Embarassing HNZ-related moments

So this is like an oober old memory (as far as HNZ goes....) probably about a year and a half ago and not so much embarrassing as funny :p

As some might remember, back then there used to be huge amounts of Skypage. I would talk to Courtney and Julie almost everyday, and because I hated headphones at that point, my whole family could hear them. For a while they would ask who I was talking too or whatever but after a while of the same answers they just stopped asking. It got so often and whatever that my dad, being the funny guy he is, would come home and call out "Hi Julie" randomly. The funny thing was that later on he kept doing this and more often than not we weren't actually Skyping :p
This is probably very lame, but I found it funny/embarassing. Well, my friend Annalise (Emma-Lily Rose Phoenix, etc) and I have this thing at school where we are trying to find HNZ. We named an old picnic table 'Florean Fortiscue's ice-cream Parlour'. Random, I know. We have been trying to find the Forbidden Forest, but we can only find really small trees.
Yesterday my class went on a bushwalk and, of course, there were lots of trees. After about 40 minutes of walking I suddenly yelled out 'OMG, Annalise! WE FOUND THE FORBIDDEN FOREST!!!'. Then Annalise went 'OH MY GOSH!!! WE'VE FOUND IT!" Then we started jumping up and down squealing. Then I saw someone move out of the corner of my eye and went "A centaur!" It was one of the adults in the group looking at us weirdly. And then I said 'Sorry Professor...' Which earned me a weird look from the whole group.
I got caught using a proxy site to go on HNZ at school... by Sephora/Melita!!! And then we were both on HNZ together and stuff... but everyone was coming up behind us and commenting. Then I was late for English which was actually in the library where we were HNZing... yeah. Oops.

Btw Sephora is a prefect... shhh!!!!

Does all that make sense??? I'm rambling a bit :)
I have a funny one. I live in Florida, right? Well, it's becoming cooler, and you can tell winter is about to roar it's icy head. Anyhoo, in a few of my starting posts I've described the air like it's cool, and wintery and stuff. I didn't realize in places like New Zealand(And Australia) they were starting to get warmer. It slipped my mind that apparently HNZ is about to have a summer break where Christmas holidays usually are. Heh. Anyway, Alexander Fields politely brought it to my attention.
A little embarrassing, but humorous all the same. :shy: :lol:
I guess my mind was still in Florida, all though my character is in New Zealand. Heheh. :D

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