breath, turning to look at Alice once more.

He just looked at her, not saying anything at all. He need not to say a word for he didn't know what to say. Why did he even care if she hated him? Most people does, NO, most kids does. They hate his cold stare and his harsh words, so what's the difference if Alice hates him as well. "You don't hate me eh? SO, is it just an intense dislike?" He said passively, starting to walk and pausing as he was just a few feet away from her. "Never mind me asking if you hate me... anyway, I can just go away from here if I'm being such a bother, this school's huge anyway..." He continued on, getting ready to leave if she would say it. "Oh, and by the way, you said that you hate smirking eh? Hate to say this to you, but I'm actually fond of it..." He said randomly, smirking once again, wondering whether that would annoy her even further.
Alice's face fell as he got ready to go. "Oh, are you going then?" She asked. Although she would never admit it, she would hate for him to go. He was amusing company. As he smirked again, she laughed this time. He had already pushed her to the breaking point and now it was just funny. "You're soooo arrogant." She said, laughing in wonder at him.

(OOC: Sorry for the lame post. I have ideas for later in the plot, but none for now. Sorry :( )
"Only if you say so....I wouldn't like the feeling of having someone ready to kill me by my side..." Fayt said in a teasing tone, tilting his head a little as he shielded his eyes from the sun, he was quite sensitive to it after all. He didn't really want to leave since it would definitely leave him without anything better to do, he still had no idea where his sister is, and besides, he cannot just go around at her common room and ask can he?

Fayt smiled truthfully for the first time as Alice finally laughed once again, she didn't look quite irritated anymore. "So what if I'm arrogant?... I knew that eons of years ago already..." He said to her, eyes sparkling in amusement as he watched her laugh.

OOCOut of Character:
nah... that's fine.. :D
Alice raised her eyebrows. "So, you really think that i would kill you. What with? Drowning. Nope, you've already pointed out that you can swim. Suffocation. Not really my type of murder. The killing curse." At this she narrowed her eyes dramatically. "Nah, i think i will let you live a little longer. You are starting to become amusing now." She said lightly, taking the subject away from death. It seemed touchy around him and she wasn't sure whether she pushed it too far. "You may have heard it, but if you really knew and understood the consequences of it, you would have stopped." She said wisely, the words flowing out of her rosebud lips before she could think about them. Normally, when she let her words flow out, she ended up hurting someone or taking out the fun of a conversation. Her quick tongue was something she was always worried about. Pushing this aside, she laughed again softly and noticed that he was watching her.
Fayt nodded as Alice talked about ways that she could possibly kill him. It was rather funny if he may say so, not that being killed was a funny thought, it was just the way that she says it and her expression when she did it. "I doubt that you can kill me anyway, not without me resisting.. I don't want to die without a fight you know..." Fayt said, sitting down once again. It's the truth, though he was bored with what was going on with his life, he could not just let his sister alone, he's the only blood kin that she knows, and well, they're pretty much attached to each other. But right at the moment, that was not the case, his sister was busy with her other friends after all.

Fayt shrugged once again as Alice talked about how he should stop being arrogant, he see her point but he won't change just because of that. "Well, this is who I am, I won't change myself for no one..." He said casually to her, starting to throw pebbles at the lake once again. He was stubborn, really stubborn. If he wanted to get something, he'll get it no matter what. And at the moment, he wanted to see the giant squid. "But I know when to be nice you know.. I'm not always like this.. I don't quite get it really..." He said softly, barely audible for the girl to hear. He was pertaining to how rude and harsh he was to her. He really can't help it, after all, she was just so amusing to annoy.
Alice listened patiently as he talked and watched as he threw pebbles into the lake. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously, having watched him do this a few times now. "Oh, i suspect that you are trying to annoy the mermaids or see the giant squid." She guessed wildly, thinking quickly back to the book she read about Hogwarts. There had been an interesting chapter on creatures in the lake, and it was the very same chapter that had managed to get her outside and down to the lake to see the mermaids. Not wishing to admit to Fayt why she was down here, she restrained herself from asking him, knowing that the question would be thrown straight back at her again.
"Checking if the rumors were true..." Fayt said casually, still throwing tiny pebbles into the lake. He was really curious at how big the giant squid really is, or if it was scary or such. He just wanted to see it, though, he wouldn't say it exactly to Alice. It was a rather childish thought after all, and Fayt hates it when he is being viewed as a child. "Annoy the giant squid out of his hiding? Probably, and you? I doubt that you are here just to read your books..." He then said, not tearing his eyes away from the lake, afraid tat if he did so, he wouldn't see the said creature.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry, this post is lame.. :D
(OOC: No, its just as bad as all of mine :p )

Alice raised her eyebrows at him. "You listen to rumors?" She asked, a definite sense of mockery in her tone. Laughing, she nodded down to her books. "Oh me, i was just reading and i was enjoying the scenery." She said quietly, lying through her teeth. She had always been a good liar and wondered whether Fayt would see through her. Laughing at him, she opened her book and tried to find her place. Sighing and putting it away again, she found that she had reread the same sentence a few times, finding his presence distracting.
Fayt frowned as he saw the hint of mockery at Alice's voice. It's really obvious that even a child would notice it. "No, it's just that those students are so irritating for chattering about that giant squid, I cannot help but to overhear them, my ear hurts because of their screeching anyway... and besides I'm bored.." He said casually, not really showing any sign that he was irritated by her mockery. He's quite good at hiding his emotions after all.

Fayt then turned to look at Alice's eyes when she said that she was just there to read. He just stared, examining her eyes if there was any hint that says that she was lying. Fayt is good at detecting whether a person is being honest or not no matter how good the person is at lying. Their eyes always give away. "You're definitely lying..." He said bluntly, taking the book that the girl had just put away.
Alice laughed at his reply. "Right." She said sarcastically, wondering whether it was the truth or not. She noticed that he probably realised her lie, but looked away. Sighing as he asked she decided to try and steer away from the topic. "You're really blunt." She said calmly, feeling sorry for him for a moment, for no reason at all. Raising her eyebrows as he took her book away, she held out her hand, trying not to show upset as he held away her favourite book. "Give it back." She said coldly, glaring at him. "Now." She added firmly, wondering how much longer she could look into his eyes with out bursting out laughing for no reason. There was something about Fayt that made her want to laugh or cry, she wasn't sure. It concerned her, she hadn't felt like this before and had just put it down to his annoyance when he spent his life teasing her.
"Jeez, you don't believe me, do you?" Fayt said with a sigh as he heard Alice's sarcastic remarks. "Can't blame you though, be like that,I don't really care..." He added with that egoistical smirk of his. His smirk is sharp. The way his lips would curve higher and higher, and just dangling, it's striking annoying yet beautiful at the same time.

"I'm just honest..." He remarked, opening the book that he had just snatched away from Alice. He read the first pages, pure curiosity getting into him. He then turned to Alice she asked him to give the book back, albeit a little coldly. With a sigh, he snapped the hardcover book shut with the faint sound of crackling ancient yellowed pages. "You really hate me don't you..." He muttered under his breath, barely audible for Alice to hear. "Try to take it away from me then..." He then said louder than his previous statement, an annoying glint of mischievousness visible in his gray eyes.
Alice's eyes blazed with fury. She hated it when people didn't do as she asked. It wasn't common for her to want people to do many things, she didn't like to control people, but she was possessive of her things. "Give it back." She repeated, noticing with annoyance that the cold note had disappeared from her voice. Pulling out her wand, she quickly debated whether to use the spell she knew or leave it until she knew it properly with practise. Deciding on the latter, for his sake, she put it away slowly, eyes still linked with his. Watching a mischievous glint in his eye, she wondered whether he would obey and give it back or remain stubborn.
Fayt's smirk widened as he saw her brought out her wand, not that he wanted to get jinxed or anything, he had just found it rather amusing that she would have the guts to do that. "So, you're going to hex me now eh?" He said with a sneer, taking his wand out as well and twirling it along his delicate fingers, playing with it as he held the book on his other hand, the one that was far from Alice's reach. He noticed how her voice was not as cold as before, it's rather inconsistent of her, one minutes she's being cold, but he knows he cannot hold that for long."I told you to try to take it back.." He said, yawning as he maintained his eye contact with her, finding amusement at the swirl of emotions on her eyes. It was really amusing to him, seeing how those emotion would change with eveything that he would say.
Alice glared at him now, deciding that he wasn't funny any more. She had had enough of him teasing her and she felt that he had pushed it too far. She wouldn't try and take it off of him, because that would be a mistake on her part, considering her lack of sporting abilities. She would end up probably doing something stupid and then make more of a fool of herself, giving him more reasons to annoy and tease her. Closing her eyes, she sighed and put her other books in her bag from where the had been knocked out. "Just give it back." She said quietly, looking at him. Knowing that he wouldn't she sat there, wondering what he was trying to achieve by it all. "What do you want?" She finally asked, wondering what she needed to do to get it back. Hoping that it wasn't something stupid like kissing, she hoped that he might just ask for some homework to be done when the lessons started, but highly doubted that he would give up an opportunity to annoy her for something so simple.

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