End of Year Feast

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Cecily Rambolt

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Pure Blood
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Tulip Wood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
"One more year, come and gone," Cecily began, smiling at the sea of shiny faced youth. It always amused her to see the glazed look come to many of their eyes as an adult started speaking. The graduates, those students who were technically no longer hers or the schools charges any longer, were adults now, ready to leave these walls and carve a path for themselves.

"We're proud of you all for trying your best, being good to each," for the most part, she added silently,"and for making every day not a dull one," she laughed. "Congratulations to Slytherin for winning the House Cup this year with four thousand, eight hundred and ninety one points!" She clapped enthusiastically and let the green and silver house banners roll down from the enchanted ceiling, hanging there in silent tribute to a years hard work. "Second place with three thousand eight hundred and forty four points was Gryffindor house, third place with three thousand five hundred fifty six points is Ravenclaw house and in last place but certainly not least with three thousand and sixty one points is Hufflepuff house. Thank you for your excellent work this year."

"Quidditch Cup this year goes to the Ravenclaw team. Way to go! All houses played an amazing set of games this year, entertaining to watch and I cannot wait until next season. I won't keep you all from the excellent food, so let's eat, drink and be merry. To the graduates," she toasted, before resuming her seat.

Suddenly on all the tables the house elfs winked up all of the delicious feast.
Estrella was surprisingly content. Sure, Ravenclaw had come second to last in the House Cup. She wasn't certain what was going to happen when she stepped off the train tonight, she hadn't set herself up for the future and had no idea of her following destination. She didn't know if she had bombed her NEWTs. Despite all these misgivings, she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that everything was going to turn out alright.

She did not cry, but simply listened attentively as the Headmistress spoke. At both of her sides were Lily and Rose, two of her best friends in the world. They were facing the Slytherin table- at Lily's request, of course. The Ravenclaw observed the feast before her with a weak smile. This was possibly her last day at the school; a last day to be with the people she loved, and by Merlin, she was going to enjoy it.
Jaken didn't like the fact that he was leaving the school, but he was thrilled that Slytherin won the house cup on his year of departure. And he was glad that Ravenclaw won the Quidditch cup. After all, he knew some of the players on that team and he liked them, but not nearly as much as he admired their Keeper. Jaken clapped when the banners were released. Green and silver. Jaken chuckled, and knew that this was one great year. Well, the second half of it. The NEWTs left him exhausted but he needed them to be an auror.

He glanced over toward the Ravenclaw table. Smiling broadly, he stood up. Walking over to Estrella, he smiled at her, "Hey there, beautiful." Jaken dusted off his Slytherin robes a bit. He made sure to catch her before they started to eat. With a sideways glance, he looked over to the Staff table, seeing his father get up and leave early. Where to, he did not know. Smirking, he turned back to Estrella, and he inquired sweetly, "Still love me, Estrella? Because my feelings haven't died for you." As if they ever will.
Rose sat nervously beside Estrella. She was hoping that no one would object to a deceased student attending the feast. But if Rose tried hard enough she could almost imagine that she was among the graduates and was having an exciting end of the year feast; which never never attended in life. She felt a momentary pang of sadness as the food arrived and realized that she couldn't eat it. Then she smiled and actually laughed as the excitement infected her. When a boy walked up to speak to Estrella, Rose looked down at the table with a smile on her face.
Lily sat at the table, so ready for the feast to begin. She was done with exams and packed and ready to head to California after the feast was over. She sat next to her roommate and on the other side of her was a ghost. It was a bit odd, but Lily was pretty used to the idea. The only thing was this ghost was Rose -- a girl that had died just before she started at the school.

Looking over at the Slytherins, they were happy to have the House Cup, but she was just as elated to have the Quidditch Cup. Being captain, it was a testament to her leadership skills. She loved to sit so she could see the Slytherins, her boyfriend among them. The only downside of that was seeing a few faces she didn't want to, but if she kept her focus on Blake, she would not have any issues. She smiled as Jaken came over to profess his love to Estrella. Lily knew that Estrella still felt the same about him -- she was her roommate after all -- and was excited to see them back together as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Estrella hadn't gotten the chance to even dish something onto her plate when a familiar voice slipped into her ears. She smiled broadly at Jaken, wondering what had brought him over here. She felt the usual blush rise to her cheeks as he called her beautiful. No matter how long they were together, he would still be able to make the butterflies bounce off the walls of her stomach. Shooting a sheepish grin at Lily and Rose, she turned around on the bench and faced him.

Although she was a little thrown off by the question, Estrella knew the answer. "Of course I do. Always will." Her smile morphed into a wicked smirk. "Even though you snakes cheated to win the cup." She said this good-naturedly, not really caring a whit that her house had been beaten out. Points were just points.
It was somewhat of a mystery of how Aurora had been at the school for two whole years now, she had experienced so much in these past few months, it dawned upon her that her life had really changed for the better. She had better attend what was going to be the End of Year Feast, she had her bags packed for the winter, and she was looking forward to going back home for Christmas, at Tranquility Castle. Professor Merrythought walked into the Great Hall through the back entrance near the staff table, and took her normal seat second from the right-edge. As everyone filed in and Cecily gave her speech, she reflected upon the year rather gladfully, she was looking forward to next year and her new Muggle Studies students. When the food appeared, Aurora smiled and tucked in on some salad.
Jaken greeted Lily, "Hey there, great job on the cup. You guys deserved it." Jaken smiled and said a friendly 'Hello' to the ghost girl, one he had no idea who it was. After all, he wasn't originally from Hogwarts. Jaken's heart thumped loudly in his chest. So she did. But he knew the answer, somehow. "We didn't cheat. As far as I know..." Jaken shrugged, but he was getting off point. He had to ask this question soon, while his father wasn't present or else he wouldn't live beyond this day. Jaken said, "Remember our promise the night of the Yule Ball? That I would be waiting at the end of the road, because of the NEWTs? Well, I'm still here, as promised."

Jaken bent down, onto one knee, and he took her hand in his. "Thing is, I don't want our road in life to end. In fact, I want it to last forever." With one hand, he reached inside his robes and took out a gorgeous ring and he inquired, "Estrella Drage, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Jaken kept that sheepish smile on his face. He was proposing, right in front of everyone, but he only saw him and Estrella right now. That could only mean one thing to him, he was serious about this, and serious about Estrella. He was in love with her.
Andy attempted to look happy. It had been another gruelling year, another trial and tribulation in her mounting set. She looked down the table to where Bruin sat, watching him smile with his house mates but knowing he was disappointed that they hadn't won the house cup or the quidditch cup. For both they had come in second place, good but just not good enough. She had tried her hardest and her best all year and it simply hadn't been enough. This pretty much like her second year she planned on wiping off the calender. She didn't think she would ever get over him and didn't know if she wanted to but she knew that there was no way she was giving her heart so easily in future.

Andromeda swore to herself that from now on she would be a happy singleton playing the field. She would take her pick of the boys who seemed to clamor for her attention and instead of holding out for what her heart wanted, she would simply go with what her ego needed. Next year she would have her OWls, another thoroughly awful year of studying ahead of her. So she planned on having one hell of a summer in the mean time, even with her work experience ahead of her. She looked about the hall at friends she would never see again and wondered what new students the coming year would bring. Andy knew for sure of one thing, what ever happened it would never be boring.
Rose muttered a friendly hello to the boy, but didn't have much time to say anything else. Right before her eyes the boy had just proposed to Estrella. Rose stared expectantly at Estrella.
Estrella was still curious as to why Jaken had chosen right before the feast as the time to profess his love for her. Not that she minded. She could only nod as he asked her if she remembered what he had said the night of the Yule Ball. Of course she remembered. Her smile brightened all the more as she wondered where he was going with this.

The eighteen year old's insides twisted as her love took her hand in his, bending down onto one knee. Her mind was going haywire as he said that he wanted them to last forever. This can't be happening. Estrella could literally feel her jaw dangling as the words rolled out of his mouth, as her eyes fell on the ring. She had not expected this to be happening to her for years and years... or even at all in the foreseeable future. Despite all of the reasons she should say no -that she was Head Girl and had a reputation to uphold, she was eighteen year old, for Merlin's sake- she went with what her heart told her. Throwing herself at Jaken, wrapping her arms around his neck, she responded, if a little too loudly, "YES!"
Lily was about to respond to Jaken when he began to profess his love for Estrella. She smiled, watching the events unfolding before her. Her mouth dropped open as Jaken proposed to her best friend. She couldn't help but tear up as Estrella accepted. They were getting married. It was wonderful! She was so glad for her friend, but a bit sad as well. She knew that this was something that she could not honestly expect to have happen to her. She was the one who was unfaithful to her boyfriend. The thought crossed Lily's mind that she needed to fess up to Blake. She quickly dismissed it, pushing it aside again in hopes that she would find a time over the summer to talk with him about it.

Turning her thoughts back to her friends in front of her, she smiled as she spoke. "Congratulations! I better be invited!" she said, sticking out her tongue at the newly engaged couple.
Jaken almost fell over backward when Estrella jumped on him pretty much. He laughed and made sure he had a good grip on the ring. Last thing he wanted to do was lose it. Jaken was ecstatic. He was getting married! To the love of his life! He was slightly embarrassed though, when she answered quite loudly. But it made him all full of glee anyway. Jaken gazed over at Lily, and he laughed, "Of course you are invited, goofy." He smirked a bit, and he turned his head toward Estrella, "Want me to place the ring on your finger? I'm almost positive it is the left hand." Jaken winked at her. The smile never faded or faltered. His other arm that wasn't holding the ring was wrapped around Estrella's body.
Kat entered the Great Hall and sat down next to her best friend. She listened to the speech from the headmistress which had a sad sort of ring to it. For two of her very dearest friends, no family members, this would be the very last end of the year feast they would ever partake in as students. The thought very nearly brought tears to Kat's eyes, but she pushed through the urge to cry and swallowed back the lump in her throat. She glanced over at Andy and followed her gaze and immediately felt horrible for her friend. The first good thing that had happened to her all year and now he was leaving the school for good. Kat grabbed her best friends hand and squeezed it, reminding her that no matter what happened she was always going to be there.
Alyssa honestly couldn't be more glad that this year was ending for her. This year had more then enough drama to last her a lifetime, and although she used to enjoy it a lot...this year she found herself liking less and less. So it was today that Alyssa made a promise to herself that she should try her best to be a better person next year. She would be in her fourth year, and she was going to make it her best year yet. Turning to Hadan, who had recently become a very good friend to her, she grinned when it was announced that Slytherin had won the house cup. Finally all their hard work in classes paid off.

Alyssa was about to go off and find Theodore to tell him to get his butt over to where she was sitting when she something quite unexpected. A fellow Slytherin had gotten down on his knee and Proposed to Miss Estrella Drage. Immediately the girliness inside her kicked in and she smiled brightly. "Awwwwh!" she gushed before she began to clap loudly for the two, she just hoped someone would join along so she wasn't clapping all by herself.

Excitement had long since conquered Estrella's features when she turned to Rose and Lily, beaming at them. It was a wonder she didn't break out into giggles. Her eyes wide with happiness, she decided that words weren't enough to convey how she was feeling right now. She moved her left arm from around Jaken's neck, holding her hand out to him and smiling at him like there would be no tomorrow.
Jaken made sure he had the ring still, as the jewels glistened in the light, and he slipped it upon the rightful finger. Jaken beamed again, as it was a perfect fit. Thank merlin for Hadan. he thought and chuckled softly. He exclaimed, "I'm getting married to the best girl in the world!" He laughed and he gave Estrella a peck on the cheek. It was a gorgeous scene. He glanced over at the Slytherin table at Hadan and her friend. Both looked entirely happy. Jaken knew that his happiness was far greater though, because it was happening to him.
Andy felt Kat's gentle squeeze and smiled at her. She knew that if anyone understood what she was feeling like at that moment, Kat would try to. Turning her head to the Ravenclaw table to pass a comment on Kat's romance that was going strong and well, Andromeda nearly splurted when she saw Jaken on bended knee infront of Estrella. Her mouth opened in delight and surprise. She could only guess from the delighted yes that her friend announced that he had proposed and Estrella had accepted.

Genuinely thrilled for them, Andy put her fingers into her mouth and whistled loud and hard before clapping loudly.
"Whhhoooaaa, congrats you two" she didn't really care if the professors told her to pipe down, someone was leaving the school happy at least.
Kat followed Andy's gaze over to the Ravenclaw table where her eyes met Sumner's and she gave him a sly little wink and a grin. Then she noticed what everyone else was staring at. Jaken had just proposed to Estrella and from what she could tell the Head Girl had accepted. "Sweet Merlin! That's awesome," Kat exclaimed out loud as she clapped for the happy couple.
Hadan had enjoyed her year thoroughly. Made new friends, had herself a crush on a boy that happened to be very cute and charming, as well as a Ravenclaw. Hadan clapped when they won the house cup. She murmured, "About time..." She laughed softly, her ruby-like eyes gazing over the area. She was expecting it, her cousin to propose. After all, she did help him out on the ring. He suggested purple, and she chose blue. Now looking at the couple, she smiled glad that he chose the right ring, and the right girl. Hadan clapped loudly with her good friend Alyssa, and she shouted, "Congratulations Jaken and Estrella!" She glanced over at Alyssa and she whispered, "Jaken is my cousin, by the way." Hadan was glad he didn't chicken out of it. And now, she was so happy to see her cousin full of joy.
It was a shame that Hufflepuff had come dead last in the house points. Of course she was happy for her brother's house, Slytherin, but she still felt a little bit of sadness hearing her house named in last place. As a House Prefect, Violet felt the responsibility land on her shoulders. I will have to try harder next year, she told herself. Next year was OWL year. Nervously swallowing, Violet tried not to think about it. She'd take it when it came and she'd try her hardest to do her best. It was all she could do.
She was also proud of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, who played spectacularly and far outclassed her team when she'd played. That loss had hurt her at the time, being Captain for that game, but the Ravenclaws had deserved it. As the Slytherins deserved to win the House Cup. Violet simply resolved that Hufflepuff would be in the running for both next year.

Hearing some sort of commotion at the Ravenclaw table, Violet turned to see Estrella Drage, the Head Girl and fellow Sorority sister, being proposed to by her boyfriend, Jaken Styx, Professor Styx's son - although from what she knew, his son was nothing like him, always a good thing. Beaming, Violet turned and smiled down in to her plate. What a nice way to end the year, to have such a deserving couple engaged to be married. It made her earlier disappointment worthwhile, to see such a scene of happiness.
It was with a tinge of sadness that Cyndi entered the Great Hall and sat down for her final end of year feast. She was determined to not cry anymore because she was getting pretty sick of it. She had come to terms with graduating and leaving the castle for good, knowing that now she would be free to pursue her goals. Cyndi clapped politely as the Headmistress congratulated the Slytherins for winning the House Cup and the Ravenclaws for winning the Quidditch cup. Glad I didn't have to wear the shirt today, Cyndi thought and grinned, thinking back to the bet she and Estrella had made.

As the food appeared on the table, Cyndi reached to begin filling her plate. She smiled as she noticed that Jaken and Estrella were speaking with each other. The eighteen year old turned back as one of her fellow Gryffindors as he asked her a question, but her attention was drawn back as she heard Andy begin clapping. Looking up, Cyndi saw that at the Ravenclaw table, Jaken appeared to be down on one knee. Cyndi's jaw dropped and she squealed in delight, jumping up to her feet and joining Andy's clapping. After Estrella accepted, Cyndi yelled across the table "I better be invited to the wedding!!"
Cecily cut into her steak and was just about to eat a nice biteful when she noticed a disturbance. Spattered clapping, loud whistles and cat calls. Oh Merlin, Potter and Harkonnen aren't at it again? she groaned inwardly, setting down her silverware. Green eyes narrowed, scanned the crowd then immediately started watering at the beautiful scene. "Bloody wonderful," she sniffed into her napkin, turning to see that Kalif's seat was empty. Shrugging, she wiped her eyes dry, a silly grin on her face as the Head Girl was proposed to and went back to her meal.

What a way to end the school year.
Professor Arithmos Manteia stood stoically at the end of the Slytherin table, watching over his soon-to-be former charges and smiled inwardly, although his typically stern features did not change. He had arrived at this school all of those years ago and inherited a group of self-indulgent troublemakers and had spent the better part of his time trying to instill a sense of pride and discipline in his house. The process had taken longer than he had originally anticipated, but it was evident that Slytherin was now the dominant house on campus and that the remaining students were now adequately prepared to keep it that way.

Slytherin would always have its challenges, the Sorting Hat would see to that, but it was now established within the culture of Hogwarts New Zealand that while mistakes were inevitable, learning from them was something that needed to be taught. This had been his sole aim when he had agreed to become Head of Slytherin and now it was time for him to depart.

The Slytherin Head had told his students at the beginning of the year about the power of the number seven and that this was the year that the Serpent would rise to supremacy. He had been confident then and was gratified to see that his students had achieved the greatness that he always knew existed within them. He took one final look around the Great Hall, knowing that this was the last time he would look upon these walls and then turned on his heel, striding out of the hall with his black cloak billowing behind him and leaving the entirety of the school in his wake, intent upon leaving his mark on his next and final port of call.
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