Even Angels Have Their Wicked Schemes

Shyne Wolff

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino [main]
Do you look at spiderwebs? Silently thinking of the unknown beauty that everyone turns their nose to. Ever wonder what it's like to be left silently crying? Can never stop? Ever wondered what would happen if all your fears came to life? Ever thought of having to marry your best friend, as an arranged marriage? That's what Shyne always thought about. Marriage Shyne thought. I love Ashe, but not exactly like that. He's like my brother, but I've always had a small crush on him. We're getting MARRIED in a few months. I'm sure if I tell Skander he'll stop it...but its not that easy. Legal documents, lawyers, solicitors, court cases. Shaking out of the train of thought, she observed her surroundings.

Shyne was sitting in an 80's themed coffee shop. It was filled with booths and girls serving on roller-skates. It was slightly frightening Shyne. She wanted the rain to stop but that was very unlikely to happen. Groaning in frustration, Shyne thought about Blane, her twin brother. She hadn't seen him in ages, and it seemed to kill her emotions when they were apart. Shyne flipped open her phone. One New Message;

Hey BBZ, soz I hvnt tlked 2 u in ages. Miss ya sis B xx

Shyne text back saying she missed Blane too and they should meet up, getting a reply...a big fat NO. In frustration, Shyne grabbed the phone and threw it, soon realizing Ashe had got her that phone.
Ashe Wolfram Striffe looked out the glass window, watching the rising storm become angry with the seconds that pass. The fire crackled in the hearth, making the dimly lit room cast flickering shadows. His hands rested in his lap, and so did a brown leather book. Many had tried to talk him out of his decision to go out alone; yet, all of those talks had done nothing but to just annoy his already hurting ears. And here he was now, sitting alone on what look like an old themed coffee shop, trapped because of the large rolling thunder as well as the heavy pouring rain outside.

Just sitting there alone without no one to talk to had actually made him think about the recent happenings in his life. . He was obviously distressed at his supposed to be marriage to his childhood friend, Shyne. He loves her, yes, very much so, but he did not love her romantically. He did not love the girl the way he felt he deserved of a husband. Ashe, only fifteen, was still in his prime, and he wanted freedom, that’s all. Yet, he cannot bring himself to break up his engagement with her; he just wanted her to be safe and happy. No more blood. No more tears. No more suffering for him. When they were younger, she was his best friend. They shared a lot of laughs before; he didn’t really know when they stopped, really. Perhaps they just grew up, perhaps, they grew apart. Or perhaps, it was probably because it was him who had changed. He wasn’t the Ashe that she once knew before, he didn’t smile anymore, at least, not on trivial matters, and he didn’t laugh joyfully as he did before. He became distant, and he surely can’t blame her if she would grow distant as well. Now, she was his fiancée. Aren't they supposed to love each other? Aren't marriages supposed to be… out of affection?There's a brick wall between them. He may be the one building it, but he does not regret a single block.

His train of thought had suddenly stopped when he heard a crash somewhere from around the said area, it wasn’t that loud, but his sensitive hearing was enough to assure him that something did happen. Standing up, he was frozen into place. He didn’t expect to see her there, out of all the people that he would ever meet, why her? Sighing as he had figured that he cannot really just walk out on her now, he approached her silently, his face blank of any emotion in it. He didn’t want to give her any false hope. He didn’t want to hurt her anymore. “Shyne?” He said as he eyed the device that was now lying broken at the floor, it was the one that he gave her before, a dejected look crossed his face though it was instantly gone as he looked back at her. “What are you doing here?”
Shyne moaned slightly when Ashe appeared. She hadn't expected to see him there. "A question, better put by me to you. Your meant to be at school." she retorted. Shyne wasn't in the mood. It was her fathers birthday and he wasn't there with her, like he should've been. "Well?" she asked, with sad depressed eyes.

Shyne thought of the night her father, motor and uncle died, and she branded with a deep remembrance.

"Daddy! Someone's at the door!" a younger Shyne called at her father. As he approached her, they opened the door. As they did, a loud bang exceeded the hall way, and 2 death eaters stood at the Doorway, wands at the ready. "Mr. Wolff...time to die." they said before binding the man. Anita, Ash, Fyre, Blane and Ash Sr rushed in tje hall way, to be met with binds. "Your gonna tell us where the Auror office is, or little one here, gets it!" the death eaters grabbed Shyne and branded her with her scar.

Shyne was snapped out of thought.
A sigh escaped Ashe’s lips as he saw the look on Shyne’s face, surely, she wouldn’t want to see him there as well, for just like him, it seemed as he she didn’t want them to be married the way that their parents do. He didn’t really know why every time they talk, there was an awkward atmosphere between them. He didn’t want to be emotional and all when all of his emotions had been pushed off and had been blocked off already, but he can't help but reminisce. He can see the pain in her emerald eyes when he pushed her away, but she can't see the pain in his. He needed to be a good actor. For her own protection. Speculate what it might have been like if he could tell her everything. He can't help but wonder if I'd made the right choice. He didn’t think that he regrets a single step he had taken, and if he were able to live it again, he would have done it all the same. But he can't help but wonder. He wished there were no more secrets. I wish we could be young again. He wished he didn't have to keep running and hiding from her. But he have to. His family had a grave secret, and he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, even the closest friend that he had.

"Yeah, but I have no classes, so I went out for a bit, there’s nothing wrong with it..” He said flatly as he took the seat across from her. They weren’t like this before, for before, they used to talk so happily to each other, perhaps that was why his mother, and her parents had agreed to marry the two of them. Oh yeah, even his father was included by then. He didn’t really know why his father had became the man that he was now, why he had changed so much as well and had betrayed his mother, why he had replaced her with another woman just because of her wealth. Now that he think of it, perhaps the reason why his father had wanted him to marry Shyne was because of her family’s money as well.

Looking at Shyne once more, he cannot help but wonder how different she was as well. Yes, she’s still beautiful as ever, yet, she wasn’t the happy girl that he had met before. That had all changed after her parents had died. He wanted her to be happy again, to ease her of the pain that she was feeling, he didn’t want her to suffer the same way that he did. He missed that smile of hers, that laugh, her twinkling eyes. He missed them all, and he wanted them back. He remembered her soft giggle when he would grabbed her hand, racing through the woods with her in tow. Where did that go? He remembered the sun, shining brightly, high in the sky. The sun doesn't seem to shine anymore. It's so dark now. He remembered the lake. Their lake. Glittering, clear water. They spent hours by that lake, didn't they? they would arrive – bursting through the leaves and branches, emerging into open light, panting, laughing – they'd sit down. They'd talk. Giggle. Smile. Watch the waves dance in ripples and swirls. That was fun, wasn't it? Even though they'd both end up soaked to the bone. He wished that they could be like that again! So carefree, so untroubled. “So, now answer my question, what are you doing here?”
OOCOut of Character:
I made up something about their past together.. if that would be fine.. :r
Shyne knew by instinct he was thinking of their lake. Yes, she loved him dearly, with all her heart. "None of your flipping business!" she snapped at him, regretting it immediately. Looking at Ashe with depressed yet angry eyes, she stood up."I'm leaving anyway. Hopefully, not coming back." she stood up and slipped on her jacket and looked at Ashe, with a sad glazed eyes.

OOCOut of Character:
Yeah it's fine. Sorry it's rubbish!
How Ashe wished that everything wuld just return back to normal, how he wished that Shyne’s screwed up life would be fine once more. He wouldn’t mind if his own troubles would stay there, if that would mean that Shyne would return to the girl that he had once known before. Sighing once again, his thoughts had gone back to that lake once again. They haven’t gone back there for so long, in fact, they haven’t had a casual conversation again. What had changed? Was it when he parents died? Was it because she had lost everything? Because honestly, she didn’t. He was still there, though it may not look like it, he still cares, he’s still watching over her, though it was not in that romantic way that their parents thought. She was like his little sister, he cares for her deeply, and he loves her as well, as a friend though, that’s that.

Though he himself was not smiling anymore, he wanted Shyne to smile once again. He wanted to hear her laugh, the laugh that could bring laughter to his own lips as well. He was now in the darkness, he need it now to pull her there as well, she didn’t deserve all the pain. She deserve to be happy. He wanted those eyes to twinkle at one more inside joke, one more time – just like they used to. “Where do you think you’re going?” He said albeit a little irritatedly, here she comes again, being her stubborn self, at least, there was still a part of that old her there, gives him hope that she’ll return to the way she was before. “Look, if you want to cancel the engagement, then do so, I don’t like it as well anyway.”
Shyne wanted to cry at his words. He didn't care about her, only himself. "Away from you." she lied, her eyes speaking the truth. How she longed for Ashe to laugh and smile and herself, mess up his hair before splashing him with water. Shyne pouted. But when he said to cancel the engagement, she sighed, pitifully. "It's not that simple, Striffe." her mind thought back to a day when they were in preschool.

It was September, in pre-school obviously. Ashe was small, with blonde hair while Shyne had curly brown hair. "Come on Ashe! Let's play tag!" Shyne begged Ashe, with big eyes. He agreed. As he let her run, Shyne ran into a tall boy, alsobin their year. "Watch it!" he said, pushing the tiny girl to the floor, then roughly pulling her up, and getting some orange juice and pouring it on her scars, wanting some effect but only a small wince came. Ashe had come and pushed the boy to the floor.

Shaking her train of thought off track, she sighed, a small twinkle in her eyes.
No matter how harsh shyne's words had sounded, Ashe tried to show no emotion at all, he tried not to show that he was hurt by what she had said, he wouldn't want to appear weak after all, he had already passed that phase of his life, he's stronger now, and he didn't want to burden anyone anymore, specially Shyne, she's his dearest friend. "Away from me? Fine then, do as you please." He said flatly, she's different from the girl that she used to know, that girl that had always been his little sister, and though he wouldn't really say it out loud, he would give anything just to have the old her back. "It is SIMPLE Shyne, you don't have to force yourself into something that you wouldn't like to do, you're just wasting time." Ashe was actually against the said engagement, they were too young to be married after all, and besides, he didn't like her in the way that a husband would love his wife.

"What had happened to you Shyne?" He then blurted out suddenly without even meaning to do so. He had always wondered what had changed the little sweet girl that he once knew, what had caused her to be this enigmatic girl who was talking to her, it was her, yet not her. She had the same appearance, but still, the sparkle was long gone it seemed.

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