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Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
As Shaylah is hoping to be in slytherin, she will probably need some enemies. She thinks she's pureblood and is very proud of it so that's one easy way to get on her nerves. She also loves animals so make a comment about them ad she'll hate you straight away.
I have Vicky!!!!!

You know about Vicky, she'll be happy to fight you.

You'd love her in real life, does that say enough Tintin? :p
Aren't they already enemies cos vicky called her a muggleborn so she got annoyed and they started agueing
They are annoyances, it takes more than that to make an enemy of Vicky. If they meet again, you gotta say the right stuff.
Ok will do. Do you wanna start a RP now or shall we wait till tomorrow.
I walked in as soon as I saw 'enemies' - Can't get enough of them - Then I saw 'Slytherin', shrugged, and went for 'evil buddies' instead.
Yeah ok. That sounds cool. We'd have to wait until the holidays though.
what's she like??
right now shes happy and perky... but next year when she starts hogwarts, she's gunna be cold and heartless - a death eater wanna be
They could meet each other befor school and be friends and ten become enemies once they're at hogwarts.
I have a student, she's third year but she's in Slytherin so i was thinking if they can torture students together when she's already sorted. Like a mentor would do. Her name's Lexi and she already tortured some first year and second year students.
Yeah sure. That would be cool.
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