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Braxton Sparkles

stay at home dadda | ex auror
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Unyielding Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Braxton needs a bit of everything.

Braxton is applying to be an Auror. He is quite intense and quiet, but he still needs friends (and everything else)! He graduated from Hogwarts, and was in Gryffindor.

So, let me know if you can help him out.

Love Interest-Girlfriend
Best Friend

And anything else you can think of! Thanks!
I got a Healer, she is Mae Owen. She's 19; Kind, Helpful, Understandable and Unique in her own way (I mean by her own way, she still believe in nargles xD ). She has a sister that works on the ministry and owns a shop at Obsidian. Mae needs love, so, I think that's a LOVE INTEREST.
I have Lindsay Love. She owns the Magical Menagerie and is half Veela. She could be a friend. Her boyfriend died recently and she had a child a month later. The girl needs friends since she is feeling quite alone.
I have Lex, private detective, could be a friend.
The Immolator, Mercenary. Not sure if that would work.
Cocytus Lachance, Death Eater, could've crossed wands.
Damien, Auror, could be a friend.
Crimson Jeffrey Ledger: Serial Killer, enemy?\
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