Open Failing Thoughts

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Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (16)
Savannah wasn't feeling great about this dance, she had failed at quidditch and failed at duelling, two things she had wanted so desperately to be good at. She just wasn't good at those things, but had little else going for her, and sure one missed snitch and one failed duel wasn't the end of the world, but she didn't love it. Savannah was trying to shake it off, to just focus on having fun at the dance and not thinking about how she failed. She had a nice dress on, had made an effort, and yet it didn't lift her spirits in the way she had really really wanted it to. Instead it just left her feeling almost worse. She was stood by the drinks, just trying a little to quiet her mind and have a little fun here at this dance.
Ezra was aware that Savannah probably hadn't thought about him once since the yule ball, but he couldn't say the same thing. Her asking him to dance had been the first time anyone had ever seemed remotely interested in him, even if she hadn't seemed all that enthusiastic about it. And while he knew that wasn't a reason to like someone, he had to admit he now noticed Savannah more than ever. There was something about her. So when he spotted her by herself during the Valentine's Dance, Ezra took a moment to gather his courage before he approached her. He smiled hesitantly, his heart hammering in his chest. "Uh, hey." He said. "I had fun last time- dancing, I mean." He said, realizing to his horror that the carefully constructed sentences in his head were coming out as a jumbled mess. "So uh, I wondered. If maybe. You uh... wanted to dance?"
Savannah was a little surprised when the boy, Ezra from the last dance approached her. She watched him as he stumbled over the sentences but the end point was that he wanted to dance. She had also had fun in the last dance. He was cute too, objectively she knew that, and she was having such a terrible semester, there wasn't much she could lose in agreeing to this. "Okay," she said, she reached out with her hand, hoping he would take it so they could dance together.
Ezra wasn't sure what he had expected Savannah to say, but a simple 'okay' hadn't been it. Slightly taken aback, he blinked before nodding. "Right, cool, yes." He said, a hesitant smile on his face as he reached for her hand. Had it always been this easy? Should he just have walked up to any boy or girl he wanted to dance with an asked? He led Savannah onto the dance floor and started to dance with her. He was a little awkward, perhaps, but he tried his best.
Savannah let herself be led to the dance floor, and watched for a moment as he began to dance, joining in only after a moment had passed. She was a little better at dancing, but also wasn't trying to dance that much, just moving a little to the music, keeping in a little close to him as she did so.
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