Election Candidate Searching for Staff

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Ahmad Khalid

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Well, I'm searching for staff to assist Ahmad in his election. He has been selected a running candidate and I intend to do my best to get him on top, and for that, he needs staff. :)

Here's a little information about him;

Information About his Motivation for Running said:
Seeing the Minister of Magic resign, this was a chance for Ahmad to to run for the Minister of Magic position. Run by the motivation to provide justice to all the people of NZ, to provide the best services to NZ, and to have everything to run in order at NZ, and many other reasons, Ahmad wants to take full advantage of being the Minister of Magic to benefit everyone in positive ways.
<COLOR color="#2F4F4F">

I am looking for 5-8 people to help Ahmad with his election process. What will the roles be?


- Advising Committee (2-3 People, preferably experienced individuals)
--- To advise Ahmad in any manner possible, such as location for speeches, etc.
- Speech Committee (2-3 People, preferbally good speech writers)
--- People in this group WILL NOT, I repeat, WILL NOT, be writing the speeches. I will needs help with the speeches, as in ideas, what to include, etc. I MYSELF will be writing the speeches.
- Graphics Committee (1-2 People)
--- I am not in need for this as I can create graphics very easily, but it would be helpful if I have 1-2 people helping me.

Employee Payment

Of course you won't be doing this for free, people in the committee WILL be paid, depending on how much work was done. For example, if a committee of 2 advise well in writing the speeches with Ahmad, they may get 50-100 Galleons each, depending on how much they helped.

Rules for Joining a Committee:

- You MUST share views as Ahmad does.
- You MUST NOT be part of any other candidates committee.
- You MUST meet all deadlines when an assignment is given.
- You MUST be a minimum of 18 years of age (IC) to join.

well i'm offering both jordan and dahlana nasr lana from dubia and is currently a professor at bb. jordan from india they met by their father. i,m gonna set his bio but i'm offering him up for you
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