Closed Early Winter Sunsets

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader had been keeping the things with Goku fairly under wraps though of course Ava knew about it, he hadn’t explicitly mentioned the boy to anyone else when asked if there was anyone that he liked. He just didn’t want to force anything before he was ready and he didn’t want him to be outed either. But, the disappointment that they wouldn’t be able to patrol together had been real. It would’ve been such perfect time to just hang out in piece. Really the problem was, while Vader wanted to take it slowly, he also really badly just wanted to date Goku. He really wanted to hold his hand in public, he wanted to press light kisses to his cheeks and lips. He wanted to lean into the boy’s touch. He’d sent the boy a note, an invitation to come and take a few pictures with him, it was just before the sunset -which blessedly during the winter was never that late, and he knew it would just be nice to see him and spend time with him. It would be peaceful and they would be largely alone. Now he just had to hope the boy turned up, vader had to admit a small part of him feared that Goku had moved on.
As private as Jigoku Arai was, he had not told anyone about Vader Hume, nor his revolving feelings around the common prefect. Goku always felt comfortable in his sexuality, but he also understood how some others needed time to get comfortable with it, so that was why Goku was not impatient about Vader. He really liked him, and would be as patient as he needed to be. Goku was pleased to have received the note from Vader, wanting to spend some time and take pictures. Of course, the prefect would come along. He brushed his blue hair so that it was tidy, before walking to the area to which he was expected. The sunset was beautiful, and even Goku had to admit, this was fairly romantic. He walked over to where Vader waited for him, and a subtle smile graced his lips. "Vader," greeted the Slytherin as he approached him. The big question was, would they only be taking pictures? As patient as Goku was, he still had wants, and a gentle touch of the hand or a kiss would satisfy him. But, the Slytherin was not selfish.
Vader had begun to think Goku would never turn up, perhaps his own nerves had a role in this fear. He was therefore relieved and had a visible relieved expression as he spotted Goku. Vader blushed deeply as the slytherin greeted him, and after a moment’s hesitation Vader reached out and very lightly took Goku’s hand. He let his gaze linger on their hands for a moment before he looked back up at Goku, ”Hey,” he greeted. He let himself just take in the other boy, the blue hair, the way he was looking at him. ”Thanks for coming,” Vader said, though he cursed himself for how lame that sounded. He let go of Goku’s hand and returned it to the camera in front of him. ”So...erm...I wondered,” he wasn’t really holding Goku’s gaze and the blush was deep on his cheeks, ”Do you want to go to the yuleball with me?” he asked, he knew they weren’t particularly open with the rest of the school, and this would bring them somewhat into the open, but Vader wanted to go with someone he really liked, and he knew he needed to start allowing himself to live openly. ”I have an accio intern who can do most of the work, and I don’t want to hide,” he explained, his tone indicating he had more reasons ready but he stopped himself from rambling and just waited for a response.
The small touch of the hand made Goku smile, even just a faint appearance of a blush. "I would not say no for spending time with you," Goku admitted softly. He had a weakness and it was very apparent for the Slytherin prefect. If there was an award for the cheesiest people, it would likely go to the two of them. Goku let out a silent sigh as Vader released his hand. Well, a few moments was better than none at all. He expected Vader to talk about school, training, literally anything which Goku was prepared for. He did not prepare for Vader to ask him to the Yule Ball. Of course, Goku answered without even thinking, "Yes, of course." It made a little but more sense when Vader explained why, and how he had an intern now. He could understand why Vader did not want to hide. He did not want Vader to hide either. The prefect asked, "Are you sure though? I really don't want you to be uncomfortable. I know you don't want to hide, but you shouldn't try pushing it either." Goku was more than willing to go with Vader. Though, he wanted to be the one to ask Vader to the Yule Ball when he was comfortable. So, this was really surprising.
Vader always thought that his blush around Goku was the deepest of reds and seemingly didn’t fade for days. He knew now of course why he felt this way towards Goku and had never felt it towards anyone else. But, it was just always nice to feel it. He asked him to the yuleball, because it just felt right in Vader’s mind. They were flirting and dancing around each other, and it had been almost a year since he’d come out to Ava, and in that time, he had come out to his family and maybe a couple of others, but he wanted to be completely out. He knew he would probably find it hard and he would shy away a little, but if he didn’t take that step, then he was somewhat worried he would never. ”I’m sure,” he said with a nod, always so grateful for the patience Goku showed him. He tentatively reached out and held out his hand to Goku, ”I won’t promise that I’ll not be nervous or that I’ll be entirely able to kiss you like other couples would at something like it, but I’m ready for us,” He assured him. He might not be ready for all of it, all of the time, but he was all in on this. With Goku, he just wanted to be able to do it. To have what everyone else already had.

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