er, yule ball ..

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Stephanie Cramwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
okay .. so I have a first year and she's my major account named Hyacin Campbell. So, she needs a partner for the yule ball . She's cheerful and jolly and just gotten into family problem and moving on. So .. I need</B>
A partner for Hyacin​

and ..

A partner for Stephanie. Stephanie Cramwell is a transferee and hadn't experience yule ball before since she was home-schooled.

Uhm, that's all .. If you are interested please post here. :D thank you ..
i have a second year, maybe third year tom shale. if you look at IZZY shales biography they are tins and behave the exact same way :

Izzy is extremely shy but once you get to know her she opens up and easily lets you into her world of music and fun. She enjoys a few sports but isn't part of any teams and she most definitely can't play quidditch, she would go along and be part of the game by cheering he team on. She can be impressed easily by some compliments that people give her and instantly know a guy that she would have a chance with from a guy who just does things for fun.

her is HER bio personality but they are both the same
I have a second year Ravenclaw Logan Blackwood. He has just broken up with his girl friend so he too will be needing a partner. He is a bookworm really but he is sweet and caring. He is very loyal to his friends and partners. He is basicly and all round nice guy. I could offer him to any of your characters. Which ever you think he will be best suited for
i dot mind i will go with who ever
er , thank you guys ! very thanks .. hmm ..

since you both have second years,it's best if it's for Hyacin's date since Stephanie was too old for them. So I've chosen Izzy's twin for Hyacin. 'cause, he's a slytherin and she's a hufflepuff they could change views.

Izzy - uhm .. maybe it's nice if we could RP first? since it will be their first time to meet. And like Tom will ask Hyacin for the yule ball since it isn't nice to have Hyacin inviting him. Could you start it ? thank you ! :hug:

Laura - Logan is too young for stephanie and she Rped with him already. They could be close friend. Like Stephanie would be a great sister-to-be. If you want to, we could continue RPing with them. they would be great friends.

again, thank you ..
yess sure ill post a like here in a bit just off out :D
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