
Sandie Treasure

Well-Known Member
It was the morning after Sandie had arrived at Hogwarts New Zealand. She had been sorted into Slytherin at the feast, and the excitement from the whole thing was still with her. She couldn't believe how big and magical the castle and it's grounds were, and she was planning to spend the whole day exploring the place and getting to know people, and hopefully making friends!
It was still early, only 8am, and after a quick breakfast Sandie had headed out of the Castle, towards the Lake, were she would start her tour. Taking a deep breath, Sandie grinned as the frosty air pierced her lungs and filled her nostrels, it felt refreshingly good. It was winter in New Zealand, and Sandie hoped it would Snow soon, it was certainly cold enough!
Pulling her Slytherin scarf thighter around her neck, she stared off into the Lake. The place was gorgouse. The way the trees hung over the edge of the lake, the way the water shimmered, the way it seemed to strech on and on forever, it was beautiful!
Sitting herself down on the grass right at the edge, Sandie's jeans were instantly soaked with the morning dew, but she didn't bother to move. Spotting a pebble at her side, she picked it up softly and skimmed it over the waters surface. It bounced three times before sinking, leaving a rippling of dark blue out behind it. Tucking a long piece of wavy blond hair which had escaped from it's plait behind her ear, Sandie lay back onto the grass and let her legs strech out inches from the water. Staring up at the cloudy blue sky, she grinned, glad to be at Hogwarts, before making a promise to herself. She promised she was going to enjoy her time there and not waste a single moment of it!

Lily had hardly slept, she didn't like her new bed. She didn't like the fact she was actually at this stupid school. She was going to have to start classes soon, which would not be good either. She was also up way too early. She walked out of the school and to the grounds. The were pretty big. A lot bigger than the grounds Lily had had at her dance school. But then again, Hogwarts didn't have a stage which had had, the newest and best talent in the dance world dance upon it. That of course was Lily. She was the best. It was quite cold on this morning, But Lily hadn't really taken that into account. She was in a tank top and orange skirt. She was holding an old grey cardgin but didn't want to wear it at all. She spotted a girl, beside the lake, with a green scarf on. A slytherin Lily thought to herself. Lily walked over to her. It wouldn't hurt to talk to her.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" Lily asked with a friendly and polite smile. "I'm in Slytherin too." Lily then added pointing to the scarf.
Sandie noticed a girl approach her and sat up, pulling her knees up under her chin, she grinned brightly at the girl.
"Sure, take a seat" Sandie replied as the girl asked if she could sit with her, before adding that she was also a Slytherin. "Oh cool" Sandie grinned again, she had been hoping to meet another girl in her house. "I'm Sandie, Sandie Treasure" she told the girl, holding a hand out for a shake, her Southern accent ringing out in the cold air.

Lily smiled at the girl. She had an odd accent. It wasn't one Lily was used to hearing and she couldn't place where it was from. She sat down next to her and crossed her legs while placing her hands slightly behind her and leaning back. But then Lily realized that the girl had her hand out, she leaned forward again and shook the girls hand with the friendly smile Lily had taken to using when meeting all these new people she didn't really want to meet.

"Livia Delaney. It's a pleasure to meet you Sandie." Lily said with a smile. "So, where you from Sandie?" Lily said really quite interested on finding out where the girl was from and where accent was from.
Winter was a beautiful season and Jacob preferred it to summer.It was amazing that after coming to Hogwarts he preferred cool temperature while before he used to cring away from anything cold or wet.It was partially due to being in Slytherin house and spending so much time in the common room which was always cooler than the upper levels.However,Jacob thought of it as a positive change.

As Jacob Cooper came out of the Entrance hall and into the cool morning,his eyes fell onto the lake.It was the most beautiful place Jake had ever seen in his life.It was the most magical place in the whole castle and grounds.It held several memories good and bad.But he was in no mood to remember the bad ones.

Jacob crossed the lawns in slow strides taking in the beautiful scenery.Even though it wasn't the first time he had seen the grounds covered in ice,he thought that he had never seen such a beautiful scene before.Jake wished he had his camera with him.

As he neared the Lakefront he saw two younger Slytherin girls sitting by the edge.He had promised himself that he was going to be social this year so he made his way towards where they sat.He crouched down beside the blonde girl and greeted,"Hey there girls,"with a flashy smile,"I'm sure you don't mind me joining you girls."he said as he sat down beside them.

"By the way I'm Jacob Cooper."he told them with yet another smile.Jacob made a mental note of reducing his smiling rate or people would start thinking he was wierd."I am a Slytherin third year."he added.

Lily looked up at the sound of another persons voice. It was male and sounded a little older than the year Lily was in. She looked up to look at the boy. She watched him with caution as he walked over to them and introduced himself. Lily had to admit the boy was cute, this meant that Lily wasn't as annoyed that he had disturbed there conversation. Well, really there hadn't been much conversation but the argument still stood. Lily wasn't surprised to hear that the boy was a third year. Lily reached over to the boy with an extended hand.

"Livia Delaney, 1st Year Slytherin." Lily said with a false smile. "It's a pleasure. What brings you here?" Lily then added, her tone a little snappier than she had intended.
Rory was so not used to this time zone yet. Grumbling slightly, she pulled her green zip up closer, trying to get warm. Her time zone confusion had caused her to wake up freakishly early that day.... well, freakishly early to her anyway. Decided to walk over by the lake, she spotted a small group of her housemates, and as she got closer, she heard the boy making introductions. Figuring that this would be the perfect time to politely join them, Rory walked up to the group smiling, asking in a friendly voice, "Hey guys, I'm in your house, do you mind if I join you for a bit?"

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