Enemies of the Freak

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Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
Due to her personality (and her family) I plan on Sunako having few friends but plenty of enemies. Sunako is not a social girl so being put in a place even like Drumstrang will make a few people want to kill her.

She has a fascination with poisons and death, she hates people but loves animals and children for some strange reason. She has a sharp tongue meaning that she will tell you what she thinks even if it's going to hurt someone. She takes nothing from anyone but can dish it out if people get on her nerves. What I'm thinking is just some random run ins with people at Drumstrang just to keep Sunako active and intresting :D
I have Veronica who could be enemies with Sunako and it would work out great since they are classmates. Veronica is like a coin with two sides. She can be nice to some while bad do others depending on how she feels like with that person. So yeah...enemies? I'll start a topic once u give me the green light
Love it. They look like they would be in the same year to Veronica could know Sunako as the know it all new girl seeing that I have it that in class Sunako is the one with all the answers.
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