Eating Breakfast

"This isn't what it looks like, then," said Athene, rolling her eyes. She vaguely remembered the prefect, but couldn't remember his name. Not that she cared. She really hated Prefects.
"Excuse me"she said to Athene and then turned to face the prefect."It was just that I was passing from here and she wasnt sitting properly and her ankle banged with me or something and she started blaming it all to me"she said coldly
Athene glared at her, "You would have to be completely mad to believe that. There is at least a six foot space between the Slytherin and Ravenclaw table. And as much as I'd like to say otherwise, you are not so fat that you can't walk it without banging into me. Anyway, even if the the gap weren't so huge, your story still wouldn't be plausible, because Perthros don't slouch," she added matter-of-factly, and suddenly had a childish urge to stick her tongue out, but suppressed it.
"Its the prefect who is to decide"she said flatly.Pethro's? what does this girl think she is.The queen of the school or something.Everyone was right about her.kasey thought
"Well then, lets hope that he's more intelligent than you," Athene sneered, her eyes flashing dangerously. She turned to look at the Prefect to hear his verdict, confident that she was in the right.
"Personally, I think you're both a little lacking in the intelligence department if you think I'm going to come over here and make some kind of ruling on who was right and who was wrong when I didn't see what happened.", Bruin replied simply. "I just came over to make sure that it didn't escalate any further."

Bruin paused for a moment, looked to ensure that nobody was otherwise injured and that no wands were drawn before continuing. "Seeing as nobody's hurt and that the only thing that appears to be wrong is with your mouths, perhaps you could go back to using them for eating so the rest of us can enjoy our breakfast." Bruin didn't really enjoy this aspect of being a Prefect, but realized from personal experience just how quickly petty squabbles could escalate into something more serious, especially when girls from Slytherin were involved.

Bruin wanted to go back to eating, but decided he would wait until the Ravenclaw girl either headed back to her table or left the Great Hall before he would consider the situation over. Perthro might not slouch, but she could still use a little work on her manners, he thought to himself as he stood there waiting to see how the girls might react.
Kasey walked there without another word hoping she could have argued with Athene somewhere else where she could stun her and not in the great hall.
Athene found herself hissing curses under her breath in Parseltongue as the Ravenclaw girl left. Boy was she mad. With an angry glance at the Prefect, she turned and stormed back to her breakfast, already plotting ways to get the girl back in her mind.
Bruin watched as the Ravenclaw girl left and the Slytherin girl returned to her meal, but not before giving him a dirty look. "Isn't it hard to eat with your face all twisted up like that?", Bruin asked the girl, not really expecting an answer as he turned to head back to his breakfast.

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