Closed Expect The Unexpected

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
During his first few months at university Leif had struggled a bit with the fact that he had to keep his magic hidden, had to watch what he was saying. A lot. Mostly because he was so used to using magic for everyday tasks. Small tasks that just required a simple spell, like a little summoning spell when he couldn't find something. He had still been able to do that in the safety of his own home, sure, but the few magical things he had in there he had to hid well when he had friends coming over. After four years of uni he had gotten completely used to it though. He had found a pleasant balance between muggle and magical like he had been used to way back as a kid in Norway. It helped that he had somehow managed to make some friends along the way that knew exactly what he was going to. Needless to say, he wasn't the only magical kid that had decided on continuing with a muggle education. It took effort to figure out if someone else was magical as well, sure. A lot of guesswork and extremely careful questions but eventually getting that confirmation was always worth it.

After having visited his sister and her boyfriend over the weekend to celebrate their new jobs Leif had decided to pop by one of his friends he hadn't seen in a little while. It was a surprise visit and he wasn't even sure whether she would be home but he had mindlessly travelled to her place and found himself knocking on the door. He thought he heard sounds of someone moving around inside yet it took longer than he thought it would for someone to actually come to the door. "Hey Sav, you home?"
Savannah was going for a master degree in a jurisprudence, and also she was working as a paralegal in a huge company where she had her practice during her bachelor degree studies. It was honestly hard to get it all together, a full-time job, studies, being a young adult and also being a young mom. However, so far, she seemed to be good at multitasking it all, especially with a fact that she often was able to leave her daughter with Sav's sisters when they were in New Zealand, it also was a good challenge. Tho, she had managed to get a bigger apartment in a good place, and also get her daughter into a good kindergarten. So far, Savannah totally enjoyed the life she had.

And this time, she was sitting in front of a computer, trying to analyse the text she had just received while her daughter Sienna was standing in front of a huge mirror, smiling at herself in her new dress. The daughter had said out loud her desire to become a model, and Sav didn't stand in her way, she set it up, letting her daughter get what she wanted. And when she heard a knock on the door, at first Sav didn't react, thinking it was one of her sisters and they knocked just to warn that they were coming in. However, when she didn't hear a door opening, she fastly got up from her seat and grabbed one of the dolls that was on her table and put it back in place. "Sweetheart, please, put your toys back in place, alright? We have a visitor," Sav fastly but sweetly said to her daughter before actually going to open a door. "Leif? What are you doing here?" For a moment she was stressing that she may had left her wand somewhere in a visible place, however, seeing that it was Leif calmed her down. "Glad to see you though," she smiled at him cheerfully, still a bit shocked to see him there and then just took a step forward to give a fast hug. She wasn't the one to hug often but she did it when she hadn't seen her friends for more than a week. "Oh, come in," she let him finally in and heard as something fell in Sienna's room, well, at least it was a confirmation that she was cleaning up. Yet, Savannah suddenly started to think how she would explain that she has a kid, she had never talked about before.
When Leif heard even more noise coming from inside he suddenly started to wonder if maybe Sav already had guests over and he was interrupting something. He had popped by unexpectedly after all. Feeling like it was almost taking too long for the door to open he was about to turn around and just head home instead when he heard the lock click. "Hey." He grinned sheepishly when his friend greeted him before hugging her back. "I was in the neighbourhood, decide to pop by." Leif added with a shrug, glad she at least seemed happy to see him. The small hint of nervousness he recognized when she opened the door was nothing if not relatable to any magical folk hanging out with muggles and he could very well remember often feeling the same when he had opened the door without expecting anyone. "You sure? I mean I could leave if you want, no worries. It kind of sounded like you already have someone over." He said with a small smile when he heard another sound. Standing on the doorstep to his friend's house also made him realize that he hadn't actually been inside Sav's home before. He had been there to drop her off or pick her up, sure, but if the thought about it he couldn't recall ever having been inside.
Savannah easily gave a nod, fastly looked back in to see if everything was fine and so far it seemed like everything really was fine. "Oh, cool, glad you didn't forget about me and actually came to visit me," she chuckled after a light joke and hearing little steps right behind her coming slowly towards them. "Someone over? Oh no, no, I don't have any guests right now," she easily said opening the door a bit more for Leif to actually come in and this was the moment when Sav actually understood that she had absolutely no idea how to explain the little fair head popping out behind her and hugging her leg. She took the little girl in her arms even tho she was really out of the toddler age, the little girl was 4, turning 5 in a few months, and already getting ready to start school in the upcoming fall. Sometimes Sav felt really devastated that her little girl was already getting close to her school years. "Sienna, introduce yourself," woman easily said to her with the free hand lightly going through daughter's hair and putting it in place. She turned to Leif to see his reaction, tho, not able to make the eye-contact. What an amazing advocate she was going to be!
The little girl was literally Savannah's daughter that had never even met her dad, she had heard a lot about him but she never really got to know him, as her mom said, the dad was living as happily as they were. Sienna had her aunts by her side and her uncle too, it was quite enough to make up for the fact that she had never seen any of her mom's friends or anything, and not like she really cared about it. She had better things to worry about, and one of them were that she had accidentally managed to rip her doll's head off while trying to get it out of the toy car that it had been stuck in. So she fastly came to mom to get her to repair it, and even if she heard her mom talking with someone. Sienna still came over, hugged her mom's leg, feeling awkward in front of the stranger and then pulled her hoodie a bit to get the attention. "Mom, mom," she quietly whispered a then frowned when her mom took her in her arms instead of just paying attention but Sienna didn't say more until she was asked to introduce herself. "Hello," she said quietly, blushing, awkwardly smiling and pressing her broken closer to her mom's neck as she hugged it and then hid her face in mom's neck before leaning out and then talking again. "I'm Sienna," she giggled right after talking and then put out her doll to show him what happened with it. "My doll, it's broken," Sienna made a sad face. It was her favorite doll out of all dolls that she had. And of course, not all of the words were perfectly pronounced as she was still a bit struggling with pronounciation, and especially the letter r.
Leif let out a soft laugh when Sav joked about him not forgetting about her. Even if they had become friends while they were both at university that didn't mean him graduating meant they couldn't hang out anymore. Just not at uni all of the time. Which was exactly why he tried his best to just make sure he saw his friends every now and then. "Right." He nodded, a little confused when she said she didn't have anyone over when there was clearly sounds coming from the appartment. Maybe she had a pet he didn't know about? His confusion only grew when a little girl suddenly appeared and Sav picked her up, looking from her to the kid and then back to her again. "Hi." Leif greeted the little girl, surprise clear on his face and the fact that Sav couldn't look him in the eye not beyond his notice. "I'm Leif." He responded to the little girl's introduction, wondering what she would even make of a name like that. With it being a Norwegian name it was hard enough to pronounce for some adults when they didn't pay attention, let alone a kid. "Can I see that?" He smiled at her, holding out his hand in case she'd be willing to hand her doll over to him. At the same time he was trying to get Sav to actually look at him. He wasn't one to jump to conclusions and had gone over multiple possibilities in his head already, but the fact that his friend couldn't seem to look him in the eye almost had to mean something.
Savannah softly watched her daughter interacting with Leif, knowing that he was probably gonna easily find a common language with Sienna, she was friendly, he had studied an educational psychology. And when he asked for Sienna's doll, Sav only quietly whispered to her daughter. "He's not gonna break it more, you can give it to him," she assuringly stroked her daughter's hair and glanced at Leif. "Now, let's don't just stay in the doors, come in," she gestured him to come inside and then leaned down to get him slippers as since she was German, she couldn't get used to the fact that there were people who walked around the house with their shoes. She liked when everything was clean and outside shoes didn't make her flat any cleaner.
When mom's friend said his name, Sienna loudly giggled at it. "Your name really is Leaf?" That's how she heard it and even more, there were not a lot of chances that she could pronounce it any other way. She was still a kid, a really giggly kid who couldn't pronounce Norwegian names for sure. When he asked for her doll, Sienna pressed it closer to her chest. "You're gonna break it even more!" She stated before her mom's words. However, when mom said that he wasn't going to break it, she unsurely handed him the doll. "Don't hurt her, she's my best friend," she sadly said, scared that he will hurt her doll. "Who are you?" She then asked, yes, she remembered that he was Leaf and mom's friend, but who exactly? Maybe a vampire? She really hoped to meet a real vampire and he was kinda pale, a perfect vampire.
Leif laughed when the little girl had managed to change his name into a different word, although he was quite impressed with how close she got to it. "Yep, that's it." He grinned at her, having dealt with far worse things than a kid calling him that. In all honesty, he thought it was pretty funny and didn't have it in him to try and correct a child that cute. Not to mention that it would probably be hopeless to try. "I promise I won't." Leif nodded assuringly when Sav ensured her daughter that he wouldn't be breaking her doll even further before cautiously accepting it when she handed it to him. It took him a couple of seconds of wiggling the head around before it popped back on, proudly holding it back out for Sienna to take. "See? All fixed." He smiled as he stepped inside the house and switched his shoes for the slippers Sav had put out. "I'm a friend." Leif answered when she asked who he was. He had already told her his name so he knew she wasn't after that and there wasn't much more to it he could say. He also knew kids were curious though and that there were plenty more questions to follow if his answers weren't sufficient.

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