Lauren Carter

Healing | Me time | Traveling around the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Lauren felt her word crumbeling down. Her father was right about her. She sucked at everything! And now Hogwarts wasn't even nice anymore, nothing was. The blonde had saw the results of the try outs for the Quidditch team hanging and she saw she failed again.. Some other kids made it to beater and she didn't. Lauren was more furious than ever. She runned outside didn't want people to see she was crying. The only thing that would have give her joy would be quidditch. But now she was lost, had no idea what she liked anymore. Lauren felt embarrassed and now she actually started to believe all her parents said of her. She was an failure, nothing good. At her lessons she sucked too she didn't even felt like trying her best. She wanted to break stuff and throw with things. The blonde walked over to the Great Lawn trying to see what she could break but than thought of going to the place where it actually went about. She had to had some fresh air and wiped her tears from her face with her sweater. The blonde walked towards the Quidditch Pitch, the place where she failed at her try out it seemed.

Lauren frowned and walked over to the school broomsticks, she saw some and could grab them. She took one in side of her hand and threw it hard on the ground. Could she break a broom? Lauren didn't knew. Perhaps she could? The blonde took another broom and threw it against a wall from the stands. '' STUPID BROOMS!.'' Lauren yelled angry and kicked with her feet towards some brooms again. It was not that the brooms could do anything about it, but she had to react that anger towards something at least and this seemed more fitting. Otherwise she would start hitting people. And she didn't want that, she didn't want to be like her father.
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It was strange to be back and not be on the Quidditch team. Geo had been since she was in her second year, but since her transfer she’d had to give it up with a few other things too. She’d considered trying out again but since she was focused more on just passing her last year of exams, she figured those younger than her were due to have a go. That didn’t stop her from spending time on the pitch however, and as she walked towards the sheds to find a Quaffle, she recalled the days she’d spent out here with Austin. It was already two years ago that she’d been at school with her boyfriend, something she’d taken for granted of at the time.

The Hufflepuff glanced up when she heard the sound of something cracking up ahead, and confused and a little worried, the former prefect sped up to try and find the source of the noise. When she did find it, she relaxed a little as it wasn’t an injured student at all, although she did she seem upset. The blonde lent against the wall, wondering why this girl was so angry but giving her a moment to finish what she was doing. At least she wasn’t taking it out anyone else and just the brooms that could be fixed. “What did they ever do to deserve that?” She asked sympathetically after a moment, letting the younger girl know she was there.
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Lauren didn't exactly thought a lot of people would walk here. She had been to the first week of lessons, but was already bored of it so decided to stay away. She kicked against the brooms out of anger still and didn't even cared that her feet hurted a bit. Another excuse for a bruise, because now she had to come up with more lies now she didn't could use Quidditch for her bruises. That had been the perfect solution and just something she wanted to do badly. But than she heard someone asking why the brooms deserved that. It didn't even mind because you could fix the brooms for sure again. And that was not her problem. She turned around after throwing one broom again. There were a lot of brooms, she could go on longer if she wanted. '' EVERYTHING!'' Lauren than screamed angry at the girl and looked irritated at her. Why did she care, she didn't need someone right now. She felt her blood boiling and looked around her at the Quidditch Pitch. She wanted to break things badly. It was anger, but it was also a cry for attention perhaps. The only attention she got was negative, so she had to create it herself. '' WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE!?'' Lauren than said while grabbing another broom and threw it hard to the wall.
It didn't take a genius to see that this girl was hurting. Something was causing her to act out in this way and it most certainly wasn't normal. It was actually quite sad to see; Geo had seen others raging in a similar fashion at the orphanage, and it wasn't something the seventh year particularly wanted to remember. It didn't faze Geo at all when the girl was yelling at her. Sure it wasn't fun to hear, but she couldn't just leave a student when she was in this state. Instead, the Hufflepuff had begun walking over to the shards of broom that lay around the room, picking up the pieces and waving her wand over them to reconnect them. There were much worse things this girl could have been destroying, and it wasn't like these brooms couldn't just be fixed. Once back in one piece, Geo lent them back against the wall, so they were ready to be broken again if she felt like that was necessary.

She looked up at the younger Hufflepuff's question, speaking normally and recalling how Professor Pendleton had once calmed her town in the trophy room a few years ago when she too had been at breaking point. "Well, I had been about to have some Quidditch practise" she admitted. Of course she was happy to postpone what she was doing though, there were other things more important to deal with right now. "What are you doing here?" she returned the question, trying to encourage her not to state the obvious. Of course not many people came around this area, but she didn't know why specifically the blonde would want to isolate herself. "Can I help with something?" she offered outright, wanting her to know that she was there to listen even if nothing else. "I'm Geo by the way." she shot the girl a smile to indicate that she wasn't worried about her acts right now.
The anger was there and she didn't actually knew when it would stop. Right now those brooms didn't seemed enough. The girl was coming more closer and Lauren didn't felt like giving attention to her. She threw another broom hard and screamed now. '' WRAAAAAAAH'' Perhaps it sounded stupid from the outside but Lauren wasn't even busy with that. She didn't cared about anything and anyone and what they would think of her. The girl told her she came her for practice and Lauren just continued with what she was doing. The girl was really asking what she was doing. Was it not obvious. Lauren stopped for a moment to turn around this time and looked at the girl angry. '' What does it look like what I'm doing?!'' Lauren than said to the girl. And than she asked if she could help with something. '' YOU CAN HELP ME.. With leaving me alone!'' The girl than said and turned to a broom again. She stopped for a moment thinking and catching her breath for a moment. 'A bit of thinking than went through her mind and than she turned back to the girl. The girl said she would practice for quidditch. She said her name was Geo. Lauren put her hands before her eyes for a moment. Usually she hold back all of her emotions only the anger ones she showed. But she could not hide it this time. Not making it to the Quidditch Team was the drop. The fact her father was right that she was not good for anything or in anything. She only had negative things in her life it seemed right now. The blonde fell on her knee's with her face turned away from the girl Geo. And put her hands before her eyes when starting crying. This was something she hadn't expected. And actually didn't want to do around someone. But she could not go back now.
Geo has never seen anything like it. The girl was still angry as she’d offered to help and it seemed the only thing that was going to make her happy was to leave her in peace with her anger. Unfortunately for the younger girl, Geo wasn’t the type of person to just leave someone while they were in a state like this, and just when she thought the blonde would try and attack her next, Geo was quietly ready to defend herself, the girl instead dropped to the floor and began to cry. The Metamorph frowned, only trying to imagine what on earth had her so upset. Of course everyone struggled at one time or another, and even Geo had been angry in her third year to make a mess in trophy room, but this was different. The seventh year moved slowly across the room, before taking a seat herself beside the student. Geo would usually give out hugs left right and centre but she had a feeling it would only make the girl more uncomfortable, so asides from taking a seat she didn’t push it. “What’s your name?” She asked, wondering if she were in her own house. Geo knew a large proportion of the students at school, but since she’s been away last year she always struggled with the youngest. Hoping that by taking a calmer approach, she could at least get the girl talking to her rationally before she asked again about what had gotten her so upset.

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