🌹 Rose Giving F is For Friends Who Do Stuff Together

Soren Gates

Rin- Stylish- Brave
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
4/15/2044 (19)
Soren didn't know the next Hufflepuff on his list, but he'd gotten a general idea of who he was looking for. He had just made it to the fourth floor corridor when he thought he saw someone that matched the description of who he was looking for. He hurried after her, smiling brightly. "Hey! Excuse me! Freya?" He called, trying to catch up to her.
Freya was tossing up whether she should go to the library to study or take a nap in her dorm when she heard her name. She could hazard a guess that this tiny baby firstie was delivering roses, but that didn't make it any less fun to mess with them. "Look. If you're here about the cat curse, you have to leave the offerings in the abandoned classroom if you want to retain your eyeballs." she sighed impatiently, turning to the boy and giving him a critical look.
Soren absolutely lit up at the girls words, and couldn't help but lean in. "That sounds epic, how do you get it?" He asked her with a coy smile, holding out the golden rose with its rose. "Here's an offering for you though," He winked playfully.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Freya shook her head and laughed gently at the first year's reaction. "Second floor holds all the secrets, kiddo." she advised, with a conspiratorial grin. She hummed in surprise as she read the note accompanying the rose. Poppy was one of the last people Freya expected to send her anything, but she mentally brushed it off as the Ravenclaw being a genuinely decent person. Criminally nice, even. She'd probably just send them to everyone in their year. Reading into the rose signifying anything close to actual friendship would be silly.
Soren lit up, smiling impishly at the girl. She was fun. "Duly noted," He gave her a playful wink. "I'm off to find some secrets. Happy valentines!" He smiled and waved, giving her a dramatic bow before starting to walk away again.

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