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Annabelle Howard

Well-Known Member
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Annabelle hated her twin sister Maybelle so bad and she loved her at the same time. She wanted to kill her so bad but whenver she look at her in the eye, she could never kill her. Anna is impatient and is independent, she had a boy in her life but then she was used by him. He's no longer alive and since then Anna hated boyfriends... This is one of the reason why she's always alone.

So yeah.. she'll need a boy who can reassure her that love exist.

~ A bf, a final for Annabelle (Hopefully a deatheater future husband) who can calm Anna down.
She had been depressed for years. Firstly its because of the `tragedy` (When her sister had her first full moon, Anna followed her into the woods and unfortunately it was filled by wild animals and she was attacked, her sister Maybelle couldn't do anything about it since she was too fragile and was too scared. She hated her since then) . Secondly it's because she could never kill her sister b'coz she wont let her self.
I could offer Locke Woods for her. I haven't done much with him yet, but I'm wanting to be active on him again. He's a pretty cool guy, knows how to control the people around him to benefit themselves and himself, can be a little temperamental at times, but over all, a pretty cool guy.
Yeah sure we can try but I can't promise tho..
I'll start one when I got on my comp and will send the link ^_^
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