End of the Year Feast!

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Alex laughed. 'I thought Harri was always silly'ALex said after he finsihed his roll, playfully obviously. He heard her other comment though and his cheeks hottened up. 'Hey'he said leaning over and giving her a freindly shove, smiling.
Bruin didn't know what to make of being told that he looked sexy given that he had been wearing a dress at the time. Does that mean I make a good looking girl? Regardless, he felt his cheeks begin to warm slightly. "Oh, uh, thanks..." He managed between mouthfuls. "The bunnies certainly helped my cause I think."

Bruin suddenly realized that this was likely to be the last time he saw some of the HS students and he felt a little saddened, having gotten used to having them around. "So, uh, are you looking forward to heading back to Scotland or are you going to miss us?" He asked Nina and Alex.
Alex laughed. 'We're gonna be missed, not miss you'Alex joked though he meant it the other way round.
"It was a joke Bruin," Nina said with a giggle at his reaction. "Tis a shame Sue almost had to kiss those Durms." Nina giggled at this then smiled and mused, "I'm going to miss you crazy natives, some time, we oughta host something were you guys can come over." Nina smiled at Alex then playfully messed up his hair and said, "I think you're right."
Alex smiled.' Yeah, then you can see how nice our weather is comparred to here. It'd be fun'he said after Nina. 'Hey'he said trying to sort his hair from stickign up everywhere. 'I spent ages on that'he joked messing her hair up in return, smiling. 'Wait a minute, what was I right with?'Alex asked confused.
"That sounds cool...I plan on doing some traveling after 7th year...maybe I'll hit Scotland and check out the original Hogwarts." Bruin said, taking another mouthful of food, one that might prevent him from replying for a few minutes. :shifty:
[I get it :p ]

"That we'll be missed instead Alex," Nina said with a giggle as Alex messed up her hair then she ran her fingers through it and said, "You know sometimes I wonder about you." Nina smiled then whispered, "Though you weren't the one to kiss Professor King." Nina giggled at this, she hadn't been there when it happened but she had heard about it.
Alex smiled and shrugged. He didn't quite understand why she had said that though. He looked at her quizically. 'Who did that like?'Alex asked her wondering.

(get what?? :mellow: :blink: )
[He's going to be leaving for a bit to play wii]

"Bruin did," Nina said with a laugh. Nina took another sip of pumpkin juice with a smile.
Alex nearly choked on his food he was eating. Biting his lip he took a glass of water and swallowed it down, fighting back laughter. He continued eating more slowly now.

(how did u get that out of that? )
Harri laughed as both Alex and Nina blushed, "ahh come on guys its nothing to blush about," she said hugging them both.
She listened as they exchanged conversation with Bruin and decided to start eating a little again nibbling away, "Yeah hopefully there will be another TWT that would be pretty awesome!" she said nodding, "Plus we'd get to see you annoying guys again," she joked laughing.
Alex laughed. 'Us? Annoying. You wish. Better rephrase that'Alex said jokingly.
Harri laughed "Okay, Ninas not annoying," she siad grinning at her friend, "Not sure I can say the same about you though..." she joked laughing. "Good food isn't it?" she said, she as absolutely ecstatic that they had won the cup again and she was sure everyone could tell from the silly smile slapped on her face.
Alex just stuck his tongue out at her when she implied he was annoying. 'Ok, ok. Just coz you won the house cup and we didn't does not give you the right to start commenting on the food you've been eating for about 5 minutes'ALex joked smiling.
Harri laughed "Oh I think it does," she said beaming as she began nibbling on some chicken once more, "So back in HS who won last year?" she asked curiously.
Alex smiled. 'I did obviously'Alex said seriously before grinning. 'I actually can't remember. Ow well'he shrugged.
"I actually think Gryffindor did, but you won top points earner for Hufflepuff," Nina grinned at Alex then she softly moved her hair out of her eyes then took another bite of food.
Harri grinned, "So looks like us Gryffindors win everywhere!" she said happily, "Really?! good on you!" she said congratualting Alex, "But I doubt you can beat Bruin here, he's won like every year haven't you?!" she said laughing.
Nina chuckled and said, "I won in our second year but Alex won in first, hopefully Ashley has held up the fort." Nina grinned then said, "I actually think he has, there are so many things with his name on it, it's ridicules." Nina chuckled slightly.
Alex laughed. 'Probably not unless I cheat extra hard'Alex joked on the last part.
Harri smiled, "Whos Ashley?" she asked, she laughed at Alex's comment shaking her head.
"Ashley is one of my friends from Scotland, she was prefect this year, and she is my Quidditch Captian and I think thats about it," Nina chuckled, Ashley did have a lot of things going for her, she was the favourite of there Head of House but next year she would have to give up her prefecture and it would either go to her, Alex or Ferne.
Harri smiled, "Sounds nice," she said nodding. "Bet you can't wait to get back to Scotland!" she said nodding, "I know I can't wait to go back home! To sunny old England," the last part was a joke, but the first wasn't, she was so excited to go home and see Tommy, her dad, James and Luke!
Nina shrugged and said, "To be honest the minute I get to Scotland I'm packing and then I'm going home for a few days do I can get ready to back pack across France." Nina beamed brightly then bit her lip as she glanced over at Alex then she looked back at Harri and said with mock surprise at Harri's joke, "Sunny? England? Well where in England might this be? I don't think I've ever heard though two words used in the same sentence."
"Oh no!" Harri said shaking her head, "That can't be fun," she said laughing at Ninas next comment. "Really? People seem to use it everywhere, where I come from," she said laughing, "Have you never heard? Kent is just the best place to live!" she said grinning, they had recently moved to Kent when her grandparents had died, leaving them a mortgage free house.... whatever a mortage was.
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