'Ello Dear, how have you been?

Zoe-Hope Weasley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4
Zoe was in England, just visiting some family and being a tourist overall. She had been off the radar for the longest time, and lived in her own little hole in her apartment in New Zealand. She had on a simple t-shirt and jeans, with a white blazer overtop. Europe was beginning to get a little chilly, it was nowhere near the warmth of New Zealand at this time of the year. She hadn't spoke to Maximus in a while, and wondered where exactly the relationship would be going, feeling like it was just at a standstill at that moment. She had strong feelings for him, but right now nothing was happening, as though they lost the spark that they had when they met. At this moment she didn't really have anywhere to go. Zoe was sort of just wandering in the city. She missed London, the last time she was here was a few years ago and right now she was just taking in the culture of the city.
Kat was grateful to have a day off practice. Lila had figured that since they'd worked their arses off for the last few weeks (the end result being everyone was exhausted and several players with injuries) that everyone deserved a few days off. With Chace being at work today the brunette decided to run some errands since she had the time off. Running in and out of several stores for a few hours she'd managed to complete her Christmas shopping for everyone except for her sister and her boyfriend, figuring she'd have plenty of time to get presents for the two of them later.

On her way to the restaurant she'd decided to eat lunch at Kat saw a flash of red hair that looked vaguely familiar. As she got nearer she grinned as she realized just who it was. True to form the former Gryffindor let out a shriek and yelled, "Zoe Hope Weasley! Get your cute arse over here and give me a hug girl!"
Upon hearing someone shriek her name out, Zoe winced and made a face. Immediately, she turned around having recognized the voice that called out her name-her full name at that. She still had the same expression on her face when she lay her eyes on her old friend, Katalina. Her eyes widened with glee, and she opened her arms and jogged towards Kat. "Katalina Vanderhol!" She screamed embracing her school friend in a huge hug. She noticed some passerbys giving them odd looks, but Zoe went back to her Slytherin roots and shot them piercing glares that would make any Slytherin proud.

Zoe let go of her old friend, still in a sort of shock that she saw her for the first time, in what felt like forever. "Kat, how have you been? You're still playing quidditch, right? Oh, I'm just so happy to see you!" She began her long line of chatter, as she usually did when meeting with someone she hadn't seen in a while.
Kat hugged Zoe tightly, having not seen the girl in close to two years. She beamed as the former Slytherin began her long line of questions. "I've been spectacular. Busy, but spectacular nonetheless. I am still playing...still a chaser for the Wasps. It's so good to see you. How've you been? What have you been up to since you graduated," the eighteen year old responded, going into her own line of questioning.
Zoe took a deep breath from the shots of questions, and thought hard of a way to properly answer. The thing was, she hadn't really done anything. "Well, now, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. There are a few opportunities for me in the muggle world." She responded, slowly, wondering if now was a good time to mention that she had a modelling contract in the works. She would never ever let go of her wizarding roots, but wanted to see if she could get anywhere in the non-magical world.
"Muggle world? I guess I figured you go into the ministry for some reason," Kat said a bit baffled by what her friend was telling her. Still the former Gryffindor had to give it to Zoe, not many people with a background like theirs would dare brave the muggle world...a world where magic was considered waving a 'wand' over a hat and pulling out a rabbit. It was gutsy that's for sure and Kat admired her for it. "So what kind of muggle work are you looking into? I'm not really sure how the whole muggle education system works, but don't they have something called college or something like that? Are you going to go to school?" The brunette was curious now, wondering what charms the muggle world held for her friend outside the realm of magic.
Ministry, huh? Not too late for that as a back up. Zoe thought to herself when Kat brought it up. Giving in to her old friends' curiosity, she opened up about what she was looking into. "I'm not exactly sure how it works either, I'm still trying to figure out their way of living myself. What I do know is that they go through regular schooling, and then college is optional. I won't be going through school again, I'm done with that!" She exclaimed. Out of nervousness, Zoe started to fiddle with her hair. The field she was going into was something not really looked upon as a career, and she knew it wouldn't be something she would do for the rest of her life. "Well, I'm keeping this a bit quiet, but I'm trying to get into modelling. It's not something set, I was just curious to try it out." She said, blushing.
Kat chuckled a bit as Zoe said she was done with school for good. "I don't much blame you. I don't see how muggles do it. First they get done with regular school and then they want to go back for several more years...it's mental," she said wrinkling her nose just a little bit. The brunette listened intently as her old school friend told her what she was looking into. Her blue eyes went bright as she said, "That's brilliant! You would be awesome at that. I mean you're absolutely gorgeous." And she's really thin too...she's got a perfect body for it. Must be nice she thought to herself as she thought about how much she needed to work on her own body again...she'd really let herself go lately. Shaking all that from her mind for the moment she asked, "So how does that work exactly?"
Zoe blushed, and her freckles connected to make her whole face red. "Thanks, well it's a tough industry." She said, putting her hair up in a ponytail. She wasn't sure how it was going to work out. In all honesty, Zoe didn' t trust her agent, Tori. Straight from the moment she met her on the street in New York, there was an aroma around her, that was completely negative and she didn't like. However, this was something she wanted, and if she did end up in a rut, there were a few ways out...

She shook her head out of the clouds, and answered her schoolfriends' question. She began to bite her nails, trying to figure out everything that Tori had told her about the Fashion Industry. "Well, to be honest, all I do is wait for my agent to call me with shoots, or when I'm needed on the runway. I haven't walked yet, but I've done a few shoots for some muggle clothing companies. It's really competetive, and girls are really harsh with each other." Zoe said, though she was able to hold her own, it was difficult when it was so many girls telling each other they're not good enough. Getting a warm smile on her face, she looked back at Kat, "Are you living here, in London? When is your next game, I've got to come and watch!"
Kat's face wrinkled up when she heard Zoe talk about how tough the modeling world was. After hearing that she knew that she'd never make it in the type of work because she'd more than likely tell a b1tch where to stuff it. When asked if she was living here the brunette nodded and replied, "Yeah, Chace and I have a flat just outside of town. You should stop by later this week if you have time. We'd both love to have you over for dinner." Grinning she added, "I actually have a game in two days. If you'd like I can get you tickets and a pass to come and meet the team."
Zoe's eyebrows rose suspiciously when Katalina mentioned that she had a flat with Chace close to town. She bit her lip, and smiled, "So, how are you two getting along?" She teased, making puckering up her lips and making immature kissy noises. Nowadays, she had to be so professional, she never got to be her fun, childish self. "The tickets and pass would be great!" She exclaimed, making a few more kissy noises, teasing her old friend. She was happy for Kat, that she was still with Chace. Zoe hadn't spoken to Maximus in a while now, and she wasn't sure how they were going. She still had strong feelings for him, their futures just weren't blending well together and it worried her.

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