Endless Summer

Colton shook his head and he knew better than to tell her not to call her out on saying the word muggle. It was not the time either. Colton was definitely worried about her, and he was a little glad when the boat started to turn around, and he heard Adrian say that he was off the hook, which he was right now. Colton had to worry about Gabrielle a little more right now. He did not care about the double life. Colton just wanted to get back to shore, and have this all end. Once the boat came to a complete stop, he stood up and he got off the boat, had offered to help Gabrielle out but she insisted on helping herself out of the boat. Colton reached around his head with his hand and rested his hand on the back of his neck. Gabrielle was just so independent, an he hoped that the sea sickness would wear off by now, and he watched as she stumbled and nearly fell. Colton bit his lip and he shook his head. He glanced at Adrian to see him getting out of the boat, but he stumbled a bit getting out but remained standing. Colton then watched Gabrielle go and end up getting sick again. That was a bit longer than usual, and he did not think that it was motion sickness anymore. Maybe it was something else. Colton approached her and saw that it was just getting worse and worse. There was something more than this, and Colton heard what Samantha said. It would be a good idea, if they go to the house and let Colton see what this was. Colton shook his head and he bent down and lifted Gabrielle into his arms. She didn't need to walk right now anyway. Colton glanced over at the others and hoped that they were going to hurry along. Colton wanted to get Gabrielle to a stable place where he could see what was making her sick.
Samantha made sure to hurry off the boat and keep an eye on Colton carefully as he went over and picked up the sickly Gabrielle, she could see that he was very worried about her and to be honest, Samantha was too because she had no idea what was wrong with the poor girl right now. Soon Samantha and the group managed to reach the beach house that she and Allie shared. First thing she noticed was that Allie's car was gone as hers was the only one in the driveway. That allowed her to calm down because she didn't know what her best friend would think about bringing TylerAdrian and a few strangers into the house without notice. Opening the door Samantha grinned once she felt the air conditioned house, it smelled like coffee right now. Motioning for them to follow, well Colton who was carrying Gabrielle she opened up her bedroom door. "You can lay her down in here. If you need anything just let me know okay? Oh-and Colton...I'll keep an eye on your brother for you." Samantha winked, she found it incredibly sweet that he was taking care of her like that she hoped that Gabrielle appreciated him, and all he was doing for her. With a small smile she closed the door and headed downstairs. Colton had it bad and it seemed to be obvious to everyone but Gabrielle, and maybe even Colton himself.
Once Colton was inside the house, he was led to the bedroom. Colton smiled over at Samantha, murmured his thanks before he rested Gabrielle down on the bed. He went over to the door to make sure it was closed before he locked it. They needed their privacy. Colton swiftly got out a vial of a potion, because he had a hunch. He poured it into a glass that he conjured, though when he did this, the lights flickered like crazy because it was magic. He rolled his eyes and he took the cup over to Gabrielle. He murmured, "Here, its mango juice. Figured that it would get the taste out of your mouth at least." Well, Colton did add flavoring to the potion, just in case. He knew that Gabrielle did not like taking potions, but this was necessary. If it was bitter, then they were good. But if it was sweet, that was another story. Colton wondered what he would do if it did in fact taste sweet. He was not ready, and did not think that it would be the best thing right now. But he knew that Gabrielle wanted this one day. But was it too soon? He was feeling something for her, something he did not know or could explain. One would think it was love, but Colton did not want to jump to conclusions. What if she did not feel the same for him? He would be crushed. "I hope that you are going to feel better. After this, let's just go home."
Despite her own protests Colton carried her to the Muggle's house. She didn't like this because she didn't want to seem weak and she didn't want Colton to hurt his back or anything because of her. The room they ended up in wasn't horrible but it still belonged to a Muggle. Her light blue eyes followed her boyfriend as he went to make sure that the door was closed and it was also locked. Gabrielle didn't say anything until she was offered some Mango Juice to wash the taste of vomit from her mouth. He must have known her well to know that she really enjoyed the taste of citrus drinks. Gingerly her hand grasped a hold of the drink where she gave Colton a soft smile and lifted the up to her lips and took a good long drink of the beverage he offered her, it felt good against her throat. However, no matter how sweet it was, she could easily tell that this stuff was not Mango Juice. "Colton this is stuff is way too sweet to be Mango Juice. But thanks, it sort of helped my throat." Gabrielle set the cup aside one of the beside tables before smiled at Colton and leaned against the headboard of the bed. She was trying to think of why she had gotten so sick and if she was going to keep getting sick like this. Her head turned to Colton when he suggested that they go home after this and that he hopes she'll feel better. Since he was a Healer she figured that she should be alright with him there. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she made sure to pull her hair back again as she was starting to feel nauseous again. Which may have been obvious due to her paling face. "As long as you stay here with me, I'm sure I'll be find. I think it's this world in general, it makes me sick. My mother says that Muggles and their world aren't to be trusted." Gabrielle told Colton softly as she wade a few fingers through her hair softly. Her breathing came out evenly as she tried to fight back the feeling that she was feeling.
Colton clasped his hands together and he bit his lip. She said that it was too sweet. She was going to be pissed. Colton slowly rose from where he was sitting. That was a test, and Colton ran both hands through his hair. He thought that there would be no way. But it was possible. It was just something that he could barely process in his mind right now. He started pacing the room. He was worried, not because of himself, but because of her. What would happen to her? Would she want it? She saw through it that it was not mango juice. Colton murmured, "Yeah, it wasn't mango juice, Gabrielle, it was a pregnancy test. And the reason why you are sick right now, is because you are pregnant. You are going to be a mother." Colton went back to the bed and he sat down. His brown eyes were pools of worry. Was she really wanting this? Her face was really pale and he could not help it that he was worried about her. She was sick, and it was his fault in a way. He forgot to protect from this, one time, maybe twice, but it was fate. He was going to be a dad, and he was numb right now. Colton put his hand on her shoulder and he smiled softly down at her, his brown eyes full of affection. "I don't know the muggle world, at all. I was unaware that they existed for the longest time, so I don't really know much about them, or whatnot. I just know that we aren't supposed to use magic around them." Colton shrugged for a moment, before he hoped that he would be able to take care of her. Colton was happy that he had such a great girlfriend. He was the luckiest guy in the world. Adrian was not lucky enough to have found someone as special as someone like her to him. Colton hoped that things were going to go positively. With this news out in the open, things could go either way. What if she wanted nothing more but to leave him and abort the baby? Colton really did not want that, and he did not want to be without Gabrielle in his life.
Gabrielle glanced worriedly at Colton as he started to react over something. He wasn't reacting well to it so she had no reason but to believe that something was very wrong. Baby blue eyes followed him as he paced around the room, it was actually making her feel more sick than she was a moment ago by just watching him go back and forth. When he confirmed that it wasn't Mango juice she was going to ask him what he had given her instead, but more bile rose up from her stomach and she slapped a hand over her mouth and made a light noise of distress. Hurriedly the blonde lifted herself out of the bed, opened the deck door, and allowed her stomach to empty itself over the side of the deck. Where there was luckily bushed and weeds and not something valuable. The sun was beginning to set and the beach would have actually looked pretty of Gabrielle had a moment or two to admire it. Lifting her body from the side she was able to finally let the rest of Colton's words sink in. Once she was sure that she was done getting sick for a little bit longer she brought herself back into the cool house and closed the glass door as well as the screen door. "Colton, I can't really be pregnant. Can I?" A part of her always wanted a baby. But she knew that this could get really serious with her family when this sort of thing did occur, she would leave it from Colton right now though because he already seemed stressed as hell. She carried her body back over to the bed and set herself down on it before her head leaned against the pillow. The cool sheets felt amazing against her body. "I'm sorry you have to take care of me while I'm sick and stuff, I'll make it up to you once I'm feeling better. But-...w-what should we do now? If your sure I'm pregnant I mean." Gabrielle bit her lip. She knew it was his, he was the only guy she had been with this entire time. Fully loyal to him and they did have sex on regular basis these days so it wasn't like it it was an impossible factor. Her hands floated to her stomach where she prodded it softly. Indeed it felt much more firm before and such. How could she have no noticed that before. What did Colton want to do? He didn't look very happy and that sort of bummed Gabrielle out. Sighing softly Gabrielle grabbed the pillow from underneath her and placed it atop her head. So she wouldn't have to look at Colton anymore and feel scared for the both of them. And she was afraid to roll onto her tummy now
Colton really did not know what he was going to do, and he did not know how to feel. He was just rather numb about being a dad, a father. Maybe it was just shock, pure shock that has him into this state. Sure, he knew how it happened, but why was he not more careful? It could really hurt Gabrielle, could it not? Colton watched her jump from the bed and go to the deck to go throw up once more. He smiled a bit, finding it a little funny. With how many times she had thrown up, he wondered what was left in her stomach to empty out anyway. Colton refrained from saying anything, and he hoped that she was back to normal. Once she entered the bedroom, he bit his lip and he nodded, "It is possible. Well, um, you know how the sperm meets with the egg when a male doesn't wear protection..." Colton decided not to bother with finishing that sentence because everyone knew just happened with sexual intercourse. Colton continued to sit on the bed, but once she settled back down into the sheets, Colton decided to lay down as well, his head against another pillow. Colton glanced over at her, and he smiled when she said that she was sorry. What was there to be sorry for? Well, he liked taking care of her. She was the light of his life, and he did not know what he would do if she did not need him. Colton said, "Hey, I am a Healer, and I like taking care of you. Plus, if I ever get sick, you could boss me around like I would you when you were sick." But then he started to wonder. What do they do now that she was pregnant with his child? He knew that Gabrielle wouldn't cheat. She was not the type. Colton glanced down at her stomach, and knew that one of the first things that he had to do was test her to make sure she was pregnant, and to see how far along she was. Her stomach seemed a little firmer. But how long has this been going on? "I am almost sure that you are pregnant. I am a midwife. I know the signs," Colton said, "But I think we need to see how far along you would be, and after that, um, wait a bit, see the gender, and start preparing for a nursery and stuff?" Colton shrugged lightly. But she ended up covering her face with a pillow. He raised an eyebrow. Why was she covering her face? Colton moved a bit, so that he could face her a little more. He used his free hand that was not supporting his body to take the pillow off her face. The numb feeling was starting to melt away. "Belle, come on, let me see your face. I don't want you to hide it from me, besides, the pillow isn't as fun to look at."
Gabrielle half-smirked and playfully rolled her eyes when Colton started to talk about how it was very possible that she was pregnant, then proceeded to give her the whole talk about how a baby is made. "Hm, I know how a baby is made. I just meant like...pregnancy is not a common thing in my family. Usually it kills us." Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders. It felt a little strange admitting to Colton that her family had a fertility problem, but she never really guessed that she would ever have to tell him in the first place. Gabrielle only planned to tell the man that she would marry and try to have children with. Never would she have guessed that someday her and Colton would be having a baby together. Technically he was her doctor so a relationship with him was strange to begin with. But she loved their relationship, by the way she had been feeling around Colton she could probably say to herself that she might possibly love him too. Might. But if she did then it would be wrong and god would she need to knock some sense into herself. He said he liked taking care of her and Gabrielle ran some fingers through her hair lightly, she still didn't like feeling like she was always so weak and needed to be taken care of. He never got sick though so his chances of getting bossed around by her were slim to none. Though if he was sick she would indeed take care of him, she wouldn't even let the poor guy out of bed if he truly was ill. If he was then she would be worried as he never got sick and stuff. When Colton laid down next to her she stared at him softly, why was it everytime he came she felt such intense butterflies in her stomach. But Colton confirmed that he thought she was pregnant because he was a midwife and knew the signs, she forgot that he worked with pregnancy and babies. He spoke about nursery's and stuff as well, this little sentence made Gabrielle sigh lightly. "Are you sure you want to do this though? I have no choice since I refuse to get rid of it and everything. But you don't have to go through with it if you don't want to, you seem..upset about it." Gabrielle said this as plainly as she could manage. It kind of hurt to say but she could see that Colton either seemed upset about it or he was scared. Gabrielle didn't want to force him through anything that he didn't like. Besides she knew how to take care of herself so it wasn't like she didn't know how to survive. she didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to care about her and the fact that she would be having his baby. Even if she knew it was wrong. If her mother could see her now, the way she giggled and smiled when he was around, she would find it disgusting and would probably scold Gabrielle for it. Gabrielle felt Colton move a bit, he also said something. Her hand went to the pillow and she took it off of her face before her cheeks were dusted with a light red color. No one had ever really said such a thing like to her before, and that wasn't even out of the blue. Plus he called her belle, she liked that. Gabrielle sat up and moved so she was leaning over Colton. Where she then proceeded to give him a soft kiss on his lips. "Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you." She kissed his forehead before she leaned down and rubbed her stomach again. Now she wasn't feeling as sick. One thing was for sure and that was that this baby of Colton's sure didn't like French toast as that was what she had eaten today. That along with oranges and kiwi. But this baby would like the fruit, she would make him or her like the fruit. Her blue eyes sparkled as a small smile rose to her lips, was it bad that she was almost..excited for this whole thing to happen?
Colton glanced down and he let out a sigh, "Which is why I am a little worried. But I'll make sure that well, you are taken care of and you will be fine. Your health is the most important thing to me." Colton smiled lightly, but he was still a little worried over being a father one of these days. He did need to know which gender that they were going to be having. Colton did not really think of Gabrielle as his patient since he had only tended to her once, and that was during their first meeting. That was all, and he pictured her as his girlfriend. Colton did not really get the feeling that Gabrielle was at all. He did not even expect Gabrielle and himself to ever get as serious as having a child together. It was a little unreal, but Colton was a little happy over it. It made him wonder what other things could be planned for them along the way. Though Colton's immune system was pretty good to start with, he did not really need anyone taking care of him. He would just brew a potion and there we go, the flu would be gone. Colton glanced over at her and wondered what it was like to actually feel the baby inside, but he did not think on that too much. Most of the women just said that it felt like gaseous bubbles until they were large enough to tell that the baby was indeed formed and ready to come out. Colton nodded and he murmured, "Yeah, because I want to. Well, I never thought about being a father so I don't know how to feel just yet, but I'll tell you one thing though; I am not upset about it at all. If I was, I think you would know about it." Colton smiled softly, but truthfully, he might just be scared about it all because it seemed like a huge deal right now. Their first child. Colton just hoped that the baby would not make her too ill. He did know some potions that might help with supporting the child but he wanted to see how she would be with this one as of right now. Any signs of trouble, he would offer that potion and see if she will take it. Colton did not want to force her to do anything that she did not want to do, even though that one potion was a one time thing. He just needed that to see if she was pregnant. So, Colton would not be doing that again, not anytime soon. Colton saw that her face was dusted with a light hue of red, and he put the pillow on the other side of him. She kissed him on the lips, so he returned the favor sweetly. "Same here," Colton confessed lightly, and he wondered if she was feeling bad right now. He still thought that he should take her back home with him. Perhaps it would be a good time here soon to ask her to permanently move in with him. But that could wait for another day. News as large as this needed some time to die down before another serious thing was asked. He wrapped one of his arms around her so that he could cuddle with her. He kissed her on the cheek before he whispered, "I think it is about time we go home, and out of this muggle environment. I don't really feel that comfortable here, and I don't think you want to be here in a muggle home much longer than I do." He was just uncomfortable being here in a place that he did not know.
Her health was the most important thing to him? Gabrielle bit her lip and glanced out the glass door that lead to the beach as she tried to wane away that this made her worry over Colton too. She knew how he got when he became really worried about her or something and she didn't want him to only focus on her and forget all about his health. "Colton I really don't want you getting too worried about this okay? Remember that your health should come over mine in your books in the first place." Gabrielle ran her fingers over his cheek gently as she tried to soothe him into calming down a little and worried less about her and the baby's safety like he was. Yes both would need some caring for but she wanted him to take of himself too. If he wasn't well enough himself how did he expect to be around her and care for her. She wouldn't allow him to dot hat to himself and if she needed to force him into bed with a cup of tea and force him to relax for a day or two then by god as her witness she would. After her hand stroked Colton's cheek for a moment she cocked the smallest hint of a smile and removed it to let it rest at her side. His skin felt really nice against her hands and she really wished that she could just cuddle with him right now and forget the world. But they did need to head home eventually and make sure that Samantha hasn't killed Adrian for being an idiot. Then again they could probably just forget the second part and go home. Gabrielle was tired and Colton looked tired too. They needed to go home and have a night to themselves before they needed to go back to work and before the news of Gabrielle's pregnancy hit the roof and no one left them alone about it. "Well as long as you are sure. Hm, I find it a little ironic that the day we first met I came to you because I thought I was pregnant. And later I turn up actually pregnant....with your baby." A small sighed of contentment left her lips and she settled her head further into the pillow. Chances were small that Colton would have forgotten their first meeting with one another. She had been so scared that day and she ended up being quite rude to him. Now they were having a baby of their own together and it was just really ironic but cute to her. The thought of being a mother made her happy because she never thought she would have the chance to be one. But she also had a nervous feeling settling deep within her tummy too. Colton returned her kiss and she smiled softly when he agreed with her earlier statement. Colton wrapped one of his arms around Gabrielle and she cuddled him him gently, feeling his lips graze her cheek. Oh how his gestures just gave her butterflies. "Yeah I agree, let's go home. I don't like the Muggle world and as bad as it will probably sound, I'm kind of hungry now." Gabrielle kissed him again and sat up. She would let Colton Apparate her home now if he wanted. Well they would probably end up at his house anyways because Gabrielle spent like eighty-five percent of her free time at his house wit him. They were lovers, best friends, and now soon to be parents. What a story this would end up to be.
With a chuckle, Colton often wondered just how many times that Gabrielle had told him to worry over himself more than her. How could he do that? He really cared about her, and he did not get sick often at all. It was extremely rare for him to even be bothered with getting sick. Gabrielle was just too precious for her own good. Colton gave her a warm smile, and he wondered what would come of them. "I promise I won't over too much, but I will. Hey, my health is perfect. I hardly ever get sick so that is why I worry more about you than myself." Colton knew that he had enough energy to spare when it came down to taking care of people. Heck, he made sure that others had their children delivered safely. He was good at what he did. And he would continue to worry over Gabrielle no matter what she said. Colton wanted to go home, it was in his eyes how he longed for it. Plus, he had to be up early tomorrow. His working schedule was rather hectic, but he had a two hour lunch so it was not that bad really. Though he was always on call because one of his patients could randomly have a baby. That was something that one would have to consider. Colton had a magical coin that would burn hot when he was needed. That was rare though. He just hoped that things with Samantha and Adrian were going to go well right now. He had long forgotten what he had come here for anyway. Now his mind was on Gabrielle. Colton laughed softly when she mentioned that. How ironic it was. If someone said that he was going to have a baby with that blonde woman that was so ticked off and b*tchy, he would not have believed them. Now, he was, and Colton would not have it any other way because he just...felt a lot for her. More than a doctor should over a former patient, but she was a healer now. Things could not have worked out better. Colton nodded, "Yeah, but I think that just means that someone out there has a sense of humor. I really like how things turned out." Colton spoke nothing but the truth, and though he did not like to think of the other man that had done that horrible thing to Gabrielle. Colton heard the magic words, and he kissed her in return, just as eager to get home as she was. Once she sat up, Colton did too. He placed both of his arms around her body, his face nuzzling against her neck. He loved being this close to her. And with a loud CRACK!, they were back at his house, probably going to spend the night together and maybe have a small dinner of their own to celebrate before having to work tomorrow.
Samantha returned downstairs and sighed. Even if Gabrielle was extremely unfriendly and everything, she hoped the poor girl was okay. Plus she was honestly touched by the relationship that Adrian's brother and her shared. "Your brother has it <I>bad." Samantha muttered under her breath as she approached Adrian with a light smile on her face. By this she meant that his brother was obviously head over heels in love with the women. It made honey-blonde envious of the fact that Gabrielle had someone to love her without even trying to. Samantha ran a hand over her sun-kissed skin and glanced around the room. Well she could have kicked the man in the room out of her house at any moment but she figured that he would want to wait for his brother. Plus he sort of behaved himself for the most part. So she was going to suck up her minor dislike for him and try to focus on getting along with the jerk-face. She told Adrian to sit still for a moment before she grabbed a colored back with some clothing in it and headed to the bathroom to change out of her swimsuit and into some comfortable clothing to lounge around in. She retreated from the bathroom in her clothing went over to lock the door and close the blinds. As it was growing dark outside and Allie was probably going to be out most of the night, she didn't want to leave herself open for a burglar attack. Then she headed over to the forest brown colored couch and motioned for Adrian to sit down. "Soo, I vote for a Grilled Cheese and America's Funniest Home Video night." Although she looked like a snotty prep outside of her home, Samantha just liked to chill whole being at home. She hoped that Adrian enjoyed Grilled cheese and AFV, because she was not going to miss her favorite's just for him and his family being here.
Adrian could not resist snorting. Now that he was going by his original name of Adrian, he hopefully would avoid the whole questions thing by Samantha. He really did not feel like going over what he was, why he was living two lives as it was just an escape from the pressures of the wizarding world. He glanced over at Samantha when she said that Colton had it bad. Adrian rolled his eyes, retaining the color of their mint green now. The pure-blood living a muggle life right now did not even notice that the potion had worn off. He nodded at Samantha and he laughed, "Yeah, he sure does, the sucker." Adrian was almost disappointed that he was in love. Colton was in love with a girl that descended from two screwed up families. Adrian thought that what he did was bad, it was nothing compared to what Colton was getting involved in. Adrian was told to sit still, and while she was gone, he just leaned against the wall and he said nothing else. But once she was in comfortable clothing and motioned for him to sit down on the couch, Adrian did just that. Adrian listened to Samantha's vote for tonight, and Adrian turned to her and raised an eyebrow. How did she know what he liked and all? Adrian smiled and he nodded, "Yeah, sounds great! I love both grilled cheese and that show. One of my favorites actually." He patted the couch cushion next to him, hoping that she would come and sit down. She was a cool girl, and had a crush on her, but that was about it. If he could, he would just ask her to be his girlfriend, but he knew that she would say no, so why bother wasting his breath and have it worth the rejection? Adrian ran his fingers through his blonde hair, and turned his eyes to the television. How he wanted to watch that show now, as it was something that always brought some laughter to him.
Samantha was surprised that Adrian liked both Grilled Cheese and America's Funniest Home Videos, he seemed more like one of those classy guys. The ones that were into fancy boats, gambling at casinos, surfing, all into looks and making sure they swallowed nothing that was even close to being a fatty food. But here he was having nearly the same favorites as she had. It was strange but it did make her feel better about being in the same room with him and stuff. Adrian patted the couch cushion next to him and the honey blonde shrugged her thin shoulders before she walked over and sat next to him. Her body sunk into the cushion and she changed the channel to the place where the show usually was. Immediately she recognized the host and an introduction to an interesting clip involving a bat and two boys. A chuckle left Samantha. In a moment she'd get up to fix them some grilled cheese but she would wait until the next commercial. "You know, the fact that you love Grilled Cheese and AFV makes you like ten times cooler than you were before." She chuckled and brushed some of her hair out of her face and behind her shoulders. This wasn't a lie either. Her respects for him grew further than it was before. Her head turned towards him and even though they were in dark, his eyes looked different. They looked green. Taking a bony elbow he softly jabbed Him in the side to get his attention away from the TV. "Dude, why are your eyes green? They were blue before." Her voice held minor confusion but some slight amusement too. Did he wear colored contacts or something weird like that? She didn't peg him as the type to do that.
Adrian did not think of himself as the way he was perceived to be. Sure, sometimes he acted like the world's biggest ass in the world, but then again, it got him more friends somehow. But those that he wanted, he had to really work for, and that was not being an ass. Adrian wondered what it would take to get him to get Samantha to really like him. But he did not know that she liked the same things that he did. Which just made her even more perfect than before. Adrian watched as the television channel was changed to his favorite show, and he watched the first clip, and he laughed softly. Adrian's mint green eyes gazed over to Samantha when she complimented him. "Really? And here I thought I could get no cooler." He laughed softly, and wondered what else this girl liked. "You are pretty cool to like those two things anyway." Adrian smiled softly at her, before turning his eyes to the television once more, focusing more on it now because the show was just hilarious. People getting hit were always the best part. Now too focused into the television, the only thing that distracted him was a jab to his side. Adrian glanced over at Samantha before rubbing his side. At first he looked at her as if she just told him that she had two hands for feet, before it clicked. His potion had worn off! Adrian shrugged lightly, and said, "Trick of the light. Um, be right back." Adrian quickly got up, and he rushed to the bathroom. After finding it, he closed the door and he took another one of his potions. His eyes slowly turned back to blue. Once he washed his hands to make it seem like he used the bathroom, he walked out and sat down on the couch, with his blue eyes again. "What did I miss?"
Samantha raised an eyebrow and snorted softly when Adrian commented that he thought he could get no cooler, her compliment probably inflated his ego a bit. Then he said she was pretty cool to like those two things, this made her blush for a moment before she pulled her knee's up onto the couch and against her chest. She didn't really like being complimented by guys very much, but she decided to play along. "I've always been pretty cool like that I guess. You however have a lot of room to improve? Soo Mr. Hot shot, what other things do you like?" Samantha asked as she smacked him upside the head with a pillow cushion. If he happened to also like comedy movies, macaroni & cheese, and deep sea diving than he was truly a lot cooler than she pictured. Samantha was a girly girl herself but she was very versatile with what she liked. Anything comfortable and what she was used to having while growing up was what she preferred. Summer green eyes flicked over to the TV and a soft laugh escaped Samantha as she watched a montage of cats do silly things. From falling into a trashcan to running into screen doors. Cats were extremely adorable albeit the stupid things they ended up doing often. Perhaps one of these days she would get a pet cat and stuff. Preferably when she got her own place. Right now she was just spending her year off from College with her friends in Florida. In less than a few months she would be headed back to Salem. Sometimes she missed it there but for some reason she thought she liked it here more. Samantha was told that the eye color thing was a trick of the light. Then he left for a moment. When he returned Samantha turned. "Not much, some old lady lost her teeth. I got to say, I like the green color better. They were almost as cool as mine. You hungry?" She shrugged her shoulders and started to brush tanned fingers through her thin brown hair. Her stomach was craving grilled cheese right now and she was willing to make some for Adrian if he wanted some grilled cheese too. Perhaps she'd even be nice enough to share one of her pepsi's.
Adrian glanced over at her, and he scratched the back of his head. Well, it was obvious that he liked swimming, and the things that he liked now. He knew that he had to improve on some things, but she had no idea really. Adrian folded his arms across his lap, before resuming his manlier position on the couch. Adrian snorted a bit as well, just teasing her of course, "Huh, I wonder why I have not noticed then. Well, I like movies, pretty much all of them. I like diving to look at fish so that includes swimming. Um, I like foods, a lot of foods especially American foods. Oh, I love and just love those stupid movies that make fun of things, like other movies." Adrian chuckled as he recalled a few himself, and he felt the pillow hit him upside the head, but he tried to brush it off though. Adrian smirked a bit when those cats were just so funny somehow. He was not really a fan of animals, but they were so funny to watch anyway. Adrian thought that the day he would own a pet was the moment be became a dad, which would like, never happen anyway. Adrian was starting to miss this place more and more, as he thought of returning back to Russia, but he loved the warm beaches. He might just relocate over to just Italy, where he could have the beach anyway. Adrian loves living by the beach, and who could really blame him? Adrian glanced over at Samantha and raised an eyebrow for a moment, before he recalled those fake teeth that old people wore cause they lost their teeth or something. He knew it had to do with muggles, so he just laughed a bit, and he turned to her and he raised an eyebrow. He instead of covering up his lie or anything, he just murmured, "Really? Well, um..." he paused for a moment, realizing what he was about to say, before he shrugged and smirked, "Blue is so much better, because it is normal for blondes to have." Not his shade of green, his was a mint green, while hers seemed more normal than anything. "Yeah, just a bit. Want me to help? But you might not have a kitchen left when I'm done." He playfully winked at her to her response of asking him if he were hungry.
Samantha stared at him with her light colored and gave him a blank stare which mostly meant that she was thinking about something deeply. One thing she was beginning to notice was how Adrian seemed a lot more different when he wasn't around his group of friends or his brother. Right now he seemed really sincere and really, well, normal in her eyes. It gave Samantha less of a reason to hate him and everything and more of a reason to try and give him a second chance that he still probably doesn't deserve. "Ya know what, I like you way much better when your like this. You act normal and a lot nicer when your not around your stupid friends or your brother is seems. You should be yourself more often." Samantha told him was a half-pushed glare. It was a glare either way but it wasn't as harsh and cruel as he was probably used to getting from people. There was one thing for sure and that was that Adrian was very strange and there was something bigger about himself that he wasn't letting the people around here see. Like his real name was Adrian but he pretended it was Tyler. Why? His brother and Gabrielle kept talking about living two lives and how this was dangerous for her to be around Adrian and everything. There was no denying that Samantha wanted answers and in some way, shape, or form she was going to make Adrian tell her everything. Hopefully before she left back for Salem though because her weeks were growing short here, she had like maybe two left? Whether or not she should tell Adrian that was something she hadn't decided. Tell the creep or just leave since w hen he's around his friends it was likely that he wouldn't care anyways. "Are you calling green eyes weird? I have green eyes you dope! I like the green ones, they were almost beautiful...almost." Samantha shrugged her shoulders again and started to get up off the couch. It felt like one of her feet was asleep as well so she had to deal with that yucky tingling feeling. "You can help if you want. It's not technically my kitchen anyways so destroy away." Her legs carried her into the kitchen and she reached into the fridge for some butter and really expensive cheese that she always made Allie buy specifically for her Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.
Adrian did not even realize that he seemed different right now. He did not notice it or realize it actually. He did not know that he acted like an ass when he was around his friends. When he was around his brother, yes, he knew it then because well, Adrian was intimidated by his brother in so many ways. Adrian knew that he was a gorgeous beast, but Colton was no ugly man either. He could get women if he tried. Adrian knew this, and sometimes he worked too hard to keep the woman he wanted. Adrian turned to Samantha when she pointed out the way he was acting. Adrian raised an eyebrow, and he muttered, "Huh, I did not notice that. Guess when I am around people, sometimes I just get carried away." Though the glare that he was receiving was a little unnerving. Adrian swallowed uneasily and he ran his fingers through his hair. It was not that harsh, but it was still there and it bothered him a bit. He was used to other harsher glares, especially from family members. They were some of the worst actually. His family really did not like it when he mentioned anything muggle actually. However, right now he was still hiding the fact that he was a wizard under a muggle identity, something that Samantha would never understand because she was a muggle. Adrian turned his blue eyes to her and he smirked lightly. Adrian shrugged lightly and he said, "They look better on girls than on boys really. Trust me, those that you saw, they were not pretty and they were just a figment of your imagination or a light glare from the television." Adrian was no doubt a full blonde because one could see right through his little act there. Well, not the looking better on girls than on boys, but knowing what she had seen. Adrian stood up from the couch, and then he followed her into the kitchen where she said that he could help out, but chances were, he wasn't going to because he had no idea how to work a stove. There were buttons and stuff, and he was still unfamiliar with some muggle things here. Adrian was a little close to her, and once she had out the equipment to make the grilled cheese, Adrian stared into her eyes for a moment. It was official. He really liked her. Adrian leaned down and softly pecked her on the lips, before he whispered, "Thanks for making grilled cheese." He turned to leave the kitchen, almost dumbfounded at how sweet he acted.
Carried away was an understatement. He was extremely two-faced when it came to being around certain people and she wondered if he even realized that he was doing it. Perhaps he was more self conscious then he wanted to appear and that act he put on was just a cover up of the true feelings he had for himself. "You should act like yourself instead of putting on an act and getting carried away. More people will like you if you do. Trust me cause I would have liked you a lot more when I first met you if you had put on less of an act." Samantha tried to reason with him and his weird behavior with other's that lived around here. Did he act a different way in his home town or was he always just knuckle head like this. He was probably always like this because Gabrielle and Colton seemed a little used to his behaviors and even put him down when they could it seemed. Whatever it was about Adrian that made him feel like he needed to hide himself made the honey blonde in the room very curious about him. Was this guy for real or was he not? A part of her was afraid to know because he was just so cute and it seemed unreal for someone so cute to be such a bad guy and everything. He still even bothered to try and deny the eye thing to her and that made Samantha snort. Did it not ring through his small brain that she knew he was lying already or did he intend to keep up his lying for a little bit longer and make her even more amused with what a dope Adrian was? "I'm not stupid. Face it, blue isn't your natural color. There's nothing to be ashamed about, you need to get better art lying before you lie to me Adrian. One way or another I will figure it out." Lightly she reached out and pinched his cheek. After a second she released his cheek and turned to head away and start on the grilled cheese. She was really hungry and even though she was distracted she was going to push forward. Just as she turned to grab some bread she noticed how close Adrian was to her. Her eyes widened slightly and then he kissed her. It was only a small peck but it was still extremely sweet and it was enough to make Samantha bite her lip and turn off the heat to the oven. Oh what the hell, why not mess around a little before she went back to Salem. It wasn't like she was going to see him again or anything. "Adrian..." Her voice called after him before she followed after him. It wasn't even moments after she did that when she grabbed his wrists and pretty much jumped him to return his kiss with a much heated version of her own.
It was a matter of a fact that Adrian had no idea what he was doing half the time. Perhaps he was truly a blonde anyhow. Well, it was a good thing that he did not try to change his hair color. Just the eyes. Adrian glanced down at what she said, and though he might even consider it, he wondered what the point was. No matter what, Adrian would have a consequence, and he did not want those anyway. They were a pain in his backside. Adrian then heard that she would have liked him a lot more if he had not been acting like a jerk and all. Adrian had falsely assembled a lot of his personality and all, it was hard to even know what his true personality was. "Maybe I should..." muttered Adrian in his native, Russian tongue. She knew that he was Russian now anyway, so that would help put it together on where he was really from. He masked his personality and his accent, there was no telling what else he was masking. Adrian felt Samantha pinch his cheek and then her words clicked in his mind. Perhaps he could really prove her wrong even though she was right, "I'm not wearing contacts, so my eyes can't just magically change colors, Samantha." Adrian wondered if he would have her there, but then again, some muggles were a little smarter than what he bargained for. Adrian needed to be more careful with a certain few of them because some were getting a little too smart for their own good. Adrian was almost to the end of the kitchen when he heard his name. So he stopped and turned around, and then the most amazing thing happened to him. Samantha kissed him. Well, not just that but she practically pounced on him. Adrian was able to keep balance though while never missing a beat to return that heated kiss. Perhaps she had been holding this in for quite some time. Whatever was the case, Adrian was not going to stop it. His arms wrapped around her back, and only pulled her closer as he smiled into the kiss. Things were getting hot in the kitchen and it was not the oven as Adrian allowed his hormones to take full control. He wanted her attention for so long and now he was having it here and now. He had to savor it for as long as he could. Adrian went a little weak at the knees, so he knelt down while he softly pulled from the kiss only to get cool air into his lungs before he kissed those lips once more, only nibbling softly on her lower lip. His right hand held the back of her hand, tangled in the mess of blonde hair. His other hand rested comfortably on her spine close to the shoulder blades. Perhaps they should move into a bedroom, but Adrian did not bother even suggesting this at all.
Samantha was a little surprised that she was here kissing Adrian right now because it seemed like just yesterday that she couldn't stand his guts and she wanted him to be as far away as possible. But seeing the real side of him a little bit more made her more willing to get to know him and be around him. If he had acted like this in the first place there would be a lot less hostility between them perhaps. Or maybe there still would have been because even though their was peace and quiet between them there was still something that unnerved Samantha and told her to watch herself carefully. There was something she still didn't fully trust about Adrian. Perhaps it was that he lied to her about his name and everything, or maybe it was because the things that Gabrielle and Colton said about Adrian that made her uneasy. But right now she was sort of caught up in the fact that she was kissing a really attractive male in the kitchen right now. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to keep doing it but since she knew Allie wouldn't be home for awhile she ignored her conscious for now and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their heated kiss continued and though Samantha thought about maybe moving to somewhere less warm and more private she wasn't in the to interrupt their moment of passion since she probably would get another chance to do this.

Later on...​
Light from the TV in the Living Room caused Samantha's summer green eyes to flick open lazily. America's Funniest Home Video was on the television right now playing a re-run episode as it was just about two in the morning. The living room was completely dark except for that television light and vaguely outside Samantha could see the streetlight shining outside. Next to her on the couch was an unclothed, sleeping, Adrian. Him being unclothed reminded her that she had slept with him previously, not that she could forget by this point anyways. Her body was awful sore. But on top of that her body was also displeased with the fact that she hadn't fed herself any dinner either. She shouldn't have done anything with Adrian. Cute or not he was probably just using her to get a good lay. Well he had her now so she could go back to really wanting nothing to do with him. With a quick movement Samantha moved Adrian from off of her and shoved him into the floor, naked as the day he was born. She also kick off his clothing from the couch and wrapped the blanket around herself before curling up and trying to go back to sleep. This was really stupid of her and she wished that someone would have stopped her before it was too late.
Shame that Adrian was such a heavy sleeper that he did not even stir when Samantha kicked him off of the couch the previous night. But it was not until the morning when the naked Adrian woke up, and he sat up and stretched. One would not think that he woke up early, but it was at least nine in the morning. He glanced down and he noticed that he really needed some clothing on. Adrian did not even think about anything bad about sleeping on the floor either. Adrian found the clothing that he had on from the previous day and slipped then on, before he turned and looked over at Samantha still sleeping on the couch. Adrian bit his lip for a moment, before he thought about leaving for a few minutes. Well, he wanted to make up for not letting her eat last night. He had to do something for her at least. Adrian slipped from the door, and he got into his car and left to go get something quick. Adrian went to the closest restaurant, and got some breakfast for the two of them. He drove back to the house, before he slipped into the living room again. He set out everything and hoped that she liked biscuits. He had every find, from bacon to sausage. It looked more like a feast because he truly had no idea what she liked. Everything was in the kitchen anyhow. Adrian stood by the doorway, and he said, "Samantha, wake up. I have to travel to Russia today, to see about my father's things. Um, want to have breakfast?" Adrian was still here, and that alone might puzzle her.
Samantha woke to hearing her name being said by a familiar voice. Her eyes opened and she managed to catch the rest of the sentence just in time to make her suddenly feel confused. Adrian was still here? Without wasting a moment to even think about it she lifted her body from the couch and wrapped the blanket around herself before a hand flew up to brush away some of her hair away from her face. Then she turned her head towards the blonde haired male who was standing by the doorway and blinked softly. "No thanks, I'm not hungry. I am surprised that you actually stayed instead of leaving me here alone, very..out of character for you." Samantha commented and lifted herself off the couch to walk to the bathroom where she changed herself back into her nightclothes. Today was going to be a lazy indoor day because she was too tired and frankly too sore to do anything that didn't require her to just sit on her butt and relax. For a guy that was a bit of a jerk, Samantha had to admit he was pretty good in bed. But he had to go back to Russia today to see about his father's things. Did that mean he wasn't going to be back to see her at all before she left to go back to Salem. Her body sat back down onto the couch after she grabbed a smaller bottle of orange juice. "How long will you be gone? Not that I care or anything but, in two weeks I'll be heading back to my hometown to start school back up for the Fall Semester." She left out where she was headed back to. A part of Samantha figured this was a one time thing and she wasn't going to have the chance to see one another again. But it wasn't like it was going to matter. Summer flings was all they were and thats the way Samantha preferred it.

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