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Marcus Malonie

Active Member
Does any one want to become a friend, family member, enemy or girlfriend of Marcus Malonie, please post here and I will make a topic and post the link.

He is a wanna be death eater but can't get in because of some unknown reason and is still got the intent to bring down the ministry.
He can be the cousin of Vicky here who is very ambitions and very sharp tongued. Though she's part of the Ministry she would look down on Marcus for not making it as a Death Eater.
(Wow, you’re getting a lot of women here xD)

I can offer Ylva as s sort of Mentor/Friend. If you wanted him to be a family member to her that would be fine as well, because she has quite a few half brothers and sisters (though she rarely contacts the majority of them)

Ylva is a truly nasty piece of work, and though she doesn’t like anyone much she tends to tolerate people more who have the same view points. She’s a Death-Eater-to-Be (OOC) but eventually that should be settled. Just drop me a line if you’re interested.
yeah all of it sounds great ill get on the topics in a minute would you be able to let me know where you want the topics to be and I will make it straight up.
Same here though a meeting in Bleak Street would be more interesting since he's evil.
How the hell would Marcus be 30?

he'd probably only be about 20... Since he was Bella's boyfriend before!
Maybe if you give me images that are blendable, yeah? :liv:
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