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Embarassing HNZ-related moments

Dannie Bennington-Heaton

Active Member
Jun 28, 2009
14 inches, cedar, floo powder
So there's a thread about your HNZ dreams but what about things that happen in everry day life related to HNZ that are embarassing? I know there's some of you on here who are more addicted than me to this site (heck, I'm still a n00b technically). I have a few HNZ related moments. I'll share some if you do!

Chatting this morning with Zach Heaton's RPer, we noticed the Sorting Hat was online. Here is the conversation that followed:
Her: the sorting hat is on!!!
Me: huh?!
Her: ..oh dear. i just got way too excited
Her: go look at the online users!
Her: it's the sorting hat!
Me: *squee*
Her: ..what does that mean, that the sorting hat is on?
Me: ...idk, but it's still exciting
Her: this? this is what happens when you roleplay
Me: not when you role play
Me: just when you role play excessively
Me:and obsessively
Her: sorting hat, please sort us
Her: amen

Another time, I was at rehearsal and one of the girls asked me what I did all day. I looked at her and said "Why, I was role playing all day on a Harry Potter site" "what's role playing?" "Creative writing with a partner" "uhh... okay *runs away*"

My favorite one. I was with my boyfriend and I told him I was finally getting back into RPing after a fairly long hiatus. He goes "Uh, cool?" and asks me what the site is about. I explained to him that it was Hogwarts but it was set in New Zealand. He was confused so i explained it again. Then he asked me about my character (singular) and i asked which one? The mother or the child. And he goes "Your characters a mom? that's weird." I have nevever brought up RP in his presence again unless I was telling him about a funny thread.

So guys, what are all of your embarassing HNZ moments?
I apologize for causing you embarrassment.
Sorting is slated for September the 11[sup]th[/sup] - so that's when it'll open. :) I think things will be done differently this time around, though, so that's why I'm on. Setting some stuff up.
Every time anyone sees me on HNZ they laugh, so yeah, that's embarassing. :lol:
My friends? Hmm. They used to wonder why I went on HNZ.

I passed it off to them as, "That's how I get A's for English."

"You get A's for nearly everything!"

"This is my secret."

To them, HNZ is an elitist society of literacy-improving tutors who will whip you silly till you get A's ... Ahahahaha...
Haha. Funnily enough, that's the excuse I've taken up now whenever my friends ask me why I STILL go on HNZ. I tell them my true life's passion is to become a writer, and HNZ helps me develop my writing skills. Which is actually true. XD

Wow. My embarrassing moment; when I told my friends, and especially my boyfriend, that I was a boy in my 'alternate universe', with a girlfriend and everything. :lol:
And just recently last night, I was telling my boyfriend about a recent plot Lily
OOCOut of Character:
and I had discussed and were planning to put into action soon. He couldn't understand why I enjoyed the romance between Blake and Lily so much, because [apparently] my intensity often makes it sound like online dating. =))

Him: "Do you like Lily Potter?"
Me: "Of course I do! If I didn't, why would I be dating her?"
Him: *silence*
Me: "What's wrong?"
Him: *pause* "Should I be worried about this Lily character?"
Me: *laugh out loud*
Blake, sweetie, that is toooo funny! Especially since we are both girls IRL. =))

My embarrassing moment recently comes from the fact that the other night, I had to go to my mom's house for dinner, and quidditch is going on, and, well, lets just say that I was getting tons of texts and stuff from my Estrella and Violet so that I could keep up with what was going on. And my mom yelled at me for it. Do remember that I am actually old enough to be the mother of many on this site, including Blake. :p
Okay so mine is more recently. As most you know I am like the uber lurk :ph43r: Well, I have been waiting for what seems like ages for the whole Bruin/Andy thing to happen. Well when I read the thread in the forest where they finally become a couple I was sitting on the couch while my mom and sister were watching t.v. and I punched my fist in the air and yelled really loudly, "Heck yes! About friggin time!" They both looked at me like 'WTF?' I turned about 10 shades of red and went back to reading the rest of the RP.
HNZ is like this little novel/magazine/radio broadcast you keep track of, isn't it... Best part - you're in it.
I am constantly calling my friends by the names of character's on's confuses them so much. :D
During Larissa's first year of HNZ, I was so addicted that not only did I start calling Phoebe Libby but I also, when my mum asked me to tell my brother it was dinner time, shouted 'Davmorn'- Larissa's brother's name.
My mum gave me a weird look. I grinned and said, "I have too many brothers." She rolled her eyes at me and continued serving the dinner. I have ONE brother. My only sibling.
haha blake ive had that too, once he kept going on like i was actually going out with darren (Libbys friend) and when i'd tell him the plots of what might happen he just kept staying out because he wouldnt want to talk about it because he thought i was going off with others. rolls eyes.

and beth, lol, i thought i was your sister...
Dearly adopted sister.

Ooh! Another thing is when me and Libby went to see HBP and the young *cringes because I hate saying anything other than the dark lord* Voldemort was on screen, Libby went; "OOH! LOOK, BETH, IT'S LANDON!" Really loudly. In my ear. In a packed cinema.
Ha, I do that all the time. I was sitting in HBP going "naww, it's Landon :wub: ". Watched Little Miss Sunshine the other day and kept thinking "OMG FORD"

Worst thing is, I was watching Public Enemies and I think I was explaining to my best friend about Kingy and Martine. :lol:
David would have probably kicked me if I tried to tell him. =))
I'm constantly talking about HNZ to my family, well mostly Chris and Mum, and then telling them about plots xD Oh the fun I have even though I'm pretty sure they stop listening after I mention HNZ :lol: One my most fun ones was when me and Kaitlyn first discussed about Pat being Kalifs dad, I went downstairs for breakfast and was talking to her, basically I went to her and was like, "So you had an affair with my Herebology Professor. How could you do that to dad?" =)) She asked what did he look like -_-

Then when me and Chris were in Belfast yesterday I heard a song and starting getting all excited about it. The song was Pink - Please don't leave me which reminded me of Andy and Bruin b/c Linda had it in her siggy for a while and I started gushing to Chris about their thread in the forest. And then Harriet's leaving thread because the title was "I forgot to say out loud how beautiful you really are to me"

There are a whole lot more, oh last one. In Belfast we went into HMV and I saw the boxset of the OC, and yeah I started to get all excited and gush about the Bella & Thomas plot threads. Even better GG Season 2 was beside it and I looked at the back and there was a pic of Leighton wearing the dress Bella wore for the Valentines Ball and I gushed more =))

So fun ^_^
Blake Zepline said:
Haha. Funnily enough, that's the excuse I've taken up now whenever my friends ask me why I STILL go on HNZ. I tell them my true life's passion is to become a writer, and HNZ helps me develop my writing skills. Which is actually true. XD
^^ That's what I tell my Mum! :lol:

Once I went to the computer suite during luch time to do a couple of lessons. Two of my friends came with me, and watching open mouthed while I typed a whole potions lesson. They were like
'How do you DO that?!' I excitedly launched into a huge explanation of plots, and about Ari and her friends, and how cool HNZ is. They didn't get it.

Going on HNZ at school is quite embarrasing, because people look at the 'Hogwarts New Zealand' banner at the top of the page, and give you weird looks :p I try to scroll down ASAP.

Another one, was when it was my birthday, in February when we'd just gone back to school, and I was all excited to see my friends and everything. We were having this huge catch up at lunch, and suddenly I got up and said
'Oh wait, I need to reply to my birthday party! It was so nice of Viv, I'll have to throw one for her too!'
And walked out. They were disaproving
'You shouldn't be living your life on the internet!' and everything :lol:
School + HNZ = very embarassing =)) I was always on when I was at school, would explain it to my teachers and people who weren't even my teachers :p

:rofl: One day, near the end of the year, I was sorting out the presentation for the prize giving (which my teacher was too stupid/lazy to do herself <_< ) and I went on HNZ when I was done. The computer was hooked up the over head screen so everyone could see what I was typing so they all said hello and I got everyone online at the time to say hello too xD
I work at a writing center and there is a lot of downtime there, waiting for students to come in. When I'm there, I try to sneak on in between students and the secretary always gives me the wierdest looks when she sees that I'm here on HNZ as she tells me that my next student has arrived :p .

It has become very difficult to watch t.v. and movies now though, as I always think about HNZ when I see one of the character's onscreen. The other day, I was watching an old episode of One Tree Hill with a friend. When she came back in the room and asked what had happened, I said "Well, Kat..." and then stopped suddenly as I realized what had happened. My friend looked thoroughly confused and I turned bright red. And, that isn't the first time that's happened ^_^ .
My embarrassing moment happened tonight when i was talking to my friend.

I was trying to help her with a siggy, and i kept typing in her screen name at the search bar in photobucket... To tell you the truth, i was honestly confused on why i wasn't getting any photo's. i told her i couldn't find any and as soon as i said, "I'm looking up Angela," i realized what i had been doing wrong. She leaned over my shoulder and said, "Um, Nikki, it's Brenda, not Angela.' I was so embarrassed... :)
Lucinda Buckley said:
Watched Little Miss Sunshine the other day and kept thinking "OMG FORD"

Worst thing is, I was watching Public Enemies and I think I was explaining to my best friend about Kingy and Martine. :lol:
:rofl: Zomg. My friends and I IRL have been having an argument about who is hotter out of Ben Barnes [Blake's current playby] and Paul Dano [Ford's]. And even though I do agree Paul is hotter, I am so offended that they all said Ben Barnes is quote: eeww. <_<

As for Public Enemies; I had to stop myself from pointing at the screen and going, "Nicky Poo!" :lol:
off the top of my head I can't think of any embarrassing moments really :r:
suffice it to say though that as I am on way too often and talk about the site non-stop I am practically banned from speaking about it to my family :shy:
Lol. I'm a goofball. I've got two weird moment I can remember xD
One was that the very first time I signed up for HNZ, I filled out my form and all, and like a day later, I got a message from the Sorting Hat saying "I can't work out what house you're in from what you've written!". Mortification.
Another was when I was catching doing all this make-up work and a sent a message saying to the teachers that I could only do Lessons 5-6 'cause I couldn't find the old lessons (even after Nick told me they were in the Lessons Archive). Lo and behold - after sending the message, I realised that the Archive was right there. At the top of the page. Under the very first heading.
Double whammy - Therefore I had to do 24 make-up lessons rather than eight.
-head desk- :cry:
Just went shopping a little while ago, and as soon as I walked in to Morrisons and saw Market Street, all I could think of was Bleak Street. :lawlz: =))

Suffice it to say, I spent most of the shopping trip grinning. :lol:
I think only a select few on here would understand anything behind this; but I have a science teacher who studies about the earth. Especially plants! And his name so happens to be Karl Styx. :tut:

Now being the HNZ freak that I usually am, I immediantly made a connection to him and one of our Professors on here. So on random occasion I end up calling Professor Styx instead of Mr.. I have even been tempted to ask him if has a dark mark.... :lol:
My boyfriend came over yesterday and did not leave for a whole THIRTEEN hours.

I tried to respond to an RP and he just started reading out what I was typing, all melodramatically. I could have killed him.

But then I logged in to MSN and on 'Today' it came up with 'Harry Potter Theme Park To Open In 2010". I got so excited my voice actually broke. =))

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