Closed Exploration

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus had met a couple of people from his house. He appreciated that most of them weren't too loud or annoying. They all seemed quite fine. But it had been in his discussion with one of the girls, Andi, that they'd gotten on to the discussion of the forest. Seamus knew from his reading the reasons why the other Hogwarts' forest was forbidden, but he wasn't sure why this one was. As far as he was aware there were no giant spiders in it. There might be some centaurs but nothing else. It was probably just a dense and cool forest. But the girl had been keen to go and Seamus who was looking for any adventure had agreed. Of course he'd also sent a note ot his brother inviting him to come along too. So dressed in dark and hopefully mostly camouflage colours he was waiting for them both. Andi hadn't been that far behind him but Hamish would be travelling all the way down from the top of the school, so they might have to wait a moment for him.
Hamish was in a rush, practically bolting down the stairs. He very nearly tripped and fell, on more than one occasion. He hadn't put too much thought into what he wore, just tossing on a jacket and hurrying down the stairs until he was out of the castle. He was out of breath by the time he met up with Seamus, waving as he came into sight.

Hamish came to a stop by his twin, bending over with his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. "You're doing what?" He asked in rapid Gaelic, not sure he managed to look stern as out of breath as he was. "Isn't this the 'forbidden' forest?" He challenged his brother, glad that whoever else was going on this trip wasn't here yet.
Andi was excited for this adventure. She had gotten into a discussion with a boy in the Common Room, enthusastically encouraging him to join her on a trip to the Forbidden Forest. Andi had tried to convince Doroteya to come as well, but had already challenged the girl to an eat-off at dinner, and, well, Doro definitely won, as anyone would hear by the groanings of the girl upstairs on her bed. Andi was sure that a little adventure would help T feel better, but eventually left her friend to succomb to her stomach fullness pains, and snuck down to the Forest. Even the sneaking would have been more fun with T, but she knew at least this way, she'd be able to lead her friend next time.
Thankful she made it out without being caught, Andi quickly approached the Forest, seeing two figures talking in a different language. "Whoa, is this some sort of, weird magic trick?" She asked the duplicates.
Seamus looked to his brother as he bent over, catching his breath, "Aye but how bad can it be," he replied to him with a roll of his eyes and then spotted Andi. He rolled his eyes at her too, but he didn't mind Andi so far and she'd agreed to this so even better in his books. "He's my twin brother Andi," he told her with a bored tone. "This is Hamish, Hamish this is Andi, she's in my house," Seamus said. He introduced them to each other, and then glanced to the forest. "Right, shall we?" Seamus motioned towards the forest and began walking, he wasn't going to put this off any longer.
Hamish tried to control his temper, blinking incredulously at his brother. "How bad can it be?" He repeated, his mind whirling. He knew he disapproved of this, but he couldn't seem to put together the words to convey this. He was interrupted as a girl appeared, and he nodded at her, barely polite. This entire thing was stupid. Before he could protest, Seamus was moving towards the forest. Hamish stood frozen a moment, his mouth gaping open, before darting after his brother. "Wait for me," he sighed. If Seamus insisted on being an idiot, then Hamish was going to be there with him. He caught up to his brother easily and moved along with him.
Andi grinned and waved at Hamish, even though he had only nodded at her. She wasn't going to let the sour twin ruin the evening! She shoved her hands in her pockets and followed behind the boys, glancing around as the started in the forest. Things all of a sudden were pretty dark, and although they definitely should have bought a torch, there was no way Andi was turning back now. "I mean, it is a pity there aren't any giant spiders in here. I hope we get to meet some creatures. Horses are cool and all, but unicorns, damn, or - what did you call them?? The ones that are half horse and half human??"
Seamus shrugged in agreement, it wasn't going to be that bad, he was sure of it. And he was already he was heading off towards the forest, with both Hamish and Andi close to him. He glanced at her and nodded, "Maybe there are, I mean, all it takes is one student or one professor to bring something and then let it go in the forest," Seamus said. "Centaurs...there are definitely centaurs in the forest," he had heard that this was a thing they had. "There are also thestrals, but unless you've seen death you won't actually be able to see them,"
Hamish looked at his brother a moment, shaking his head. "Remind me not to let you buy anything dangerous," He rolled his eyes. He looked past his brother to the girl. "Andi, right?" He clarified. "Giant spiders might be cool if it was just one, but don't they travel in groups? You're more likely to get eaten than anything else," he clarified, worried. Was she always so eager to do dangerous things? Merlin, he hoped not. She was going to be a terrible influence on Seamus. His twin was reckless enough without her encouraging the behaviour.
Andi nodded her head, remembering the name centaurs now. He seemed to know a lot about the Forest, but Andi was eager to learn more about the place by exploring it, rather than reading about it. "So if you know there are definitely centaurs, do you know where to find them?" Andi asked, before blinking a couple of times at his mention of thestrals. "Wow...that's...dark." She said, letting out a bit of a chuckle. Andi also laughed at Hamish's comment. "Nawh, I won't get eaten. I reckon I could run faster than you, and that's all that matters, right?" She teased. Andi looked around, not being able to see very far. "Anyone got a torch on their phone..or just a torch?" She asked, squinting. She'd never had a phone before, but had seen them with torches on them before. That had to be handy.
Seamus rolled his eyes back at Hamish as he said that he wouldn't buy anything dangerous. Which really, Seamus wasn't going to buy anything dangerous but someone else might. "It's probably pretty deep in, so they have space and don't often run into people," Seamus said, since he didn't know exactly where they would be, and unfortunately with thestrals he wouldn't be seeing them. "Aye right you run faster than him," he countered to Andi. "I could drag hamish with me and still be faster than you. If anyone's getting eaten it's definitely not us," He retorted with a half smirk. He took out his wand, and concentrated a little before saying, "Lumos," and the wand lit up, perhaps not as bright as it could be but it was suddenly easier to see. "You're a witch Andi, no need for phones or torches any more,"
Hamish sighed. They were both reckless, and he was doubting the safety of this plan. "You're assuming there would only be one," he grumbled, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. He nodded as Seamus reminded the girl she was a witch. "You're getting good at that," he complimented his brother, forgetting that he should probably switch to English from Gaelic while they weren't alone.
Andi snorted with laughter when Seamus said they'd both run faster than her. They obviously underestimated her slythery cunning ability. She definitely wasn't going to be the one getting eaten. Andi watched as the boy lit up his wand, grinning as she remembered that she could do the same. Screw phones and torches! She took out her wand, but was distracted instantly by Hamish speaking another language. "Wait, what are you saying?" Andi asked, wondering if they were also Russian like Doro, but the language didn't really sound the same.
Seamus gave a little grin to his brother's compliment and it faded as Andi spoke again. "He was just complimenting my spell casting," Seamus told her. "He's speaking gaelic," he explained but made no move to tell his brother to stop. Just seemingly implying that he would just always translate if necessary. "Which direction should we head?" he asked, they were pressing into the forest, now with two wand lights and it would be good to be sure of where they were heading.
Hamish was unsurprised that the girl didn't understand what they were saying. He wasn't keen to get close to her. He had his work cut out protecting Seamus from his own impulsive, reckless behavior. He couldn't afford to get caught up worrying about some girl, too. He sighed, rolling his eyes and reaching out to pull his brothers sleeve. "This way," He replied in Gaelic, turning them a bit and starting to walk off. He had a little bit of a plan, but it would need to be subtle.
Andi shrugged her shoulders. "I mean it is pretty good." She responded, it taking her a few times before her wand lit up. Andi grinned when her wand shined, proud that she finally got it. "Where does Gaelic come from? Does he not know English?" Andi asked, following the boys so she could focus more on her surroundings. There wasn't too much to see, but what was to be seen was still very cool. Interesting looking plants and mushrooms, a few fireflies zooming around as well. Andi wanted to come back during the day time, but figured it would probably be just as dark then as well. She let the light shine on the floor so she didn't trip over anything as Seamus asked which way, and Hamish responded in Gaelic again, though seemingly knowing the way. "You seem to know your way around Hamish, have you been here before?"
Seamus gave a little smirk, it was an easy spell, "I dunno where it comes from, but we're from Scotland, it's spoken there. He knows english, he just doesn't know you," Seamus replied, he wasn't sure why Hamish wasn't opting to speak in English but he wouldn't going to stop it. He udnerstood perfectly and Andi didn't need to understand really. He was a little surprised and agreed with Andi about if Hamish knew the way, but Seamus was sure Hamish wouldn't go into the forest without he couldn't know his way around here. "He's a ravenclaw, he's just smart like that," Seamus defended as if that was the most obvious answer ever.
Hamish looked sideways at the girl, unsure if he should trust her yet or not. "Where did you meet this girl?" He asked Seamus, looking to his brother. Hamish couldn't really say he had made any friends yet, still uncomfortable with pretty much everyone that wasn't his brother. He didn't really talk to the members of the team. He kept going, turning them slowly towards the way he wanted to go. If they wanted to explore, fine, but they weren't going in deeper. He wanted to get them going almost parallel to the forest line, and hopefully he was being subtle enough that they wouldn't notice.
Andi laughed at Seamus' response, their accents making sense. She wasn't very good with geography, so she didn't know where Scotland was, but they definitely didn't sound like kiwis. "Well, how do you expect to get to know people and make friends if you don't speak to them?" Andi asked aloud, not really asking either specific twin, but she did think it was weird that the boy had chosen not to speak to her. It was rude, but Andi wasn't going to let it put her off. Seamus seemed like a cool dude so far, so there had to be some cool lingering somewhere in Hamish. Andi continued following the boys, snorting a laugh at Seamus' answer again. "Ooooh okay, so that's how you get into Ravenclaw? Know your way around forbidden forestses?"
Seamus rolled his eyes a little at his brother, "She's in my house," he replied before looking at Andi. "He's got me," as if that would make up for any friends he might have but he knew mostly the reason why he was sticking to gaelic over english was probably a little distruct and a little fear. "Maybe they have a view of the forest which makes it easier to then know where to go?" he countered, he didn't think that being in ravenclaw meant he knew how to go through a forest but it was perhaps that he knew a little about it.
Hamish glanced at the girl, knowing Seamus was right. They had each other, so Hamish didn't need anything else. He felt a little better now that they were only walking parallel to the edge of the forest, so they were going along instead of further in. He nodded at Seamus' guess. That sounded logical enough. "The towers have a view, at least," He offered to his brother.

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