Closed Excited to See You

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Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had gone all out for this valentine's day, though it helped that she had found the dress she was wearing over the break. It felt grown up and she was eager to be wearing it. Rosie had been at the hall a while, she had given Xinyi a time to join her, when she'd have done enough work to really merit the break that this would be. But she was eagerly glancing over at the entrance every couple of minutes knowing that he was absolutely moments away from arriving and she wanted to see him just oh so badly.
Xinyi enjoyed going to these things with Rosie, especially now that they'd started going as dates and not in groups. Not that he didn't enjoy spending time with their friends, but he enjoyed having Rosie to himself, too. He hummed as he got ready, letting Rosie just enjoy her work for a while before going down to the ball himself. He found her quickly, walking up and offering out a paper flower for her. "Hello, beautiful," He greeted with an easy smile.
Rosie smiled widely as she spotted xinyi approach, it took all of her might to just stay in place and let him approach her. She looked at the paper flower and blushed deeply. "Hi," she took the flower being offered and easily tucked it behind her ear. She leaned up to give him a kiss on the lips as thanks. She was just so excited and eager for him to be there and for them to have fun.
Xinyi chuckled. "Hey gorgeous,' He returned her kiss, moving to slip his arm around her waist. "Having a good night?" He questioned.
Rosie nodded eagerly. "Yeah, everyone's looking beautiful tonight," she replied excitedly. "You look the best of course," she complimented, but she did think that everyone here looked pretty amazing.
Xinyi chuckled. "I didn't notice," He offered. "I couldn't take my eyes off of you." He smiled warmly. "You're the most beautiful flower here," He flirted lightly.
Rosie blushed deeply. "Xinyi," she said with no bite in her tone. She gave a little smile though, and a little flick of her hair. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "Can we dance?" she asked, reaching to take his hand.
Xinyi smiled and took her hand in his. "Absolutely," He agreed, moving to lead her to the dance floor. "I love dancing with you,"
Rosie giggled softly, but followed him to the dancefloor. She could see Soren and Aurora dancing over another side of the room, but just focused on Xinyi. She was smiling fondly at him. "Thanks," she said softly, though she wasn't even sure what she was thanking him for.
Xinyi smiled. "Hey, question," He gave her an easy smile. "Will you be my valentine?" He asked, teasing her just a little bit as they danced.
Rosie leaned in a little as he asked his question before giggling softly. "Of course," she said, with a wide and eager smile. She knew he was teasing, but she wouldn't ever say no to that question certainly not from Xinyi.
Xinyi smiled brightly. "Perfect," He pulled her in as the dance turned slow, resting his cheek against her hair. "So... Rosie," He started, considering his words. "What are we?" He questioned, curious.
Rosie was a little confused about what he meant. "What do you mean?" she asked, in her mind they were just Xinyi and Rosie, the person she loved in the world most aside from her twin sister. She liked kissing him and stuff, which was not the same love that she held for her sister.
Xinyi smiled softly. "I mean," He pulled back and tried to brush her hair out of her eyes. "Are we a couple? Just friends?" He tried to catch her eye. "Should I ask you to be my girlfriend or are you already?"
Rosie stopped at the question, having never really thought about it. Was she his girlfriend..they had never made it official. She had just never thought it was necessary. "I love you," she said simply in response, and went to take his hand. "I think that makes us a couple,"
Xinyi's heart jumped into his chest. He took a deep breath, biting his lip and leaning in, trying to steal a kiss. "I love you, too," He murmured. "So, we're in agreement then? We're dating and you're my girlfriend?" He asked, just wanting to be sure.
Rosie let him kiss her, and felt so happy at the fact he loved her too. She nodded eagerly. "Yes please," she said, happy to be his girlfriend. "I'm your girlfriend, you're my boyfriend," she said eagerly and giggling softly. She loved him so much.
Xinyi smiled, and hugged her tightly for a moment before pulling back. "Care for another dance?" He asked, his smile fond as he stared at her.
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